Showing posts with label Outings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outings. Show all posts

DOTA 2 / Cold stone creamery

Saturday, June 2, 2012
Secret War Journal[2 June 2012]
It has been a long time since I last posted huh?

I just realised I forgot to post about DOTA 2. Oops? :P

Yep, so I recently started to play DOTA 2

Today was actually my second time playing this game and we tried out the AI for the game. :)

Initial thoughts:
There was indeed many graphical improvements, as they say. The models now look more polished. However, some heroes look significantly different from their original appearance, some better, some look weird now.

Mechanics wise, they are largely similar to its predecessor. They are some changes to the way damage are calculated and how attack modifiers work.

Gameplay had been slightly modified too. I would say the gaming experience is now much more enjoyable and dynamic. Buying items and recipe in DOTA 2 is a breeze while it is now easier to conduct team battles and organise ambushes.

After the gaming session, the whole lot of us (Johnston, Keller, Qi Xiang and I) headed to Somerset for some ice cream!

 I had Chocolate devotion which was awesome!

Though qi xiang commented that the taste was too strong, (he had strawberry), I like chocolate so it really nice to me! :)

"Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time." - Steven Wright


Saturday, May 5, 2012
Secret War Journal[5 May 2012]
I should had written this earlier but it had been one hectic week for me in army. As of writing, it is now 11 May and I am not sure when I can finish writing this post.

Loki is back

Perhaps one of the most anticipated movie of the year, many other past Marvel movie had been aired for the set-up for this movie.

On the whole, I felt that the movie was nice. Although there were times I was a little puzzled how certain events happen, it still can make some sense in a way.

The story development was undoubtedly decent, probably due to the fact that it was adapted from the comics. (Not that I do not wish to give the scriptwriters credit but hey, that's the truth. :O) The CGI in the movie was also not bad though there were some scenes where the background were obviously artificially. (which was unfortunate as it did not take a trained eye to notice that.)

Personally, the key highlight of the movie to me was not the superheroes, the story plot, the action, nor its graphics. It was the comic relief and its effectiveness. Due to its origin from comics, it is not uncommon to have comic relief throughout the movie, even at inappropriate scenes. Nevertheless, I would say that it was very effective at those sense.

As usual, Marvel comics movies always end with a teaser for their next movie.

Avengers 2, anyone? =)


Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Secret War Journal[30 April 2012]
Care for a game of Battleship?
It has been a long time since I last played that board game. Hahas, certain readers would notice that it has been a long time since I last did anything (which is actually true, as hard as it is to believe. Look, so I had concentrated a tad too heavily on studies for a moment of time...). I certainly do not mind having a challenger once in a while for fun's sake.

Okay, so I know that the movie has been out for some time and I am really lagging behind for watching this late. But hey, at least I watched it! (Best excuse ever, in my opinion :)

Speed-track to Little India. Is there a cinema there? At least not one that I am aware of. So why were we there? Because Cynthia said so. :O Joking. We wanted to walk from Little India to Bugis Junction. Cynthia had walked before so the chances of us being lost should be relatively low. (Not to mention her superb sense of direction, compared to Bao Lin and me). According to the map (look I am better friends with maps XD), it should be a pretty clear-cut route with us heading roughly 20 degrees from the south, towards the east from Little India, a little past Rocher Centre to reach Bugis Junction. And so we headed out from the subway station, immediately sighting the Rocher Centre. Unfortunately, while we moved towards it, we met blockades in the form of construction sites. As a result, it was no longer a straight forward route as we make our way around these blockades.

We turned left and right, almost effectively walking in circles. Well, I would say it was a fun trip. Eventually, we walked a semi-circle from Little India to Bugis. Along the way, we discussed on our lunch and we decided on a Japanese Restaurant named Kazokutei which specialises in Udon.
 The reason we decided on Kazokutei was due to the Nabeyaki Udon + Katsu don set which is suitable for one or two persons.
Nabeyaki Udon + Katsu Don Set
After spending some time under the gentle sun (I think the days spent in army has lowered my tolerance for hot weather, ironically.) from the walk to Bugis Junction, I think Bao Lin was tired from the walk. Myself, I am not exactly sure if I was tired. I know that before being conscripted into army, such a walk is nothing but now... I am not so sure anymore. At least after my 3 day rest due to medical leave, my appetite has improved. As a result, Bao Lin and Cynthia shared a Nabeyaki Udon + Katsu Don set while I took on one myself. Bao Lin took that Katsu Don plus the mango soda she ordered while Cynthia had the remaining Udon.

Bugis Street, and the quest for a pair of glass shoes
After lunch, it is time for some shopping! I guess every one of us present has something in mind to buy. (Okay, maybe not for Bao Lin)

We spent a good hour and more in Bugis Street before Jie Sheng arrived. We then resumed our shopping in Bugis Junction. Unfortunately, lady luck was not shining on Cynthia, she did not succeed in getting a pair of shoes to her liking. I guess she just has to continue her quest another day. :O

Battleship the Movie
Siew Yan joined us for the movie!

My views on the movie? The introduction was really rushed. I cannot help but feel that the prologue was just there as a tool for some foreshadowing. Personally, it could be better weaved in the movie seamlessly without feeling disjointed.
The soccer scene before the actual start of the plot was all right for its character development. I believe where the movie really shines would be its climax, which is a very good thing. It makes the movie worth watching. The action was non-stop yet does lead one to feel nausea. Basically, the pace of the action during the climax was just right.
The use of comic relief from the scientist was well-used and appreciated. The character development during the climax felt a little bit rushed but still acceptable, I guess?
However, to my dismay, the ending was rushed very abruptly. I felt that it was uncalled for though the final scene of suspense was good, though critics would call that scene cliche.
Overall, I would give it a 3 out of 5 stars. :)

After the movie, we headed home, tired as we were.

Now, if you would excuse me, I need to plan an outing to watch Avengers. gah! XD

Easter 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012
Secret War Journal[8 April 2012]
Happy Easter people!

Once again, I shall celebrate Easter. This time, I would be attending a musical conducted by Victory Family Centre.

With me today would be Lai Yin (she's a member of the Church), Laura, Pei Shi and Debbie.

Before the Musical, we met up at a relatively new mall Changi City Point for dinner. Pei Shi and Laura had Carl's Jr while Lai Yin had Soup Spoon with me getting Subway. Nevertheless I got Carl's Jr fries because I miss them. It has been a long time since I last ate them! >.<

We did some catching up before Debbie arrived. As it turns out, Debbie is not eating with us.

I guess the latest news I just received from them is that Laura would be gunning for Law. Another friend of mine is going to be a lawyer! :P

Without further ado, it is time to watch the musical, they (the audience) are getting excited by it!

And the end draws near when...

Shortly after this scene, the resurrection was underway.

My thoughts on the musical? I think the voices were great. However, I cannot help but feel that the script was rather rushed with a lack of proper introduction of certain characters at times. I was able to let that slide because if one were to take into account the time constraint, there is not really many other ways to deliver such a musical.

In all, it was worth watching. Once again, happy Easter Day! :)

"Human beings must be known to be loved; but Divine beings must be loved to be known." - Blaise Pascal

To whose sorrow do I bleed? I wish I had an answer to that...

Sakae Sushi Teppanyaki

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Secret War Journal[7 April 2012]

Had a wonderful dinner at Sakae Sushi Teppanyaki after LAN with Marcus, Johnston and Trevor before going for arcade! :)

Hunger Games

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Secret War Journal[31 April 2012]
Recently, Marcus and I just went to watch the highly anticipated Hunger Games in the cinemas.

There were many critical reviews on this movie, some good, some bad. Most felt the acting and the delivery was good while others felt that the movie deviated from the original story plot and much was lost in the film. In my opinion, I agree that in certain scenes, the delivery of the emotions and expressions were well done. While I never read the book, giving the story the benefit of doubt, I am pretty sure the romance did not build so quickly as in the film. Thus, I feel that the pace for the development of the romance between the main characters set by the director was too fast to be natural and realistic. While yes, it is a fictional story, it should be realistic to a certain extent, no?

In addition, I also feel that the action scenes in the film was also quite rushed. The motion were a blur (I guess we can call it motion blur here.) and I cannot really see what is happening in that chaos. That is not a good thing though I probably understand it was a form of censorship to downplay the level of brutality displayed in the film. Perhaps, it may not also be the focus of the film, as determined by the director.

Nevertheless, I hazard a guess that most fans would just watch the film to find out just how the film had deviated from the plot in the book, for better or worse. One wonders how the sequel firm would be like now...

First Book Out

Friday, March 23, 2012
Secret War Journal[23 March 2012]
Ah, fresh air! It really feels good to be in the mainland after many weeks at a resort island. Hahas, strangely enough, the first thing I did was to get a new pair of spectacles. I was kind of glad that one of the optical shops was able to manufacture a pair of spectacles despite the majority of the shops informing that they could only prepare the spectacles earliest by Monday evening. However, due to the superb customer service at Capitol Opticals, they were willing to go the extra mile to make my spectacles by Sunday afternoon. For that, I am really grateful.
New pair of Spectacles,... some of the few models allowed for army...

Catch your wave
After helping with my family with some house chores, I met up with Bao Lin, Cynthia, Jie Sheng, Siew Yan, and Wei Ting for some catching up. I had not met them for so many days, I wonder how everyone had been faring since. We planned to meet at Tampines MRT station. Apparently, I was the last person to arrive. Oops? I guess the most important person always arrives last! XD
When was the last time I actually set foot on this restaurant? I really couldn't remember! Hahas, but we sure ate quite fast there, the serving there must had been quite small. :p It was kinda nice to see everyone are still living a carefree life. It sorta makes quite envious really. :S
(Don't worry, Siew Yan, my body is quite screwed too. :P)

Originally, I planned to buy some stuff for next book-in today but I guess I was too caught up with returning to my former civilian life and just have fun with friends. I even managed to play a game of pinpall after many years since I last played arcade seriously. Ah, childhood! :)

At one point, they concluded that I should get something to cover my shaven head. I personally think I would look weird in those hats and whatnot (I have my eyes on a certain type though but it just does not fit the dress code here, sadly... and definitely not with my shaven head!) though they have a point, I should get something to cover my head. I look weird with a bald head too! >.<

"In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield." - Douglas MacArthur

Board and Kites

Sunday, January 22, 2012
Secret War Journal[21 January 2012]

Morning rites

Today, I went to pay respects to my grandfather and my mother. So much had happened since the last time I came to see them. It has been only a month since; I had so much to say, so much to tell. Yet, when I came before them, I feel as though I have not enough time. Wanting to make good use of my time there, I was almost at a loss of word. I feel so useless then. Why can’t I say what I want to say in that short time?
I realized now, I was trying to say three sentences at the same time. My mind still could not sustain three threads of thoughts for such a long time.
Such a fool I was.

"Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out." - Anton Chekhov

Broken strings

I guess I had no time to mop around over my inability to say what I wanted. I just have to hope they are hearing my thoughts whenever it is directed at them, no matter where I am.
I have a tight schedule today but I didn’t tell people that. (Now you know. Aren’t it a bit late for that? Haha)
I went to the temple with my family, I left alone. Next destination – Sengkang Community Centre.
I received news that for today’s event, Johnston and Keller would not be able to join us. I can understand, Chinese New Year is round the corner, preparations had to be made. Nevertheless, I feel bad to call upon Meldon to organize such nature of outing when there are so few of us who can make it. After all, I am partly, if not mainly, responsible for the existence of the outing.
The original plan was to play kites and board games the whole day. I would be joining them in the afternoon but I had thought with 4 players, it would be enough to entertain each other until I arrive. But with 2 backing out, playing kite seems rather meaningless and it is difficult to play challenging games with only 2 players. You would need a minimum of three players.
By the time I arrived, I sensed that they were a bit exhausted though they commented that I look exhausted too (Tired from life or work, I wonder). Despite that, we managed to play a good round of Settlers, Munchkins and Monopoly Deal. At the end of the day, what’s important is that we had fun. :)
I guess, after all this, it was the way it was meant to be. It is better this way too; it is more comfortable talking Japanese-related stuff with them than any other people. It did help to put at ease, talking about such cheerful things. :)
In a blink of an eye, it was evening already. As we were about to leave, it started to rain. We decided to wait for the rain to subside by playing a few more rounds of board games, only to be rewarded with a heavy shower.
Since Meldon had pressing matters, he is volunteering :), we decided to run in the rain to reach the train station. I think we really had quite a bit fun doing that. Personally, it reminds me of my primary school days. Such innocence we had then. Hahas!

CNY Goodies!

Seeing them off at the train station, it is now time for the next thing I decided to attend to. It is time to pay a visit to my cousin’s house. My aunt had prepared goodies for Chinese New Year for my family! Thank you!
I feel bad that I am visiting my aunt’s house because she prepared something, is this world really about such matters? Is it?
I had a nice chat with my cousins and caught up with drama series that were currently being aired. Hahas! It had been such a long time since I last watched television. :)

Before heading home, I stopped by Cynthia’s house to settle some matters. It didn’t take long, I welcomed myself back home after that.

Starcraft 2 En Masse

Saturday, January 14, 2012
Secret War Journal[14 January 2012]

I realized ever since the end of “A” level, I had been going out to play LAN with many of my friends.

Well, on the bright side, I had been playing Starcraft 2 with my friends. Starcraft 2 hones the mind and the mind games involved is really refreshing for me. Well, I cannot see that for everyone else though. Hahas!
So what is the link of the introduction to what we are discussing today?

I have to admit, I just played LAN today again. Opps?

For today’s round, we have Johnston, Trevor, Nigel and two other friends (sorry, I’m not sure how to spell your names)

We played a total of 4 matches. Each match was a team battle, 3 vs 3. After each match, we would shuffle the team players for more diversity and balance. :)

I would say this is the first time I managed to play a very serious Starcraft 2 games with friends. I really enjoyed the experience. :)

Hope we play again in the near future! Ciaos!

10S101 Class Chalet 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012
Secret War Journal[8 January 2012][Long post]
Actually, I am not sure if this is the last one but it sure felt it was the last one. O.o

The Original Plan
I guess there is no harm to tell you what I had planned at first. Pei Shi’s and Debbie’s birthday presents were way overdue since last year.
But! Before you jump into conclusions, we had bought the presents. We just needed an opportunity to pass to them with all the stakeholders present, to be fair.
Actually, we just wanted to witness their reaction when they open the presents. :p

With the class chalet, the opportunity presented itself, well sort of. Since Laura’s birthday recently came too, Pei Shi was planning to pass Laura’s present before the Class Chalet. Covertly, we were planning to pass to Debbie and Pei Shi their presents then too.

Or so we thought,
Lai Yin was… I guess not used to such stuff. So the plan failed. We had only a few minutes to concoct another plan which I would leave the details for later. Hahas! :)

What actually happened…?
Then came another setback, this one rather hilarious too. :p
Laura overslept. Pei Shi must be pissed because that was the whole point of the meet-up – to pass her birthday presents. Hahas!
For a moment, I thought her phone died because her phone was unavailable and she was not aware of the gathering point. Thankfully (ironic as it sounds), she was sleeping and did not turn on her phone.

Since we thought we are going to be the latest for the Class Chalet, we told Laura to meet up somewhere nearer to the Class Chalet.
While we head towards the new meeting point, let me spend some time to describe to you the wrapper for Laura’s birthday present.

Why? You might ask. Well, it is very… unique. :p

The wrapper is made of paper (duh?!) and it is brown in color. Nothing special yet? Well, that’s the point! It is a simple paper bag, think take-away paper bags in Burger King. Hahas, a novel idea I tell you (in a certain accent)!
We met Laura on a bus stop where a shuttle bus would bring us to our destination. Upon meeting her, we passed her our present for her. Unfortunately, she did not wish to open her present in our presence. Thus, I was not able to witness her reactions to the presents we bought for her.

The journey on the Shuttle Bus was a blur for me because I sort of fell asleep on the bus, being tired these days. Hahas.

So it begins…
Oh does it? I would think that at this point of time, after much beating about the bushes, as a reader, you would be wondering if I was just trying to be funny and just sprouting random nonsense just to delay the climax of the day.

Well, sorry to disappoint (or amuse) you but all these events really occurred on that day. Such is life. :)

Arriving at the chalet, we expected ourselves to be one of the latest group to arrive. Much to most of our surprise, there was only… Bryan.

Yep, only Bryan. That is because he was tasked to check into the place at the designated time. Guess that made him the earliest to arrive, by default.
That is…interesting. Nevertheless, it provided me some time to explore the place somewhat undisturbed due to the lack of people in the vicinity. (*insert evil laughter*)

Oh, did I mention that the moment we arrived at that place, it started to rain? Queer, isn’t it?

False start? No more,
Alright, I would stop torturing you (and myself from the excessive typing) by letting the pictures do the talking from this point! :)


Starting the BBQ!


Pei Shi and me doing a silly face (can't believe Debbie caught this on camera but I think it's hilarious!)


So I got bored and went to take some pictures with Timothy. Say cheese!


I have no idea why this picture is so small!!! >.<

Ah, so the group pictures had come streaming in, enjoy! (And all our candid pictures too...)







At around 9:30, it was getting late for some of us as we all had work tomorrow.

Laura's father was nice to bring us to a populated area for the rest of us to flag a taxi. Thank you! :)
It took some time but we managed to flag a taxi and I guess everyone was already tired from the Chalet and needed a rest for a packed tomorrow. :)

Me? I had a rather candid conversation with the taxi driver. I think he found it awkward to talk to me in front of my other friends as he talked a while before going silent when the rest boarded the taxi. Nevertheless, I gained some insight from him through our short conversation. Hahas!

"As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round." - Ben Hogan

Let's Talk NTU 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012
Secret War Journal[7 January 2012]
“A” Levels results are coming soon, I am getting nervous. This coming Monday would be the release of “O” Levels results. Somehow, that made me worries about my “A” Levels results. Hahas!

Well, I guess it is soon time for reality to kick in and start thinking about the future!

One of the few talks I managed to find time to attend was the session conducted by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) named “Let’s Talk NTU 2012”.

How I knew about such an event? NTU sent us a letter to all of us to raise awareness as well as the flood of emails by Brightspark to inform us of such an event. It was quite irritating later on because all the contents are essentially the same thing but I guess the organizers were worried that no one would attend their talks.
For today’s event, I would be attending the talk with Debbie, Cynthia, Laura, and Pei Shi.

I guess it is without doubt after the talks and the word-of-mouth that NTU is excellent in the Business and Accountancy Degree. The direct honors program is also another plus for the Nanyang Business School. (Note that all courses in NTU offer this program too) Hmm, perhaps I would enroll in that school should I decide to undertake a business degree. Hahas!

Apart from meeting many friends during the events and understanding the various courses a little better, there is nothing much to note for the talk.

But dang, I am still undecided on which course I should gun for! (if I score well, that is) Any ideas?

P.S: There is another exact same talk on the 28 Jan 2012. Feel free to see for yourself then!

Korean BBQ

Saturday, December 10, 2011
Secret War Journal[10 December 2011]
Ah, what better to celebrate the end of examinations but with a nice and tasty meal?

Yep, and that's what happened. :)

Joining us for this outing would be organiser Cynthia with fellow 4D-ians, Eunice, Jie Sheng, Siew Yan, and Wei Ting.
Clarissa joined us after the meal. :)

But before joining them for dinner however, I met up with Meldon to conduct some trading. Then again, this is not really a trade because both items are technically mine. Hahas.

It was a rather smooth transaction since we were rather clear on what we are doing.

Fast forward and we have all gathered at City Square mall, going towards the restaurant Korean BBQ. :)

In case any of you are wondering why we chose to go so far to enjoy a meal of Korean BBQ, it is because Cynthia's sister is working there so well.... we could pay her a visit in the mean time too. :p

Food! Sorry, I meant 음식!

Check out their menu! Okay, you can't really since you're not there physically.

All right, I would try to describe to you verbally (if the picture above hadn't already). Hahas.
Frankly, I do not frequent korean restaurants very often. (Which many already knew, apparently, hahas)

Thus, personally, I was rather confused when I was presented the menu on its navigation. I know it is a korean restaurant and all and so it would write their menu in korean but really, it did not help me a lot since I read the Korean words before reading the english translations. (A big mistake, I admit but hey, everyone reads top-to-down, left-to-right. -,-)

By the time I recover, I figured it would be so much more efficient if we just communicate with the restaurant staff serving us instead of reading off the menu.

So in the end, I hardly touch the menu throughout the menu, not very useful in my opinion. Maybe it would be more useful for korean-fanatics but for causal diners like me, just order your food the posh way, from the staff. ;)

We ordered two hotpots and here we go!


Feeling hungry already? Go down there yourself and savour the food! :P



And we went home after the meal. ^^

Just joking! :)
For those who were sharp that I forementioned that Clarissa joined us the meal and cried foul. Good job! :)
How could we head home straight away the moment she arrived? That wouldn't had made sense. :P

See? Even Jie Sheng couldn't believe that we went home straight after our dinner. :D
So what did we do? Window Shopping and spam group photos! :p



Yep! Christmas is nearing! Bought your christmas presents yet? :)
Alright! It is getting late, it's 11pm+ now! Time to sleep! :)

Not immediately hahas! Tsk tsk, Eunice's tired already, time to go!

P.S.: Eunice wasn't really tired, she was just pranked by us. Hahas! Evil us.

Credits: Bao Lin, Siew Yan and Wei Ting for the pictures. More photos at Facebook, if you can find me (that is). :p

All in a week's work.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Secret War Journal[6 December 2011]
Ah, it had been such a long time since I last posted. Some would had thought this Journal was discarded while I moved on to some other places.

Well, readers, you would be glad to know that this Journal is still being maintained and well. :)

I apologise for the lack of update for the past few days since the end of A levels but I was sorta busy finishing all my unfininshed drafts. I'm happy to say I had published them all though some entries I had to cut real short due to time constraints. (An increasing number of people had been complaining that this Journal was getting forgotten so I had to rush, no? :)

Alright! Ladies and Gentlemen, back to the intent of this post! =)

This marks the beginning of my busy weeks for my Post-A Levels vacation. First up, I went to Johnston's house today! :)

Unlike the past few visits to his house, I was noticeably later than usual. This was mainly due to me sleeping late last night and not being able to sleep well. (Yes, I also believe I should not had done so.)

Nevertheless, I played quite a large number of games today! :)

Upon reaching their house, we played monopoly since Emelia had been dying to play with us since the end of our major examinations.

Long story short, Johnston pwned all of us by being the only player who owned a complete set. Hahas!
We also played a few rounds of Cluedo!
I reckon today was the closest to the official rules I had ever played for Cluedo. One day I would play to the official rules, it would be really fun, not to mention more challenging. :)
We also played Monopoly Deal!

And finally, we finished the whole of Halo 3 Campaign! At last, I am updated with the Halo Lore. Hahas!

As a whole, I had a lot of fun at their house. =D

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Secret War Journal[16 July 2011]

The finale has arrived!!!

Wohoo! The long wait is finally over! Just watched this with Jie Sheng, Wei Ting, and Dolly. Sure was fun! :)

I bet many of you would be wondering why am I even watching this when I seemed to have so much criticism for Part 1 last year. Well, All I can say is, the movie looked promising.

The movie didn't disappoint me, it was really a finale fitting for the series. Compared to Part 1, the pace is not as slow and there were more action, obviously since the last major fight is present in this last section of the story.

This movie is also notable for the increase in comic relief, mostly from the book itself but it was to see that the director included that in to relieve some tense moments in the movie and lighten up the mood in the cinema.
(Note: Pay close attention to Lord Voldemort! Hahas!)

Book fans may be disappointed to know that some of the plot was edited in the movie but there is hardly surprising. Most movie adapted from books often differ from the original plot by varying degree.

However, there were still some anti-climax moments, but as a whole, it is not that bad a movie. :)

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

Saturday, July 9, 2011
Secret War Journal[9 July 2011]
This is going to be a short post!
 This week's Jie Sheng's Birthday!

To celebrate, we sorta planned to go watch Transformers!

But since school just started and things were very hectic at that time, only Johnston, Jie Sheng and I could make it for the movie.

Yes, it's sad but that won't stop us from watching the movie! :)
Alright, for the benefit of those who had not read up any reviews for this movie yet.

Some movie reviews blasted this movie for being senseless and being a movie meant for males.

Well, having watched the movie, I can't exactly blame them though I think it was a bit of a overkill by them.

Yes, the opening scene is really... excessive. The introduction of the actress who replaced Megan Fox was seriously achieved with too much fanfare.

That aside, Transformers is without doubt, the most action-packed movie of the year (until I found another in the remaining half of the year though I seriously doubt it because I will lack the time to watch that many movies for the rest of the year.)
I believe it is as action-packed as the previous two movies.

One should, however, also do note that some reviewers also commented that the action scenes are so much, it's hurting to the eyes. That is debatable.
If you are not a big fan of action movies, this is definitely not the one for you.

I would say this is a movie ticket well-spent. Rare from me. :)

"Just living is not enough.  One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."  ~Hans Christian Anderson

Green Lantern, sadists, and Munchkin

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Secret War Journal[18 June 2011][Long Post][Photo-Heavy]

Belated Birthday Celebration
Wohoo! Another morning, my parents ain't back from overseas yet.

Johnston, Keller, Qi Xiang, and Marcus have organised a birthday celebration for me. Actually, they intended to have it yesterday but I already agreed to go out with Christopher and gang to celebrate birthday. Hahas!

I guess we can't have everything squeezed into a day unless I decided to not sleep at all. Hahas.

Before that, I would like to say I'm really grateful for Cynthia, Pei Shi, Laura, and Debbie for planning to bake a cake. Hahas. Thanks for your thoughts. ^^

Alright, before I go completely off tangent, I was a bit late for today's outing actually because I was doing house chores before I could leave with ease. (you know, parents complaining the shit out of me when the house is anywhere but perfectly clean....)

Nevertheless, I met up with Johnston first at Daiso, Plaza Singapura. He was buying some textiles for Emelia because Emelia wanted some as decorations for her scrapbook (if I recall). The textiles there are really a challenging area, me not knowing what to do with them. Hahas!

Heading towards where the rest were, I had a hard time locating them because they were dining at a place where we seldom go in this shopping mall. Half-embarrassed myself for spending around 5 minutes looking around like an idiot because I ignored the possibility of them being there. Here's a lesson to learn. :)

Of course, there's a reason why we're all meeting up at Secret Recipe.
There was a cake!

My surprised face. XD


Slice the cake into half!
This is where we all got sadistic and tried to 'torture' the cake. The above picture is me trying to 'slice' the cake with my bare hands!

Close-up shots of the cake they bought for me!


Caught admiring the cake, oops? :p

Initiate Kill
Going in for the kill!

Die Cake!

Die Cake!
Widening the wounds of the cake!

Kill the Cake!
Look at my evil smile! O.o

Torture the cake!
A fellow sadist. With added sound effects.

Torture the Cake!
His trophy!

Really appreciated the cake and allocating one day just for me. I'm really glad you all meet and organised it. Special thanks to Johnston. :)

Hahas, the cake was sweet. :P
You people gave me a hard time thinking of a wish! :O Hahas!

Green Lantern: The Movie

Shortly after the clean-up of the corpse of the banana filled chocolate cake, we adjourned to the cinema above for a film of Green Lantern: The Movie.

I would say, this is a movie meant for hardcore Green Lantern Fans. Hahas!

Why do I say that? The climax was rather short. Worse, I thought that was a lead-in all along. Ah! Imagine how disappointed I was when one of the character did not become villain as I thought it would (according to the comics)

Oh well, not much cool effects. Average plot, not much action though.

Hahas, it's hard for a movie to satisfy me huh? :p

Fort Canning Park
After the movie, we went hunting for a place to sit down to do something.

From Plaza Singapura we exited and headed towards the Fort Canning Park for a desolated sitting area.

Well..... we couldn't find one but that doesn't mean we didn't have fun in the process. XD
Get me out!
We're stuck in the Fort! Noooooo!

~Qi Xiang teleporting away or trying to get out of here.

Get me out!
Guys! Don't leave me behind!

Think Gongfu Panda.

The Three Wise Men



No Kellers were harmed in the process of developing this picture.
This warrant a section of its own! Keller planking!





If you're wondering why we were looking for a place with tables and chairs, it's time for me to reveal (while I open my birthday present!)

Presenting the birthday present (left), an expansion set to Munchkin!

Munchkin is a boardgame that adapts a RPG style that is rather fast-paced.

So yep, we decided to go to SMU study benches to play our boardgames. :)

The Munckin gang!

With the board games!
Once again, I would like to thank you guys for buying this wonderful present! I had a lot of fun today! Thank you!

Dinner @ Clarke Quay
Thought that's the end? No way! Hahas! After playing Munchkins, we headed down to Clarke Quay to treat ourselves to fine cuisine. Ah, it's been such a long time. I think it's the first time we all went together to eat there. :)

Ordering the dishes was very fun. We accidentally end up in a Sichuan Restuarant (which is known for their spicy recipes) and half of us can't take spicy.

Thus, we ended up ordering non-spicy dishes in that restaurant which was very queer by itself, and earned stares from the staff. Hahas, there was this point of time where the waiters were staring at us, looking worried. So funny. :P

I guess, we must had been the strangest customers ever and freaked the heck out of them. The boss even came over to make sure everything was all right. Hahas!

The Fish ultimately became our main dish. We had a relatively long debate whether to include a fish into our course meal as we didn't want to over-spend but it turned out to be a good decision as it really filled our stomachs. :)

To end it off, we're treated to fireworks! Enjoy!