It's a been a week. Hell yeah, a horrible week it had been for a holiday.
To start it off, I have spent the last few days completing homework without much rest and entertianment. Which is probably I see it fit to relax now(after completing all my homework, of course)
To start if off, this Wednesday, I went out with Johnston and Emelia to check out the "Da Vinci" Exhibtion. I will not write much detail right now as I'm waiting for Emelia to post the pictures on her blog. If by end of next week, the pictures are not up, then I will write in words on how was the exhibition.
Moving on, I am supposed to start off this post with a happy tone, having finally cleared my homework for this week, I was going to relax when my mother gave me work to do. =.= How great to spoil one's mood in an instant.
My life is so depressing and my step-mother is so not good at giving people work(which makes life a lot harder around here)
I mean, how am I suppose to complete that task with close to no information at all. She did not give me her expectations, what she wants to see in the end-porduct...just nothing. It's like she just want me to do something for the sake of doing something(Grr....)
Am I even taken seriously around here? Seriously...
Closer to school matters, I have decided to go for the Prom Night which will be held at the end of this year. Despite the various shortcomings of the management team in our school(which I have covered in previous posts), I decided it may one of those last chances to have a gathering for my class and school(not that I really want it in the first place but I wish to give them face, :p)
I think it's pretty well confirmed(I sort of infered), I have done okay or well for my Chemistry SPA. Not bad, that leaves Physics SPA. It's hard to know when you do not even see the teacher once since school closed.
And that reminds me, do you know that in-line with the Swine Flu outbreak, there is a chance that schools will be closed nationwide for 2 weeks? That would be distratious for us, being graduating students. We can't afford to miss school! Unless, of course, they decide to moderate the examinations accordingly. LOLs!
There are so many things to tell you guys but those are too personal, so I guess that's all folks! Until next week then!
1 month ago
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