Pitch Perfect 2

Friday, May 15, 2015
Secret War Journal[14 May 2015][Spoiler Alert]
There are really a lot of movies to catch this season. Continuing down my invisible movie bucket list, we are going to catch the much anticipated Pitch Perfect 2.

To be frank, before last week, this movie was not on my list. (I am sorry to all the fans out there. It was not intentional.) I was informed of its greatness when my cousin went for its sneak preview. She gave good reviews on it. Naturally, I am all psyched to watch it. :P

Ever since then, I had been finding opportunities to watch it. Indeed, one day, the opportunity came. During a lunch catch up session with Cynthia, Jie Sheng and Wei Ting, we decided to head over to Seletar Mall for a movie. Jie Sheng, who also wanted to watch Pitch Perfect 2 too, was agreeable to the idea of watching it.

Bear with me here, I did not watch Pitch Perfect 1. (I was told I did not need to really watch the first one. I was not misled. :) As a result, I cannot say I can fully grasp the meaning behind every scenes. What I do know is that, this is definitely not a movie suitable for children. At least I would not recommend to children. There are many mature (, sexist, and racist) jokes which I felt would not be appropriate for them to watch.

(I went to check again, it is rated PG-13 for sexual reference. Wow)

That aside, the performances were really good. I mean really good. No wonder people were recommending this. As strange as it may sound, I actually felt that Das Sound Machine performed better than the Bellas. I mean, yes, I see the value of having an 'original' song among the mashup but I think most people would frown about that in A cappella (or am I wrong?). The performance by Das Sound Machine was really more solid, professional and impressive. They really felt professional while the Bellas looked like they were just performing for a CCA (which they both literally are, I guess that was meant to be the joke). Hence, I was really confused how the Bellas managed to win Das Sound Machine in the finals. *Scratches head*

But that is just me thinking too much. :P

Avengers 2: Age of Ultron

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Secret War Journal[12 May 2015][Spoiler Alert]
I seldom watch a movie twice in the cinema. I would think that I would watch the movie a second time in the cinema because it was really awesome. Nay, we all know that that is unlikely. You can always wait for the DVD to starting selling to rewatch. There shouldn't be any rush right? I will get back to you on this when I find myself in this situation.

Rather, I found myself watching Avengers twice, not because it was nice but because Avengers is too popular. Hahas. The first was for Mother's Day, the second was an outing that was planned quite some time ago. Since it was planned some time ago for Avengers, it is not very appropriate to change the movie that we planned to watch, isn't it? (Obligations)

I am sure that by now, you have had heard or read many reviews about Age of Ultron.

I must admit that this sequel failed to meet expectations. However, whatever its faults, it was still a decent movie. It is not a movie that deserves to be watched twice but it is definitely worth the movie ticket to watch it for entertainment.

My biggest gripe with the movie was actually the plot. (ye, I know many people complained about the huge cast but hey, this is the Avengers. That is to be expected.) Never mind the fact that they changed a big portion of the original story on the creator of Ultron and Vision but the amount of loop holes in its place. Okay, there are many loop holes in the comics too but I am comparing with past films. There was not much explained why Vision just decided to join the Avengers. The Avengers did not even so much as try to convince him to join them. It felt very convenient at that point of time for the Avengers to gain a much needed ally against Ultron.

And really, Ultron was shown to be kinda smart in the beginning. It does not seem to make sense that he did not have a plan B in mind if he should fail in its ploy. It could be something simple like placing another instance of him in some remote town or something. That way, even if all the robots were destroyed in that city, he will survive to execute his plans again. Again, very convenient.

Finally, why did Ultron not just use Loki's Scepter on the twins to prevent them from double-crossing him? Now, who's the naive one? :o

All these sounds like a good idea for how it should had ended, huh? Hahas!

Nevertheless, if you are not that concerned about the plot and just want to enjoy the action scenes, this is a fabulous movie for it!

Aside from the movie, we did not really do much that day (for the second outing). I really should remember that Mind Cafe's happy hours end at 6pm. *scratches head* 

Summer Vocation 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015
Secret War Journal[May - August 2015][Updated 31 July 2015]
Finals are finally over. For a period of time, I thought that I was among the last of my peers to finish his examinations. Guess not.

Objectives for this holidays:
  1. Clear BTT (I need to check my BTT test date before I commit this)
  2. Clear IPPT
  3. Find an internship / job
  4. Clear Dragon Age: Origins (The game says I had only cleared 19%. What!)
  5. Learn C++
  6. Watch Game of Thrones Season 1 (It had been sitting there for far too long)
  7. Read 3 chapters of Reaper's Gale

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill