Showing posts with label Quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quiz. Show all posts

The 7 Feminine Archetypes Test

Monday, October 23, 2023
Secret War Journal[23 October 2023]

The Maiden

You are an intuitive and creative person with a positive, hopeful outlook on life. Maybe you are still finding yourself, but you have great potential to blossom - there is a lot of hidden strength in you. Your playful spirit and thoughtful attention light up the lives of those around you.

Read more about the Maiden Archetype

The Maiden Archetype, also known as the Innocent, is unspoiled as much as she is ready to grow. If you have a strong desire to do what is right and appreciate harmony and simple joys, the Maiden might be your Feminine Archetype. With her innocent and almost childlike qualities, she is often embodied by women at the beginning of their lives – but the Maiden Archetype can also be present in mature women who have found their personal strengths but kept the goodness of their hearts.

Common Characteristics of the Maiden Archetype

The Maiden may seem like a simple archetype (and one many people don‘t want to call their own at first) but there is a lot more to her than one might think. Let‘s start with an overview of a few common traits of the Maiden Archetype:

Deepest desire:harmony
Goal:to live a happy life, make the world a better place
Deepest fear:being judged negatively by others, being abandoned
Signature move:doing what is right and staying optimistic
Hidden talent:heart-melting sweetness

The Maiden Archetype is the embodiment of youth and innocence: She is still strongly connected to her inner child, good-hearted and capable to see the world with new eyes every day.

Her innocence is wonderfully endearing to those around her and behind her sometimes shy appearance, a character full of flavorful nuances is to be discovered. If you are an archetypal Maiden, your playfulness and creativity can light up a room – and you might not even be aware of it.The Maiden is highly sensitive and empathetic and strongly believes in the good in people. If she has been hurt in the past, she may develop protective mechanisms to shield her from emotional pain, but underneath it, that core belief in the good is still there.

If your feminine energy is equivalent to the Maiden Archetype, you are likely to have high levels of optimism and faith. The Maiden moves through life intuitively and has a special talent for appreciating the little wonders of everyday life which gives her a special sweetness that can absolutely melt hearts.

She is motivated to always keep harmony with those around her and, sometimes also out of fear of offending others, always tries her best to do the right thing. Helping others makes her feel good.

The Maiden Archetype is highly receptive and open to learning. Being somewhat of an unwritten page, she is great at adapting. She can be fertile soil for personal growth, especially when challenged.

Even though the Maiden is often yet to find herself, she carries more strength than she is aware of.

Illustrations of the 7 Feminine Archetypes by Anna Heimkreiter. "The Maiden" shows a young, innocent-looking woman under lilies making a flower crown.

The Maiden Archetype‘s Shadow and Weaknesses

While her sweet character carries many personal strengths, there are also a few potential pitfalls the Maiden has to be aware of. So let‘s have a look at the shadow of the Maiden Archetype.

If you‘ve never heard of "the shadow“, it is a psychological term coined by Carl Jung and represents the dark side of the human psyche. It encompasses repressed areas of the self and is deeply connected to shame and hidden desires. Shadow integration allows you to become conscious of this part of yourself and make peace with it.

The Maiden‘s innocent outlook on the world can lead her to remain in the position of a passive bystander. She might rather spend her life daydreaming than stepping into action and taking control of her life.

This, in turn, makes her susceptible to victim mentality. She needs to learn how to take responsibility and believe in her own power to be the creator of her life instead of wallowing in negativity. Remember, no one is coming to your rescue.

If she is not quite ready to step into her fullest potential yet, she can come across as shy and insecure and is easily manipulated.

Since the Maiden Archetype is trying so hard to do things right, she also can be quite a perfectionist and have a hard time forgiving herself mistakes. Out of fear of being rejected or abandoned, the Maiden has strong tendencies to always play the role of the "good girl“ and may display people-pleasing or clingy behavior.

For this reason, it is essential for the Maiden Archetype to get to know herself better and figure out her own strengths and aspirations. Setting simple goals and achieving them can give her a lot more self-confidence and a feeling of power over her own life.

Becoming aware of the Maiden Archetype‘s shadow is the first step towards changing it. Despite immaturity being a common theme, it is well possible to evolve into a mature version of this archetype.

The 7 Feminine Archetypes are: The Mother, the Maiden, the Huntress, the Mystic, the Sage, the Queen and the Lover.

You can find yours by doing the quiz here.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 2023

Saturday, January 28, 2023
Secret War Journal[28 January 2023] 

Your Results


“Thought constitutes the greatness of man. Man is a reed, the feeblest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed.”

It can be lonely at the top. As one of the rarest personality types – and one of the most capable – Architects (INTJs) know this all too well. Rational and quick-witted, Architects pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves, not to mention their uncanny knack for seeing right through phoniness and hypocrisy. But because their minds are never at rest, Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them.

More at

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Secret War Journal[26 January 2016][Long Post]
It has been a long time since I last did this personality test. Many aspects of the test has changed and since Emelia was doing it then, I hopped on the bandwagon and did it too.

As it turned out, I went from INTJ to ISTJ. :O



Code: ISTJ-A
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: Confident Individualism


This trait determines how we interact with our environment.


Introverted individuals prefer solitary activities and get exhausted by social interaction. They tend to be quite sensitive to external stimulation (e.g. sound, sight or smell) in general.


This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.


Observant individuals are highly practical, pragmatic and down-to-earth. They tend to have strong habits and focus on what is happening or has already happened.


This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.


Thinking individuals focus on objectivity and rationality, prioritizing logic over emotions. They tend to hide their feelings and see efficiency as more important than cooperation.


This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.


Judging individuals are decisive, thorough and highly organized. They value clarity, predictability and closure, preferring structure and planning to spontaneity.


This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.


Assertive individuals are self-assured, even-tempered and resistant to stress. They refuse to worry too much and do not push themselves too hard when it comes to achieving goals.

The ISTJ personality type is thought to be the most abundant, making up around 13% of the population. Their defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication to duty make ISTJs a vital core to many families, as well as organizations that uphold traditions, rules and standards, such as law offices, regulatory bodies and military. People with the ISTJ personality type enjoy taking responsibility for their actions, and take pride in the work they do – when working towards a goal, ISTJs hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience.

ISTJ personality

ISTJs don't make many assumptions, preferring instead to analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. ISTJ personalities are no-nonsense, and when they've made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action. ISTJs have little tolerance for indecisiveness, but lose patience even more quickly if their chosen course is challenged with impractical theories, especially if they ignore key details – if challenges becomes time-consuming debates, ISTJs can become noticeably angry as deadlines tick nearer.

Associate With Those of Good Quality if You Esteem Your Reputation...

When ISTJs say they are going to get something done, they do it, meeting their obligations no matter the personal cost, and they are baffled by people who don't hold their own word in the same respect. Combining laziness and dishonesty is the quickest way to get on ISTJs' bad side. Consequently, people with the ISTJ personality type often prefer to work alone, or at least have their authority clearly established by hierarchy, where they can set and achieve their goals without debate or worry over other's reliability.

ISTJs have sharp, fact-based minds, and prefer autonomy and self-sufficiency to reliance on someone or something. Dependency on others is often seen by ISTJs as a weakness, and their passion for duty, dependability and impeccable personal integrity forbid falling into such a trap.

This sense of personal integrity is core to ISTJs, and goes beyond their own minds – ISTJ personalities adhere to established rules and guidelines regardless of cost, reporting their own mistakes and telling the truth even when the consequences for doing so could be disastrous. To ISTJs, honesty is far more important than emotional considerations, and their blunt approach leaves others with the false impression that ISTJs are cold, or even robotic. People with this type may struggle to express emotion or affection outwardly, but the suggestion that they don't feel, or worse have no personality at all, is deeply hurtful.

...For It Is Better to Be Alone Than in Bad Company

ISTJs' dedication is an excellent quality, allowing them to accomplish much, but it is also a core weakness that less scrupulous individuals take advantage of. ISTJs seek stability and security, considering it their duty to maintain a smooth operation, and they may find that their coworkers and significant others shift their responsibilities onto them, knowing that they will always take up the slack. ISTJs tend to keep their opinions to themselves and let the facts do the talking, but it can be a long time before observable evidence tells the whole story.

ISTJs need to remember to take care of themselves – their stubborn dedication to stability and efficiency can compromise those goals in the long term as others lean ever-harder on them, creating an emotional strain that can go unexpressed for years, only finally coming out after it's too late to fix. If they can find coworkers and spouses who genuinely appreciate and complement their qualities, who enjoy the brightness, clarity and dependability that they offer, ISTJs will find that their stabilizing role is a tremendously satisfying one, knowing that they are part of a system that works.


ISTJ strengths

  • Honest and Direct – Integrity is the heart of the ISTJ personality type. Emotional manipulation, mind games and reassuring lies all run counter to ISTJs' preference for managing the reality of the situations they encounter with plain and simple honesty.
  • Strong-willed and Dutiful – ISTJs embody that integrity in their actions too, working hard and staying focused on their goals. Patient and determined, people with the ISTJ personality type meet their obligations, period.
  • Very Responsible – ISTJs' word is a promise, and a promise means everything. ISTJs would rather run themselves into the ground with extra days and lost sleep than fail to deliver the results they said they would. Loyalty is a strong sentiment for ISTJ personalities, and they fulfill their duties to the people and organizations they've committed themselves to.
  • Calm and Practical – None of their promises would mean much if ISTJs lost their tempers and broke down at every sign of hardship – they keep their feet on the ground and make clear, rational decisions. Peoples' preferences are a factor to consider in this process, and ISTJs work to make the best use of individual qualities, but these decisions are made with effectiveness in mind more so than empathy. The same applies to criticisms, for others and themselves.
  • Create and Enforce Order – The primary goal of any ISTJ is to be effective in what they've chosen to do, and they believe that this is accomplished best when everyone involved knows exactly what is going on and why. Unclear guidelines and people who break established rules undermine this effort, and are rarely tolerated by ISTJs. Structure and rules foster dependability; chaos creates unforeseen setbacks and missed deadlines.
  • Jacks-of-all-trades – Much like Analysts (NT), ISTJs are proud repositories of knowledge, though the emphasis is more on facts and statistics than concepts and underlying principles. This allows ISTJs to apply themselves to a variety of situations, picking up and applying new data and grasping the details of challenging situations as a matter of course.

ISTJ weaknesses

  • Stubborn – The facts are the facts, and ISTJs tend to resist any new idea that isn't supported by them. This factual decision-making process also makes it difficult for people with the ISTJ personality type to accept that they were wrong about something – but anyone can miss a detail, even them.
  • Insensitive – While not intentionally harsh, ISTJs are often hurt more sensitive types' feelings by the simple mantra that honesty is the best policy. ISTJ personalities may take emotions into consideration, but really only so far as to determine the most effective way to say what needs to be said.
  • Always by the Book – ISTJs believe that things work best with clearly defined rules, but this makes them reluctant to bend those rules or try new things, even when the downside is minimal. Truly unstructured environments leave ISTJs all but paralyzed.
  • Judgmental – Opinions are opinions and facts are facts, and ISTJs are unlikely to respect people who disagree with those facts, or especially those who remain willfully ignorant of them.
  • Often Unreasonably Blame Themselves – All this can combine to make ISTJs believe they are the only ones who can see projects through reliably. As they load themselves with extra work and responsibilities, turning away good intentions and helpful ideas, ISTJs sooner or later hit a tipping point where they simply can't deliver. Since they've heaped the responsibility on themselves, ISTJs then believe the responsibility for failure is theirs alone to bear.


ISTJs are dependable through and through, and this trait is clearly expressed when it comes to their romantic relationships. Often representing the epitome of family values, people with the ISTJ personality type are comfortable with, and often even encourage traditional household and gender roles, and look to a family structure guided by clear expectations and honesty. While their reserved nature often makes dating ISTJs challenging, they are truly dedicated partners, willing to devote tremendous thought and energy to ensure stable and mutually satisfying relationships.

Happiness and Moral Duty Are Inseparably Connected

Blind dates and random hookups are not ISTJs' preferred methods for finding potential partners. The risk and unpredictability of these situations has ISTJs' alarm bells ringing, and being dragged out for a night of dancing at the club just isn't going to happen. ISTJ personalities much prefer more responsible, conservative methods of dating, such as dinner with an interested coworker or, in their more adventurous moods, a setup organized through a mutual friend.

ISTJs approach relationships, as with most things, from a rational perspective, looking for compatibility and the mutual satisfaction of daily and long-term needs. This isn't a process that ISTJs take lightly, and once commitments are established, they stick to their promises to the very end. ISTJs establish foundations, fulfill their responsibilities, and keep their relationships functional and stable.

As their relationships transitions into the long-term, ISTJs gladly see to the necessary daily tasks around the house, applying the same sense of duty to their home life that they do in the workplace.
While this may not translate into particularly exotic intimate lives, ISTJs are dependable lovers who want very much for their partners to remain satisfied. It takes patience on the part of more adventurous partners, but if different activities can be demonstrated as equally or more enjoyable than those already within ISTJs' comfort zones, they are perfectly capable of trying something new.

However, emotional satisfaction can be another matter. While ISTJs are able to provide surprisingly good emotional support, this only happens when they realize that it's necessary, and there's the rub. As Thinking (T) types, ISTJs are not naturally receptive to others' emotions, not unless they are stated clearly, and a partner usually only says "I'm angry" when it's too late to address the initial grievance.

Let Your Heart Feel Their Afflictions, and Give Proportionally

People with the ISTJ personality type can get so caught up in the belief in their correctness, in "winning" arguments they thought were about facts, that they don't realize their partner may have viewed things from a perspective of consideration and sensitivity. Especially with Feeling (F) partners, this can be a huge challenge for the relationship. Ultimately though, ISTJs' senses of responsibility and dedication set the tone, and they spare no effort in noting to this distinction moving forward, the consequences having been demonstrated as real.

While ISTJs' staid approach may seem boring to some, there is an undeniable attractiveness to it, though felt perhaps more by respect and admiration than emotional passion. ISTJs' shells hide a strong and quiet determination and reliability, rare among other personality types, which can benefit even the flightiest personalities, allowing them to stay connected to the real world while still exploring new territory. Partners who share the Observant (S) trait are the best fit for ISTJ personalities, with one or two opposing traits to create balance and to expand ISTJs' sometimes overly isolated world, such as partners with Extraverted (E) or Prospecting (P) traits.


ISTJ friends are not spontaneous. They are not talkative, or particularly playful in their affection. What ISTJ friends are is loyal, trustworthy, honorable and dependable. Others may come and go with the ups and downs of life, but ISTJs stay by their friends' sides no matter what, with a deepness of commitment that other types may not even believe is possible.

True Friendship Is a Plant of Slow Growth

ISTJs are a very methodical personality type, and this loyalty isn't given away lightly. Often slow to make friends, ISTJs usually end up with a smaller circle, but they consider that circle to represent a promise to be there for the people they care about, and ISTJs' promises are not easily broken.

Expressing emotional affection isn't one of ISTJs' stronger skills, but they nevertheless find ways to show it. As Socrates said, "To be is to do", and ISTJs' follow-through, their willingness to take action as a show of support, stands in for their words.

These actions convey a sensitivity that many fail to see, but it is a quality that ISTJs' friends come to admire and depend on in the long years of their friendships.
But all of this sounds terribly serious, and indeed it only shows the one side of ISTJs and their approach to their friendships. The other side knows how to stop being quite so staid, and especially in the company of joyful and talkative Extraverts (E), ISTJs enjoy relaxing and having fun with a good discussion about work, life, and current events.

People with the ISTJ personality type don't like conflict, and this applies to how they select their friends as well. Seeking out friends with similar principles and opinions, ISTJs most often befriend other Sentinels (SJ), who are likely to share their perspective and world vision. While they are unlikely to become friends with substantially different types – it simply takes too much energy to bridge the communication gap – ISTJ personalities still recognize and appreciate others' strengths and qualities.

Knowledge Is the Surest Basis of Happiness

In fact, as if to prove the point, ISTJs almost always have at least one Intuitive (N) friend in their inner circle, despite the disconnect the two perspectives bring. These are very much relationships built not on mutual understanding, but out of respect for their mutual differences. ISTJs marvel at Intuitives' breadth of thought, being very much in tune with their own intelligence, while Intuitives admire ISTJs' realism and dependability, something they are often hard-pressed to find in themselves. Knowledge, as always, is the great equalizer.


While many personality types may be comfortable with flexible work as consultants and sole proprietors, ISTJs are much more focused on building long-term, stable careers. That's not to say that ISTJs can't do that sort of work – many find themselves thinking about what's on the other side of those cubical walls – but what they crave is dependability, and that is reflected in their choice of work perhaps more so than in any other part of their lives.

Have No Other View Than to Promote the Public Good

The facts support this, as the most common careers among people with the ISTJ personality type revolve around institutions of respected tradition, authority, security, and established consistency. Careers as military officers, lawyers, judges, police officers and detectives are all very popular among ISTJs. This makes sense, as they not only offer the stability that ISTJs seek, but are in line with their principles and conservatism, establishing clear societal roles.

ISTJs of course aren't limited to these organizations – there are many other roles that utilize their reliability, objectivity and sharp eyes. When facts and logic are out of place, ISTJ personalities swoop in as the accountants, auditors, data analysts, financial managers, business administrators and even doctors that identify, report and correct the issues at hand.

Most of these careers have ISTJs working alone, which is usually their preference, but when teams are necessary, they are best defined by clearly outlined roles, responsibilities and work environments.

Nothing is quite so challenging for ISTJs as ongoing debates about who is responsible for what, resulting in work that's shoddily assembled – or worse, incomplete.
ISTJs have strong opinions about how things should be done, and if things are shuffled too often, people with this personality type can become surprisingly vocal about their opposition. It's important for ISTJs to remember that even the most traditional and stable career paths can and need to change as time goes by. It is much better to accept this with grace than to develop reputations of being enemies of new ideas.

Business Discourse Should Be Short and Comprehensive

ISTJs may also struggle with the increasingly open and social requirements of modern work life. Being somewhat bad at sensing others feelings, ISTJs' "just the facts" attitude can be downright alienating when it comes to more sensitive personality types. This applies not just to coworkers but to customers as well – service positions like retail sales and waiting tables, as well as more emotionally demanding careers such as psychiatry are, generally speaking, a terrible fit.

The ideal career paths feature a trend: they place facts above feelings and allow ISTJs to uphold the hard standards that are the backbone of society. Rules are the basis for everything people take for granted about modern life, from the social contract that smooths relationships, to the laws that protect peoples' most basic safety, to the constitutions and treaties that govern nations. People with the ISTJ personality type take on roles as the defenders of these ideas, in big ways and small, and are rightfully proud of it.


When it comes to the workplace, ISTJs are almost a stereotype for the classic hard-working, dutiful employee. In all positions, the ISTJ personality type seeks structure, clearly defined rules, and respect for authority and hierarchy. Responsibilities aren't burdens to ISTJs, they are the trust that has been placed in them, an opportunity to prove once again that they are the right person for the job.

On the other hand, the change that comes with assuming those new responsibilities, or in losing old ones, is often a significant struggle for ISTJs. This presents itself differently in different positions of authority, but it is one of ISTJs' most significant challenges to overcome. The usual insensitivity common to all Thinking (T) types is also a running theme here, something many people with the ISTJ personality type choose to focus on in their personal and professional development.

ISTJ Subordinates

ISTJs crave responsibility, which makes them the go-to subordinates for odds and ends and unpopular projects. Often seen as jacks of all trades, ISTJ personalities can competently tackle any project that comes with a manual. On the other hand, this makes them reluctant to give up responsibilities even when they are overburdened, or when there are better people for the job. The seriousness in ISTJs' approach to their work makes them surprisingly sensitive to criticism, leading to a sometimes vexing level of inflexibility.

Their stubbornness aside, or perhaps because of it, ISTJs are quite possibly one of the most productive subordinates – they respect authority and hierarchy, and have no problem following orders and instructions. Punctuality is unlikely to ever be an issue, either in terms of showing up to work on time, or in terms of meeting project deadlines. While ISTJs may need clearly set steps and well-defined responsibilities, they are exceptionally loyal, dedicated, meticulous and patient in completing their work.

ISTJ Colleagues

Among colleagues, no one can be trusted more to ensure that projects are finished on time and by the book than ISTJs. Quiet and methodical, people with the ISTJ personality type keep cool when the going gets tough, but expect their colleagues to share their approach. Significantly different types, especially more emotional ones, baffle ISTJs with their need for emotional support and openness, or capacity for dropping something, half finished. To ISTJs, either something's been done right or it's been done wrong, and sugarcoating it or walking away isn't going to fix it.

ISTJs value peace and security in the workplace, and the easiest way for this to happen is for them to simply work alone. Innovations, brainstorming, theories and new ideas all disrupt this comfortable state, and it takes a great deal of respect on ISTJs' part to acknowledge their validity. Once the details have been laid out and a plan of implementation established though, ISTJs are an indispensable part of the team in putting these ideas into practice.

ISTJ Managers

ISTJs love responsibility and the power resulting from it. Pressing themselves hard to meet their obligations, ISTJs regularly go above and beyond their duties, and expect their subordinates to act with the same level of dedication. At the same time, ISTJs' preference for doing things by the book, adherence to hierarchy, and general aversion to innovation makes their subordinates ride a very thin line when they do – stepping out of bounds must be backed up with just the facts, and results.

It is said that it is better to do first and ask permission later – it's difficult to say whether this applies to ISTJs, as they are very intolerant of their subordinates' failures to meet their obligations, and one of those obligations is to stick to the plan. Believing that truth, at least as far as they see it, is more important than sensitivity, ISTJ personalities are capable of laying down hard criticism, and their willingness to make tough decisions can make perceived insubordination the final trespass.


Discovery Report

Saturday, September 26, 2015
Secret War Journal[26 September 2015]
As part of one of my business modules this semester, I am required to take a few personality tests to better understand myself. Well then, below is the link to the report generated from it.

tl;dr: I am Cautious and Supportive. :)

Link: Discovery Report for Leroy

Gamer Motivation Profile

Monday, August 10, 2015
Secret War Journal[10 August 2015]
I took this profile analysis some time back. I found it quite interesting because it has some surprising results. Indeed, my preference for gaming has changed a fair bit since young.

Full Profile can be found here:

You Gaming Style: Spontaneous

Your gamer profile consists of your percentile rank across a broad range of gaming motivations.
Your scores are based on how strong your motivations are relative to other gamers. In this customized report,
we’ll explain how to interpret these scores and what motivations we measured.
Check out other profile tools and surveys at the Quantic Lab.
Created with Highcharts 4.1.4Chart context menuAction(62%)Action (62%)Strategy(25%)Strategy (25%)Achievement(35%)Achievement (35%)Social(48%)Social (48%)Immersion(59%)Immersion (59%)50255075100

The 5 Motivation Groups

We identified 5 clusters of motivations. In general, motivations within the same cluster tend to be positively
correlated, while motivations between clusters tend to be statistically unrelated. We’ll walk you through
the individual motivations in the section below.

A Quick Word on Percentiles

Percentiles are how you rank relative to other people. In this report, your percentiles are how you compared
with other gamers who have participated in this profile tool. A percentile of 80% means you scored higher than
80% of gamers. Conversely, a percentile of 10% means 90% of gamers had a higher score than you. This means that
a 50% is perfectly average.

The Action Components (62%)

Gamers with high Action scores are aggressive and like to jump in the fray and be surrounded by dramatic visuals and effects. Gamers with low Action scores prefer slower-paced games with calmer settings.
Created with Highcharts 4.1.436%89%DestructionExcitement020406080100
Destruction (36%): Gamers who score high on this component are agents of chaos and destruction. They love having many tools at their disposal to blow things up and cause relentless mayhem. They enjoy games with lots of guns and explosives. They gravitate towards titles like Call of Duty and Battlefield. And if they accidentally find themselves in games like The Sims, they are the ones who figure out innovative ways to get their Sims killed.
Excitement (89%): Gamers who score high on this component enjoy games that are fast-paced, intense, and provide a constant adrenaline rush. They want to be surprised. They want gameplay that is full of action and thrills, and rewards them for rapid reaction times. While this style of gameplay can be found in first-person shooters like Halo, it can also be found in games like Street Fighter and Injustice, as well as energetic platformers like BIT.TRIP RUNNER.

The Strategy Components (25%)

Gamers with high Strategy scores like challenging gaming experiences with strategic depth and complexity. Gamers with low Strategy scores enjoy being spontaneous in games and prefer games that are accessible and forgiving when mistakes are made.
Created with Highcharts 4.1.415%41%MasteryPlanning020406080100
Mastery (15%): Gamers who score high on Mastery enjoy playing games that rely heavily on skill and ability. They take the time to practice and hone their gameplay so they can take on the most difficult challenges that the game can offer. These gamers play at the highest difficulty settings and don’t mind failing missions repeatedly in games like Dark Souls because they know it’s the only way they’ll master the game. They want gameplay that constantly challenges them.
Planning (41%): Gamers who score high on this component enjoy games that require careful decision-making and planning. They like to think through their options and likely outcomes. These may be decisions related to balancing resources and competing goals, managing foreign diplomacy, or finding optimal long-term strategies. They tend to enjoy both the tactical combat in games like XCOM or Fire Emblem, as well as seeing their carefully-devised plans come to fruition in games like Civilization, Cities: Skylines, or Europa Universalis.

The Achievement Components (35%)

Gamers with high Achievement scores are driven to accrue power, rare items, and collectibles, even if this means grinding for a while. Gamers with low Achievement scores have a relaxed attitude towards in-game achievements and don’t worry too much about their scores or progress in the game.
Created with Highcharts 4.1.425%49%CompletionPower020406080100
Completion (25%): Gamers with high Completion scores want to finish everything the game has to offer. They try to complete every mission, find every collectible, and discover every hidden location. For some players, this may mean completing every listed achievement or unlocking every possible character/move in a game. For gamers who score high on Customization, this may mean collecting costumes and mounts in games like World of Warcraft.
Power (49%): Gamers who score high on this component strive for power in the context of the game world. They want to become as powerful as possible, seeking out the tools and equipment needed to make this happen. In RPGs and action games, this may mean maxing stats or acquiring the most powerful weapons or artifacts. Power and Completion often go hand in hand, but some players enjoy collecting cosmetic items without caring about power, and some players prefer attaining power through strategic optimization rather than grinding.

The Social Components (48%)

Gamers with high Social scores enjoy interacting with other players, often regardless of whether they are collaborating or competing with them. Gamers with low Social scores prefer solo gaming experiences where they can be independent.
Created with Highcharts 4.1.440%55%CompetitionCommunity020406080100
Competition (40%): Gamers who score high on this component enjoy competing with other players, often in duels, matches, or team-vs-team scenarios. Competitive gameplay can be found in titles like Starcraft, League of Legends, or the PvP Battlegrounds in World of Warcraft. But competition isn’t always overtly combative; competitive players may care about being acknowledged as the best healer in a guild, or having a high ranking/level on a Facebook farming game relative to their friends.
Community (55%): Gamers who score high on Community enjoy socializing and collaborating with other people while gaming. They like chatting and grouping up with other players. This might be playing Portal 2 with a friend, playing Mario Kart at a party, or being part of a large guild/clan in an online game. They enjoy being of a team working towards a common goal. For them, games are an integral part of maintaining their social network.

The Immersion Components (59%)

Gamers with high Immersion scores want games with interesting narratives, settings, and customization options so they can be deeply immersed in the alternate worlds created by games. Gamers with low Immersion scores are more grounded in the gameplay mechanics and care less about the narrative experiences that games offer.
Created with Highcharts 4.1.465%62%46%CustomizeFantasyStory020406080100
Customization (65%): Gamers who score high on this component want to actively express their individuality in the game worlds they find themselves in. In games like Mass Effect, they put a lot of time and effort in the character creation process. In city-building games or space strategy games, they take the time to customize exactly how their city or spaceships look. To this end, they prefer games that provide the tools and assets necessary to make this possible and easy to do.
Fantasy (62%): Gamers who score high on Fantasy want their gaming experiences to allow them to become someone else, somewhere else. They enjoy the sense of being immersed in an alter ego in a believable alternate world, and enjoy exploring a game world just for the sake of exploring it. These gamers enjoy games like Skyrim, Fallout, and Mass Effect for their fully imagined alternate settings.
Story (46%): Gamers who score high on Story want games with elaborate campaign storylines and a cast of multidimensional characters with interesting back-stories and personalities. They take the time to delve into the back-stories of characters in games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect, and enjoy the elaborate and thoughtful narratives in games like The Last of Us and BioShock. Gamers who score low on Story tend to find dialogue and quest descriptions to be distracting and skip through them if possible.

Source: Quantic Foundry

Career Guide by Universum

Saturday, November 8, 2014
Secret War Journal[8 November 2014]
Take the test here!
You are a(n)
LEADERS are able to see the big picture in any situation, which helps them inspire both their teams and themselves. They prefer the numerous benefits of working with others in a team environment, rather than being a "lone-wolf". Leaders aren’t afraid of being responsible for situations. They see responsibility as something to be desired and sought after. Because they understand that, their success or failure is ultimately in their own hands. Leaders are also quite introspective; they can look inward and assess themselves honestly and, when necessary, harshly. Before starting their careers, leaders are often involved in various types of organizations, and are often responsible for the founding and growth of projects.

Your comparison to your peers from National University of Singapore, Singapore

Understanding what you're worth is important when entering the workforce. Use the below to benchmark your expectations against your peers, your gender and the average salary expectation from over 1 million students.

Suggested Employers

Based on your survey data. Below are employers that, based on your answers, match your profile.

Start to build your relationship with these companies by joining their social career pages to learn more about what they do, who works there and if they could be a good future match for you!

  1. Microsoft
  2. Morgan Stanley
  3. Samsung
  4. J.P. Morgan
  5. BP
  6. Dell
  7. Apple
  8. Intel
  9. HP
  10. Marina Bay Sands

Entrepreneurship Analysis

Monday, September 8, 2014
Secret War Journal[8 September 2014]

My Scores

Student's Name: LIM LEROY
Date of Survey: 08 September, 2014

Your ENTREPRENEURIAL Career Aspiration 

Your average scoreAverage score for NTU studentsWhere you stand among NTU studentsLowModerateHighVery High
Motivation 3.003.02High
Intent 4.002.71Very High
Efficacy 2.572.99Moderate

Your PROFESSIONAL Career Aspiration 

Your average scoreAverage score for NTU studentsWhere you stand among NTU studentsLowModerateHighVery High
Motivation 3.833.84High
Intent 4.753.76Very High
Efficacy 3.403.43Moderate

Your LEADERSHIP Career Aspiration 

Your average scoreAverage score for NTU studentsWhere you stand among NTU studentsLowModerateHighVery High
Motivation 3.833.57High
Intent 5.003.70Very High
Efficacy 3.143.30Moderate

Your ENTREPRENEURIAL Career Aspiration 

Your average scoreAverage score for
Undergraduate students
Average score for
Business students
Average score for
Male students
Intent 4.002.682.662.78
Efficacy 2.572.963.193.08

Your PROFESSIONAL Career Aspiration 

Your average scoreAverage score for
Undergraduate students
Average score for
Business students
Average score for
Male students
Motivation 3.833.813.913.85
Intent 4.753.733.773.77
Efficacy 3.403.343.363.52

Your LEADERSHIP Career Aspiration 

Your average scoreAverage score for
Undergraduate students
Average score for
Business students
Average score for
Male students
Motivation 3.833.603.663.58
Intent 5.003.713.913.74
N of Undergraduate students = 11,501; N of Business students = 2,153; N of Male students = 7,404

Career development opportunities in NTU

In this section, we hope to bring to your awareness some of the opportunities available in NTU for you to further develop your knowledge and skills on entrepreneurship, professional and leadership careers. This list is by no means exhaustive and we encourage you to find out more beyond this page.

General career development:

  • Career-related course(s) in NTU: HP8002 Working in the 21st Century by School of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • NTU Career & Attachment Office (CAO) – The CAO provides a comprehensive range of career such as services attachment or internship opportunities and to prepare you for the workplace.


  • Makan Night – an informal networking session organised by NTU Ventures that gathers start-up founders and professionals. It is held on the last Friday of every month at NTU Ventures @ Innovation Centre. Look out for the monthly emailer for more details.
  • Ad-hoc events and workshops – Look out for the emailer or check their website (see above url)
  • Besides events and workshops, NTU Ventures also provides incubation and mentoring support should you wish to start your business soon.
Nanyang Technopreneurship Center (NTC)
  • Minor in Entrepreneurship program by NTC, consisting of 16 Academic Units (AUs)
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Weekan annual week-long celebration (usually in August) with entrepreneurship-themed events
  • Startup Design Week – a multi-day bootcamp on how to start a business. Look out for the emailer or contact NTC for more information.
  • business challenge - an annual business competition organised by NTC where you can validate your business ideas with experienced entrepreneurs and stand a chance to win some prize money and start-up funding. Do visit its website for more info,
Student Clubs

Specialised professions:

  • Formal academic training and job exposure are also essential in your professional growth. You may wish to contact your school’s administration or the CAO for advice on NTU’s academic courses, seminar talks, events, and industrial/professional attachments.
  • There are many professional communities where you can meet fellow students with common interests. More information can be found in your school’s website or you can refer to the clubs & communities page:
  • The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) of NTU provides continuing education programmes and services for NTU alumni and others who are keen to advance their knowledge and learn practical skills. For more info about the professional development courses provided by CCE, please visit:


  • Leadership opportunities are plentiful in the campus for you to experience what it is like to manage as a leader. You can be part of the Students’ Union executive committee or the Union Council, or assume a leadership role in the committees of Halls of Residence, clubs & societies or sports teams. Do visit the following pages to learn more about these student organisations.
  • There are a few leadership & management courses that you can take as electives, such as Leadership in the 21st Century (course code: BU8642) and Fundamentals/Principles of Management (course code: BU8601/BE2601). You may search for leadership & management courses at
  • Some schools also administer their own leadership progammes, such as the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering’s Leadership Development Programme. You may refer to your school’s website for the availability of such initiatives.

About the EPL framework

The EPL framework: A holistic assessment of career aspirations

In today’s ever-changing globalised economy with growing opportunities and challenges, it is uncommon that people adhere to a single career track. Increasingly, people make mid-career switches to other professions or specialisations. While furthering their careers, many are tasked to do something they have never done before, such as leading a huge organisation or developing a brand new product. There is a need for people to acquire a diverse set of skills and knowledge in preparation for a dynamic, multi-dimensional career. In view of these trends, the NTU Career Aspiration Study (CAS) seeks to develop a comprehensive and holistic framework of career aspirations, assessing people’s career inclinations in a three-dimensional space: Entrepreneurship (E), Professional (P) and Leadership (L).
Using this multi-dimensional framework, the NTU CAS enables a better understanding of how these three career forms, E, P & L, relate to one another (Chan et al., 2012). CAS examines not just the intended career path of individuals, but also their motivations and self-efficacies associated with each career form. In doing so, CAS provides a comprehensive understanding of a person’s career aspiration.
This report is intended to help you understand your aspirations towards entrepreneurship, professional and leadership careers. The results reported based on your survey summarise your inclinations towards each of the three highlighted career forms. It is important to note that any inferences drawn from the report must be further validated against other sources of information not provided by the survey. All information in the report is confidential and should be treated responsibly.

Intent, motivation and efficacy

The report takes into consideration three aspects in examining the career aspirations of the individual; namely, the intent, motivation and self-efficacy towards each of the three EPL career aspirations.
Motivation refers to a person’s level of interest or enthusiasm towards a particular career form. CAS also assesses a person’s self-efficacy, i.e., his or her perceived capabilities to succeed. The EPL framework hypothesises that career motivation and self-efficacy are determinants of a person’s career intent, which measures his or her readiness or conviction towards each of the EPL career forms.
As you read through the report, it is important to keep these definitions in mind. For example, it is important to remember that these measures are not the same as actual abilities, and do not necessarily or directly translate into performance.

Norm group: NTU CAS Survey

NTU CAS survey comprises 14,129 complete responses from NTU undergraduate and postgraduate students (male: 53%; female: 47%). The mean age of the respondents was 22.73 (age range: 16 to 57).
Reference: Chan, K.Y., Ho, M.H.R., Chernyshenko, O.S., Bedford, O., Uy, M.A., Gomulya, D., Sam, Y.L., Phan, W.M.J. (2012). Entrepreneurship, professionalism, leadership: A framework and measure for understanding boundaryless careers. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 81, 73–88.