Last day of Holidays

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Secret War Journal[13 September 2009]
Oh great,it's the last day already. I hardly did anything. If it weren't for my previous posts during the holidays, I wouldn't even remember what I did during the Holidays.(okay, maybe not that serious but then again...)

Revision Progress
Well, since last Thursday, I had stopped revising on Elementary Mathematics and Chemistry and focused greatly on Combined Humanities.
Sad to say, I can't remember them in great detail. Okay, so my memory sucks, I thought everyone knew that?

Memorised Points for(may not be correct because I'm using my memory on this):
  • Rise of Venice 
    1. Political Reasons:
      1. Leadership -> Establishing Control in Adriatic Sea
      2. Leadership -> Building Venetian Empire
      3. Leadership -> Expanding Venetian Empire in the Mediterranean Sea
      4. Reforms in the Government
      5. Meeting the challenges of a growing city-state -> Creation of the Great Council
      6. Meeting the challenges of a growing city-state -> Specialisation of duties -> The Senate
      7. Maintaining checks and Balances -> Effective Checks on power
      8. Maintaining checks and Balances -> Preventing concentration of power
    2. Economic Reasons:
      1. Trade development and expansion -> Attitude intowards trade
      2. Trade development and expansion -> Trade Monopoly
      3. Trade development and expansion -> AdvancesInnovations in Maritime Technology
      4. Trade development and expansion -> EfficientEfficiency in planning Voyages
      5. Trade development and expansion -> Overcoming trade rivalscompetition
      6. Innovative Practices -> Giro-Banking
      7. Innovative Practices -> Double-Entry Bookkeeping
      8. Almost forgot this(can't finger what it was earlier)
      9. Industrial Development -> Manufacturing Industries
      10. Industrial Development -> Trade-related Industries
    3. Social Reasons:
      1. Loyalty-> Venetians have sense of belonging to Venice
      2. Attracting Foreign Talent
  • Fall of Venice
    1. Internal Reasons:
      1. Incapable Leaders
      2. Corruption -> Due to war, salaries of civil servants were suspended, encouraging bribery to but entry into leadership posts
      3. Over-dependence on mercenaries > Mercenaries are not loyal to Venice
      4. Social Aspect -> Complacency and Indulgence in luxury
    2. External Reasons:
      1. Involvement in Mainland -> Struggle to maintain control
      2. The Ottoman Empire -> War
      3. League of Cambrai -> An alliance of countries which were jealous of Venice's success
      4. Discovery of Sea Routes -> Challenge Venice's trade Monopoly
      5. New Trade Rivals -> E.g. Spain, Britain
  • Lessons Learnt from Venice
    1. Nation-Building -> Building a sense of identity?
    2. Relations with other countries
    3. Government
    4. Sustaining Economic Growth
  • Key driving forces of Globalisation
    1. Advancement in Communications -> E.g.Internet, phone
    2. Advancement in Transportation -> E.g. Containerisation, Planes
    3. Role of Transnational Corporations
  • Impact of Globalisation
    1. Positive
      • Economic -> Increased standard of living
      • Economic -> Increased competition among nations
      • Social -> Increased awareness of foreign culture
      • Environmental -> Awareness of Environmental Management
    2. Negative(adverse)
      • Economic -> Increased competition
      • Economic -> Brain Drain
      • Case Study: India
      • Economic -> Widening Income gaps between the rich and poor
      • Social -> Loss of culture
      • Environmental -> Environmental Degradation
      • Example: Global Warming, Deforestation
  • Strategies taken by Singapore in a globalised World.
    1. Diversification of Economy
    2. Venturing aboard
    3. Nurturing growth of SMEs
    4. Expanding Market reach through economic co-operations
    5. Example: FTAs
    6. Managing Resources Efficiently
      • Developing People
        1. Entrepreneurship
        2. Upgrading workers for continuous working
      • Attracting Foreign Talent
      • Managing Environment
        1. Public Education
        2. Managing limited land resources
        3. Co-operating with regional and international agreements
  • War on Pacific(read below)
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Korean War

Topics that I only have a rough idea on:
  • Managing Healthcare(Singapore and Britain)[No idea what's NHS 2000 and 2004!!!]
  • Deterrence and Diplomacy
  • War on Europe
  • Nazi Germany
  • Fascist Japan
  • Communist Russia
The rest, I pretty much did not even touch. I accidentally gave away my Secondary 3 Social Studies Textbook which pretty much explains why most the chapters in it are not touched or not well prepared. :o

Note: Words in Orange are added later.

Oh boy, I had not done the Chemistry TYS on Macromolecules (I forgot!) and it's due tomorrow. Hmm.. which to do first?

F.Y.I. Yes, I'm concentrating on Social Studies today, yesterday was History.

War on Pacific
Why was peace threatened?
  • Japan's Foreign Policy (To build an empire in South-east Asia, Free Asians from Western control, Living space for Japan's Population, to control resources)
  • Military Aggression(Growing influence in Manchuria, Military acted without Government Permission, Marco Polo Bridge Incident)
  • Poor Relations with the West -> western bias
  • League of Nation -> Too weak to stop Japan
Why led to the outbreak of war?
  •  War with China -> Japan with few resources
  • International Situation -> Neutrality Agreement with Russia; Colonies were left unprotected due to war in Europe
  • Worsening Relations with U.S. -> Embargo on Japan; Increasing naval presence in Asia-Pacific
  • War Minister Tojo became Prime Minister of Japan -> Made war more likely.
What were the reasons for Japan's Defeat?

  • Japan stretched its armyJapan resources thinly stretched
  • Dropping of Atomic Bombs
  • Island Hopping Strategy by Allied Forces
  • Not all ships were destroyed in Pearl Harbour during Japanese Attack.
  • There were resistance against Japanese Occupation in captured colonies.

If you find any information incorrect, please inform me! Thanks!

Update @14 Sept 2009: 
Just realised that I missed out the reasons for the fall of the Diet Government this morning...=.=
Thank god, no serious adverse effects occurred. ;)


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