Unlike any other

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Secret War Journal[21 August 2011]
At first, roughly 3 hours ago, I decided against posting this. But I guess I still end up typing all these out anyways.

See? I'm so feeble-minded. Tsk, tsk. Hahas.

Back to the topic.

Time for me to share a little bit of myself here. It is not very often I do so in such a straight-forward manner (in a relative sense, of course, I do not wish to court death. :) so chances are, this post may 'disappear' in the near future if I decide it's too revealing of personal information.

In my life thus far, yes, I have great moments of joy. Some similar, some rare, some unique.

Perhaps, the most unique of them all would be one particular topic in a conversation between my mother and I. Thinking back of this always brings back fond memories, I remember how I used to smile and feel really good whenever my mother would tell me how she decided on my name. In fact, I think I'm smiling now. Hahas!

The choosing of my name was in no way, accidental. It was a careful decision made by my mother(, and my father I suppose? My dad never tells me these stuff. Maybe we both are just as secretive. :)

Because close to no one else knows the rationale behind my name, it is like a secret between the both of us. I guess those were some of the first few secrets that I get to keep to. I am not sure if you had held one to secrecy before but personally, it feels really great to know something that no one else would ever know. At that point, you would experience first-hand that knowledge is power. Yes, some of you would claim the desire to reveal secrets is too tempting. But I assure you, it is not as hard as it seems to be. I can't explain it in words, you would have to attempt to resist the first time and it would become clear. It is not that difficult. :)
People may not know its meaning, I don't mind.
People may not see its significance, I don't mind.
People may not know its impact, I don't mind.

Your reason suffices.
We may lose a few battles, but we will not lose the war.
We will continue our struggle, watch over us.
Among all other people, my time with my mother was relatively short. But compared to my sister, it is infinitely longer. Even if the time I could spend with you is indeed short, I would have to be content that at least it was sufficiently long to have experienced happy memories of our family time. I have to, because my sister never had this opportunity. My despair would only lead to further despair...

Life has to move on, a king who is hardly sane can't lead. Truly, we live in heartless times


Saturday, August 13, 2011
Secret War Journal[13 August 2011]

Life in Junior College is boring. Life is hard when you have to force yourself to to study and do nothing else.

Sometimes, I feel like backing out on my promise but I remembered that I won't be where I am today if weren't for you.

I must press on.


Give me hope.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Secret War Journal[10 August 2011]

There is this one view about humans. We, humans are essentially, amplifiers of events.

Don't believe?

Ask yourself, in times of recessions, if you are unemployed and having difficulty find a job in these tough times, would you not wish for the existence of a welfare state that could at least sustain you until you finally find a job?

But think about it, maintaining a welfare state is actually costly, however it is argued. This is especially so in economic downturns where money is tight. Relying on welfare states and the increasing unemployment rate would place a heavy burden on the government's coffers. With less money available for them to kick-start the economy once more, our economy may well end up spiralling down.
Talk about a chain reaction, our short-term desires once again got the better of us.

Thankfully, not all is gloomy on this theory. In times of economic boom, I bet most of us would then be (using back the previous example) calling for the end of the welfare state since most of us are employed and it is simply not worth it for the extra taxes to maintain it. Yes, there would be groups who would get the bitter end of the deal but the Government now have more funds to help improve the standard of living in the country. (Infrastructure, healthcare, education, you name it.)

Humans, sometimes we over-react to events, sometimes we end up making things worse, but perhaps that's fundamentally what we are: Tools for the higher beings for a certain purpose.

We just have to avoid getting into sticky situations so that we would not fall into a bottomless pit of disasters.

ARiA, Miku Craze

Saturday, August 6, 2011
Secret War Journal[6 August 2011]

Going to start rambling about Hatsune Miku! Those who have no interest in her, feel free to go to other posts! :)

Recently, found this sorta old song sung by her. It's ARiA by Headphone Tokyo. I feel that the lyrics is very meaningful. Listen to the song above!

There is speculation that this song is a sequel to SPiCa, which was also composed by Headphone Tokyo.

As some of you might already be aware, Hatsune Miku has been conducting concert in Japan and soon USA!

In this video, she really looks very lively, compared to some of her other songs performed, in my opinion.

Here are some other Hatsune Miku Videos!

In this song using Hatsune Miku's Dark voice, it really sounds very human!

The Czar shared this, weird song but very catchy!!!

"If the King loves music, it is well with the land." ~Mencius