Showing posts with label Johnston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johnston. Show all posts

Persona by EML

Sunday, March 10, 2013
Secret War Journal[9 March 2013]
Do not be deceived by the name. It is actually a concert.

Comprised of mainly electronic music, it was a performance performed by Electronic Music Lab, a club in NUS. Johnston is a member of the club and he would be performing on some of the songs in the concert. Together with Qi Xiang, Marcus and Meldon, we went down to the school's cultural centre dance studio to support Johnston. Below is a audio recording of the concert. Enjoy! :)
(Note: It is a bit soft, so you might need to turn up the volume. :O)

The Stage
I must admit, that not everyone would be able to appreciate such genre of music. Personally, I enjoyed the song that Johnston performed in (51:40). It is similar to trailer instrumental music. I like such styles, it makes you feel alive. It energies you. :)

From Left: Leroy, Qi Xiang, Meldon, Marcus, Johnston

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Secret War Journal[15 December 2012]
After attending Playhouse 2012, Johnston, Qi Xiang and I decided to play LAN to kill time, since the movie starts at 8:30pm.

I am proud to inform you that, the seats this time round are well-positioned because I made the effort to go to the cinema early in the morning to buy the tickets. There was hardly anyone there then and I had a wide range of seats to choose from. :) *feels proud*

Some of you would be wondering why did I not just buy online. I mean why the hassle?! You're right. I did try to. Sadly, I do not own a debit nor a credit card. Furthermore I wanted to take advantage of certain discount when I buy the tickets over the counter. (which turned out to be a failure, by the way, the Hobbit was an exclusive movie until 16 December. As a result, there were no discount. :()

Soon, it was time for the movie. With only three of us, we decided to buy one popcorn combo and meatballs. However, I did not expect that the large size popcorn to be so small. Hahas, the irony. Like what Johnston said, the size of the large popcorn looks like the past regular size popcorn. We were contemplating whether to buy another popcorn combo since Johnston and I felt that there is a chance that we may finish the popcorn and the meatballs very fast, leaving us with nothing to eat.

Sure enough, before the movie was reaching midway, we finished our meatballs and popcorn. Hahas, we managed to survive without food for the remainder of the time in the cinema as the movie was great, in my opinion.
As many of you would know, the Hobbit: An unexpected journey was based on a book, prequel to the renowned trilogy - the Lord of the Rings. It was meant to be a book for children and centres on the adventures of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins.

In this particular arc, Gandalf the Brown decided to involve the hobbit in an adventure with a merry company of dwarves to reclaim their ancient kingdom that was taken from them from a black dragon.

Apparently, after watching the movie, the studio behind the movie decided to include tales from the Silmarillion, explaining more about the lore in Tolkien's fantasy world and hinting the coming of the nazgul, with the appearance of a witchking.

Although I did not like the introduction of the movie, I must admit that the appearance of Frodo Baggins was effective in bringing back memories from the Lord of the Rings.

Gandalf! Ah the wizard is supposedly younger since the story is set 60 years before the events of the Lord of the Rings. However, as this movie is directed 10 years after the last Lord of the Rings film, Gandalf looked noticeably older which was ironic. XD Perhaps Gandalf the Brown was not yet adept in magic to make him look youthful.

Yet he is not the only wizard in middle earth! We know that there is Saruman the White ,who appears in the movie, but are there more? It is mentioned in the movie that there are 5 wizards in middle earth, one white, 2 brown, 2 blue. While the blue wizards did not appear in the movie, I would love to see future sequels explaining the roles that the Blues play.

Speaking of which, while the source material was quite a thin book, the addition of other source materials allowed the story to be made into a trilogy. This may seem like a letdown as one is tempted to think that it is some money making gimmick.
Well, I do not know if it is really the case but I felt that the pacing of the movie was good and given the length of the movie, it is justified to split it into at least 2 films.

Finally, another aspect that the film was successful in what the candid interactions between Bilbo and Gollum. It created an opportunity for comic relief and it was well-played.

Thus, this is definitely a film to watch this month and I felt that it was better than the Lord of the Rings trilogy but it is too early to say as this is just the first of the three.

M1 Playhouse 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012
Secret War Journal[15 December 2012]
Hi guys! Today is the day many NUS Medical students had practised for, Playhouse 2012!

As I would quote from them, "Playhouse is a yearly intra-faculty drama competition of a tremendous scale. Each year, students from every batch come together to put up 5 different plays, each lasting an hour, to compete with their fellow Meddies. This serves as the finale event for the yearly Intra-Faculty Games organized in conjunction with the Sports Directorate." 

For this event to be so successful, you have to give credit to the management, the external vendors, and of course the students who invested countless hours to perform these wonderful plays. :)
What I would like to focus today would be the first play during Playhouse 2012, also known as a play by the Team M1.

It is also the play that my friends Johnston and Trevor played a part in. :)

(I hope I described it accurately, hahas! I will update it when I confirm the details. :P)
The story revolves around a lady named Anna and her 5 unique (eccentric?) neighbours. It begins with the death of a fellow neighbour named Jansen which sparks off a series of emotional reactions and events involving the tenants of the apartment.

There are a few characters in the play.
First off, would be of course Anna, the main character. She portrays herself as an rational character among the tenants. Indeed, more often than not, she is the sensible character during the interactions with the other tenants.

Next, Grey. A highly cynical (& logical) guy who likes to think rationally but is secretly afraid of losing control. Personally, I do not see how he secretly fears losing control. Maybe I did not catch his reaction that demonstrates that. (I am such a poor audience. :O) He is at odds with Patricia, mainly due to their differences. [Last among the victims to die. Killed by a random burglar breaking into the house at the exact moment he joked about he would be killed, to demonstrate how absurd Anna sounded. Talk about speaking about the devil.]

Walter. Jansen's father. He is senile, possibly because he was not able to handle the grief from losing his son. A good portion of his airing time was spent emphasizing how he still believes Jansen is still alive and insisting the tenants to call him down for dinner. He has a granddaughter. (I am not sure what's her name. Sorry.) [2nd to die, after Jansen, supposedly from natural death. Witness: His granddaughter.]

Walter's granddaughter, named Lily. A child that was badly abused by her parents in the past. As a result, she keeps a doll by her side. She interacts with people often by referring to her doll or speaks in a third person manner. She reminds me of the character Alice in Alice in Wonderland. That makes her a bit creepy in nature, no? [4th to die. From aspirin overdose, taken secretly when Luke brings a box of aspirin to the living room.]

Zoe. A girl that loves the colour pink. Anything in pink is cool to her. She is rather self-centred, or it is just me. She was not really fond of Jansen. Thus she was not greatly affected by his death. She is a party animal and loves to socialise with people. [3rd to die, from a faulty power socket resulting in a lethal electric shock. She was drunk then, causing her brains to be addled.]

Patricia. Seemingly over-paranoid about many things, she stammers when she talks and thinks the whole world is out to get her, and the tenants. It worsened with the death of Jansen where she believes that Jansen's thyroid cancer can be spread by being near his corpse. When a new tenant is expected to live in Jansen's unit and the newcomer's name is known, she associates his name, Luke with Leukaemia, proclaiming him as an agent of death. Convinced, she is opposed with the idea of allowing Luke coming into the apartment as the new tenant. She is at odds with Grey due to her supposed delusions that Luke is a murderer and is out to kill every tenant in the apartment. [5th to die. Coaxed to commit suicide by Luke.]

Luke. The new tenant in the apartment. A calm character who is unfazed by all the deaths occurring in the apartment. He is often seen offering a helping hand to Anna, hoping to offer her as much aid as he could in the difficult times in the apartment. One notable conversation that occurred between him and Anna was how she coped with the neighbours in the tenant, each with their unique personalities. Towards the end of the play, he is revealed to be the mastermind of the deaths of the tenants, claiming it was for Anna's sake, leading Anna to be in despair. In the end, he is actually a doctor treating Anna's multiple personality disorder.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Secret War Journal[10 November 2012]
This movie outing was organised quite in a rush. The original plan was to watch last week when it supposedly premièred. However, as my grandmother had been admitted to a hospital, I had to cancel the outing to visit my grandmother.

As a result, I postponed the movie outing to this Saturday. As a consequence, Marcus was not able to make it. Keller had returned to Singapore but he is busy on that day as well. (Awww....)

In addition, I just had a short field camp during the weekdays. I was not able to finalise the details until the day itself as I was close to being knocked out on Friday night.

That was evident by the fact that I missed my stop twice in the train because I fell asleep, causing me to detour twice. Finally, I blocked people from entering the bus because I was first in line and I fell asleep.

Hahas, embarrassing moments of my life. :P

One aspect of the movie that I really liked was the way the scriptwriter kept emphasising the theme - Skyfall. From the beginning to the end of the movie, there were many references to the theme. It serves to tell the audience why the movie was named so.

In many ways, this is truly a action-packed movie. More of explain less, more action formula, I would say. I would say the formula for this plot because the plot is not hard for the audience to understand why certain things happen in such a manner. Thus, there was no need for the characters to explain, which would make the movie quite dull indeed.
Removing the lengthy explanations, all that is left would be pure action sequences where you get to see the main character constantly running into obstacles and overcoming them.

Quite surprisingly, this movie deviated from the normal James Bond formula. I must admit that I entered the Cinema expecting a female sidekick/lover shooting with James Bond. All I got was quite different from my expectations. A brief moment with a female character with a random embrace and kiss with virtually no character development. I guess it was their way of saying, "Hey, the usual features of a James Bond movie is still present!" but I am not buying it when the female character felt like an afterthought.

The movie also paid homage to some past James Bond movies which I find was not too bad but certainly not a plot device to be used in future James Bond movie any longer since the effect would be lost.

Finally, what I liked best about the movie was their witty responses which brought smiles to the audience, if not laughter (I am sure)!

Citadels & Looper

Sunday, October 21, 2012
Secret War Journal[20 October 2012]
It is time to celebrate Qi Xiang's Birthday!

Together with Marcus and Meldon, we had a blast at Mindcafe near Dhouby Ghaut.

We played a match of Settlers of Catan. After that, we went on to play a round of Citadels.


Apart from Qi Xiang, I think the rest of us never played this game before. (At least I know I never played before)

At first look, the game may look a bit complicated due to the presence of 4 different sets of cards, excluding the instructional cards. Of course, on hindsight, it certainly looks a lot less complicated than Settlers of Catan but hey, I was not comparing this board game to any game when I first saw the contents.

Basically, in this game, your goal is to accumulate as much points at the end of the game. The game ends at the end of the round when a player constructed 8 districts.

The more expensive your districts are, the more points it would contribute. Players who constructed 8 districts at the end of the game would receive bonus points and the first player to construct 8 district would receive the most bonus points. Some districts have special abilities.

Perhaps, the key element of the game is the character cards. Each round, you get to choose a class/character where no one else knows until it is revealed later phase of the round. Each character has a special ability which you can use in that round. Some abilities include destruction of a district, extra gold, make a player lose a turn.

The remaining 2 sets of cards are bonus decks which you can opt to replace the original cards in the district and character decks. In my opinion, some of the cards from the bonus decks are quite imbalanced and breaks the game but that's just me. :P

The Present
Before we headed off to the cinema, we side-tracked a bit to a nearby games store.

Mind you, this was all planned beforehand.

Qi Xiang had mentioned about this game for quite some time already. Since he does not yet own this game, we decided it would make quite a decent birthday present for him.

Thus, as we entered the store, we started to talk about the latest games available in various consoles. Meanwhile, Marcus went to purchase the game to present it to Qi Xiang.

Qi Xiang looked a bit shocked when he saw the present. He had an expression which said "I can't believe you guys just bought this for me!". Hahas!

Mission accomplished. Time to watch the movie. :P


In my opinion, it was an insightful movie. Though I won't call it a great movie but it is indeed thought-provoking. Time travel has been a concept that many had imagined. However, many considerations need to be taken when writing a script based on time travel. It is just so easy to create paradox on the fly when you are writing a story with time travel involved.

Looper is one such movie that leads one to feel that the author did not bother to tie up the loose ends in the movie, leaving the paradox unexplained. Of course, it could also be the intention of the author to leave it to the watcher's imagination. Sometimes, explaining the paradox could kill the action in the movie which I would agree in this case since this movie is seriously lacking some thrilling action. Even though I believe it was not meant to be an action movie, but hey, a little more action would not hurt right?

One aspect I really liked about the movie was how the director managed to portray the motivations of various characters in the movie. Despite the lack of screen time for the older Joe, it is not difficult to know the driving force behind his actions. Similarly for Kid Blue, his motivations are also explained in the movie.

Regarding comic relief, I believe one of the best played scene was the anti-climatic scene, much similar to the anti-climatic scene in Iron Man 2. Another well-played act was the conversation between the two Joes in the restaurant.

Comparing to other time travel pieces, I feel that Steins;Gate is still a better option. It could possibly due to the fact that it is not a movie but has many episodes to slowly build up on the time travel concept which gives Steins;Gate ample time to close the loose ends. Steins;Gate allows the audience to get mind-blown as everything makes sense, where everything fits despite the move into the next time line, preventing major paradoxes.

Finally, Looper is a movie that ensures that one would be talking about it after the movie, allowing intellectual discussions on each other's perceptions/understanding of the movie. Each and everyone has different approach to understanding the movie, allowing this movie to be a great topic to converse about in social gatherings. That is where Looper truly shines, I feel.

"I must govern the clock, not be governed by it." - Golda Meir

Soup Restaurant

Saturday, September 8, 2012
Secret War Journal[8 September 2012]
Soup Restaruant 08092012
We (Marcus, Johnston, and I) had not met up since University started. Taking full advantage of the short leave I had from my recent graduation from Foundation Term, we met up at Nex Shopping Mall to have a great dinner.
But before that, it is time for me to meet up with Meldon and Qi Xiang for lunch at Ajisen Ramen!

But honestly, I seem to be eating Ajisen once monthly. Heck, I just dine there with Cynthia last month?

If I knew, I would had kept the card that Ajisen Ramen kept giving me...

I just tried the White Fish ala-carte. Okay, I tried that the last time I ate at Ajisen through the recommendation of someone but hey! I ordered it this time. Ha~!

It was a lot of fun when we shared what good reads are there. It was funny when Qi Xiang got overwhelmed by two epic fantasy series: A song of Ice and Fire and the Malazan Book of the Fallen. Personally, I, too, cannot believe we spent so much time at the Library reading Foxtrot comics. Hahas!
Back to Soup Restaurant. :)
I am almost twenty years old and this is actually my first time trying Soup Restaurant. (Hmm, that made me sound as though I am deprived. :O)

Basically, it is a Chinese cuisine restaurant. I know a lot of Singaporean of my age generally got sick of Chinese cuisine already but I am actually the opposite. (As usual, hahas. I must be born at the wrong year)
I had been eating so many Japanese (+a bit of Thai and Korean) and Western cuisine that I actually find myself missing Chinese cuisine. I guess my heritage makes me wanting more of Chinese Cuisine. It is more likely to leave me feeling more satisfied after a meal. I am not really sure why myself, perhaps it is just ancient instincts.

Soup Restaruant 08092012

Seating down, we ordered a set meant for the three of us. It includes a plate of sliced chicken with cabbage, minced meat with soy sauce, claypot tofu, vegetables and pork ribs with corn and red carrot soup. Along with these, are free flow of white chrysanthemum tea.  =)
Enough talk, let's eat! I have a 4 course meal + soup in front of me!!! *Readies chopsticks*

(Hahas, I was joking. I had obviously finished my meal. :P

Throughout the meal, we talked about the recent games that we had been playing and planning to play. Sims 3, Dragon Nest and D.C. Universe Online.

We went on to talk about University/Academic life thus far. I even asked Johnston for some medical advice since I suffered from some ailments since entering army, of which I had no time (or maybe just plain too lazy, hahas?) to consult a proper doctor. I had not told anyone. I guess it is appropriate that my best friend knows about it first. :) Marcus left to settle the bill then, I guess God doesn't want him to know, I accept His decision.

Marcus is now studying Psychology. I really learnt some cool stuff from him on our way home. In fact, I learnt some shocking theories. I hope I learn more of these interesting snippets of it! ^^

Sigh, how I wish I have something to share too... Everyone is learning new things...)
Observers (if you could be there) would realise that we all hardly talk about army life. There are many several reasons for it:
  1. Things about army are generally classified, we cannot talk about it in public.
  2. Not everyone goes through army and thus would feel left out. (Applies to Qi Xiang and Marcus to a certain extent; besides Johnston is now officially a civilian)
  3. Army does not really warrant that much of an attention as a conversation topic. I mean really? There are more interesting things to talk about! :)

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." - C. S. Lewis


Sunday, July 8, 2012
Secret War Journal[8 July 2012]
Passing Out Parade (POP)
After a week of non-stop of rehearsal at Palau Tekong, we had finally reached the final stage for our performance.

First, we marched in with our armour and field pack. Sweaty we were from the long march, tired we were from the long journey, we marched in proudly. For today was the day we were no longer recruits. We were going to pass out to be a private in the army!

Due to the poor design of the uniform, many of us had injuries at the thighs. As a result, we had great difficulty marching straight forward. Despite that, we pressed on and put on a good show for everyone.

Marching in, we saluted the Chief of Army and the reviewing officer. After that, we stood to attention while the prize ceremony proceeded. After that, we marched off to return our weapons.

Returning to the parade square, we said our pledge, sang the National Anthem and finally performed the BMTC Roar.

My thoughts:

Finally! The moment had finally arrived!

After 4 months of training to be a soldier and marching a quarter of the borders of Singapore (24 KM), I am finally no longer a Recruit in the Singapore Armed Forces! :D

It was a long journey, I would say. One that certainly felt very long. Despite the physical trainings and months of regimentations, I cannot confidently say I am adapted to military life. This is partly due to my attachments to my civilian life.

Of course, I would not had been able to survive through the months of being a Recruit in the army without support from my friends. This includes my best friend, Johnston and Marcus. :)

I certainly cannot imagine life without your moral support and listening to my ranting when I am disgruntled with military procedures. :p

Not to mention other close friends like Cynthia, Keller, Jie Sheng, Meldon, Qi Xiang, Siew Yan, Wei Ting, (... the list goes on ;) and friends like Trevor, Lai Yin, Pei Shi who made effort to stay in touch despite less opportunities to do so since our graduation from junior college and for some who were currently in school.

Special mentions goes to Johnston, Marcus and Keller as usual who makes effort to stay in contact. I believe that is what keeps our friendship so strong after so many years. =)
Being a lazy person, sometimes I feel that I did not put in that much effort in keeping in touch with people. Thus, I really appreciate you guys who periodically organise meet-ups. :)
Adding to the list would be Cynthia. Thank you also for making efforts to stay in touch. Friends for ever! :D
After taking photos, we had lunch at Suntec City before I was herded by home by Marcus who proclaimed that I needed the rest after spending around 10 hours awake since last night. As a result, the rest of the boys went out to play while Wei Ting, Cynthia and I headed back home via cab. :O

[Update: I really slept like a pig, I woke up at 7pm, only to sleep again after dinner. Heehee!]

As a whole, I was actually quite amazed I went out with friends every time I booked out from camp. Sadly, that trend is unlikely to continue when I enter a new phase of army life as school is re-opening soon... not everyone would be as free as they were before.

Looking at the pictures taken during my time when I booked out, I had gone through a lot of fun. I would keep those fun memories. To tell the truth, I felt a bad sad as I looked through the pictures because I am uncertain of the future. I am uncertain when would be the next time I can meet up with everyone and have fun and chill again.

My vocation posting results would be out this coming Friday. I am hoping for the best, wish me luck! :S

"If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how?" - Joan Baez

DOTA 2 / Cold stone creamery

Saturday, June 2, 2012
Secret War Journal[2 June 2012]
It has been a long time since I last posted huh?

I just realised I forgot to post about DOTA 2. Oops? :P

Yep, so I recently started to play DOTA 2

Today was actually my second time playing this game and we tried out the AI for the game. :)

Initial thoughts:
There was indeed many graphical improvements, as they say. The models now look more polished. However, some heroes look significantly different from their original appearance, some better, some look weird now.

Mechanics wise, they are largely similar to its predecessor. They are some changes to the way damage are calculated and how attack modifiers work.

Gameplay had been slightly modified too. I would say the gaming experience is now much more enjoyable and dynamic. Buying items and recipe in DOTA 2 is a breeze while it is now easier to conduct team battles and organise ambushes.

After the gaming session, the whole lot of us (Johnston, Keller, Qi Xiang and I) headed to Somerset for some ice cream!

 I had Chocolate devotion which was awesome!

Though qi xiang commented that the taste was too strong, (he had strawberry), I like chocolate so it really nice to me! :)

"Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time." - Steven Wright

Sakae Sushi Teppanyaki

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Secret War Journal[7 April 2012]

Had a wonderful dinner at Sakae Sushi Teppanyaki after LAN with Marcus, Johnston and Trevor before going for arcade! :)

Infocomm Closure

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Secret War Journal[14 March 2012]
Hi people! I am sorry for the sudden hiatus from the last few weeks as I was sorta 'conscripted' into National Service in Singapore. In case you are not aware, all males in Singapore aged 16 and a half and older are required to serve in the Singapore Armed Forces for 2 years, followed by a few years on 'standby'.

Before I elaborate 'more', let me keep you up to date with what had happened since my hiatus.

End of IDA Internship
As of posting, it is now 14 March 2012. My internship in IDA ended on 1st March 2012. Originally, I was supposed to end my internship on the last day of February but my mentors really require help on a project. As a result, we decided to extend my internship by one more day to the first of March so that I can officially hand over matters to a temporary staff named Mehul who would be helping my mentors until the completion of the project.
The last week of internship was, to me, both tiring and exciting closure to my first internship. For this week, Joan, Wen Rui, and I would be ending this week. Like me, Wen Rui had to extend her internship by one day. Hence, her internship ended with Joan on the last day of February. I would say my last week of internship was not as hectic as that of Wen Rui's but I would say it was a bit tight for me nevertheless. While Wen Rui stayed behind in the office to finish her work, I brought home the laptop to attempt to finish my assigned work. Unfortunately, I was still unable to finish it on Thursday, 1 March 2012. I remembered feeling dread when I was going to inform my mentors that I was unable to complete my task. However, what happened next was rather unexpected. I had always known that my mentors were nice people but I was actually half-expecting to be reprimanded for being inefficient and lack of time management. As you probably had known, my mentors were accepting of the fact that I was unable to complete.
I later found on that day when I asked my mentors for an evaluation of my performance during the internship that they felt that I was too efficient. While in a certain persepective, it is a good thing, being too efficient can lead to potential problems in a team. Furthermore, completing an assignment too fast gives an impression that is it is not done with thought. I know that I did but I agree that it would be difficult for others to believe. Thus, I was advised to spend more time double-checking when I finished to prevent negative impressions imposed upon me. I guess, my mentors are perhaps glad that I was unable to complete a task in time because it would seems that much effort was placed on it. Hahas! XD
I realised that I accidentally wrote about some events happened on the last day of internship before talking about other notable events that occurred throughout the internship. I think one of the most memorable event that took place would be my first meal with my mentors. Unlike Johnston and Wen Rui, my mentors were often busy and do not have the opportunity to go to meals with me. I do not really mind as I understand that they are very busy. For most of my internship period, I had lunch with Johnston, Joan, Wen Rui, Chor Hiang, Gladys, Joycelyn and Sherilyn. However, on the second last day of my internship, my mentors decided to conduct a farewell lunch with me. It was also going to be a welcome lunch for Mehul. We settled on a nearby bar named Harry's just downstairs from our office. Our lunch was candid as we finally had the opportunity to dicuss issues not related to work for once. For example, it was only until that day that I realised that Ms Kiranjit is a vegetarian who also eats fish. I think that is rather interesting. Mehul is a vegetarian. He just graduated from SIM with a Mass Communication Degree. He used to be Meridian Junioor college too before he transferred to a polytechnic. On the other hand, Terence is like me, a non-vegetarian. :)
Terence and I ended up ordering the same dish, a dish with cereal-fried chicken with ham stuffing with greens. (My father later commented that I kept ordering chicken but hey! I like chicken! :p) As it turns out, I was fooled by the menu, (not sure if my mentor was too but...), I was served only two bite-sized cereal-fried chicken stuffed with ham and cheese in the middle. The rest of the plate were green in colour. Did I mention I hate vegetables? Alright, I cannot say the bar cheated me but I guess they took the menu literally. Finally, I found out that Ms Kiranjit, Mehul, and I are all left-handers. So cool! I mean, for the first time, out of a sample size of 4, there are 3 who are left-handers! That reminds me of the composition in my junior college class. :D
Finally, my last assignment was to hand over my outstanding work for a particular project to Mehul. He is around two to three years older than me so I felt a bit strange when I was briefing him. This was the first time that I actually briefed someone muich older than me for official work and I think the most awkward moment then was when he asked, "can I borrow the pass from you, sir?". I remember being stunned for a moment. Thinking back now, I think it was a nice feeling. I am not sure it was just a natural polite question or out of respect, but I do not care. :p
Mehul would be taking over my account until the end of March, I think? So do not be alarmed when I go online with my IDA account (I know Mr Yao was on the day of my A Levels results). Hahas.
I would cover more about army (not much actually due to the Official Secrets Acts)
"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." - Voltaire

Valentine's cum Teachers' Seminar 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Secret War Journal[14 February 2012]
I am just returned home from a hectic day! :D

Before I begin anything on what had happened today, let me first wish you all a

Unfortunately, my plan to give out chocolate wafers which I bought a month ago was not very successful because everyone, including me, was busy.

Don't worry! I plan to still give out tomorrow, I hope. XD
Meanwhile, I would like to special these people who giving me a Valentine's gift. Thank you! =)
Wen Rui and Joan, Year 2012

Wen Rui and Joan, Year 2012

Wen Rui, Year 2012

2012-02-18 17.11.03.jpg

IDA Infocomm Club Teachers' Seminar 2012
Today I helped out at an IDA event called the Infocomm Club Teachers' Seminar 2012.

I am not a key member of the event though, just helping out with ushering, registration and collection of forms at the event of the event.
To me, the more interesting thing that happened during the event would be during the ushering.
I guess this is partly due to the fact that this is the first time I am helping out at events as an usher. Unlike Johnston and Joan, being Student councillors in junior college, I had no idea what to expect for this role.

Thankfully, the teachers who were attending this event were friendly and I actually had fun doing that role. For some reasons, doing this role remains me of the MPS sessions that I had been helping out. It made me wonder if I would this week's session because I would be going over to Siew Yan's house for steamboat instead.

Hmm, let's no sidetrack. :)
After my usher role, I went over to help out at the registration booth. I had a nice chat with Zaliyah. :)
I guess this was perhaps my most challenging part, feeling helpless in addressing some of the teacher's queries. I suppose it is my fault for not being aware of the technical aspects of the Infocomm Club. XD

My secondary school decided, at the last moment, to not attend. Frankly, I was not expecting much, since most of my juniors during my school days had mostly graduated and my teachers-in-charge then had since left the school. I was still expecting to re-connect with my CCA though. Pity.
Personally, one of the coolest feature of this seminar would be the talk by AutoDesk. I never thought they AutoDesk would actually give a talk in Singapore! Okay, I knew AutoDesk were committed to talking with customers but wohoo! Hahas!

Like I was saying to Joan, it made me feel like setting up a Infocomm Club all of sudden. :P

In addition, I really appreciate how IDA makes the effort to come up with findings and what's in store for all of us for this year. I think it is a feature that sets the CCA apart from other CCAs, (okay, not including NCC).

Unfortunately, I did not have the time to actually attend the talks and presentations for the event. Oh well...
Today, some of my fellow interns were telling me that they were considering working in IDA. Hey, how awesome is that? :D

Starcraft 2 En Masse

Saturday, January 14, 2012
Secret War Journal[14 January 2012]

I realized ever since the end of “A” level, I had been going out to play LAN with many of my friends.

Well, on the bright side, I had been playing Starcraft 2 with my friends. Starcraft 2 hones the mind and the mind games involved is really refreshing for me. Well, I cannot see that for everyone else though. Hahas!
So what is the link of the introduction to what we are discussing today?

I have to admit, I just played LAN today again. Opps?

For today’s round, we have Johnston, Trevor, Nigel and two other friends (sorry, I’m not sure how to spell your names)

We played a total of 4 matches. Each match was a team battle, 3 vs 3. After each match, we would shuffle the team players for more diversity and balance. :)

I would say this is the first time I managed to play a very serious Starcraft 2 games with friends. I really enjoyed the experience. :)

Hope we play again in the near future! Ciaos!

Intern Union -- IDA

Saturday, January 7, 2012
Secret War Journal[3 January 2012 - 6 January 2012]
Another week has passed! I hope this is a short post because I have a lot of things to write about, hahas!

New Interns
As mentioned earlier, Wen Rui and Johnston had officially started work as Intern here from this week onwards. :)

This brings the total number of Meridian Junior College Students working as Intern to 4. With that many of us around in there (relatively), we could form our own student union in there! Hahas!

I am just worried that our mentors would think we are distracting each other. Let's hope not. I would like to think with more of us around, we could help each other in terms of moral support and improving each other's skills.

Helping each other in specific work may be more difficult, given the sensitive nature of our work. (Especially mine?) But I still believe there are ways to improve each other's work without needing to disclose too much information. (After all, I live with secrets everyday and I still get things in done in the real world.)
Wen Rui seems to be the busiest among us right now. However, I believe I would be much more busy than her in the near future once my side shift into high gear. :)

Johnston's first week seems similar to Joan's and mine. In addition, his mentor seems as friendly as mine. Wohoo! We must be lucky. :)

Meanwhile, on the eastern side of Singapore, I am back training as a case-writer!

This week, there are more volunteers than ever!  I am not sure it was due to one week break than everyone had but wow, the room was filled with volunteers! Voluntarism in Singapore is indeed rising, for this particular activity anyways. Hahas!

It is a really much more enriching an experience than typing, I feel that I get to know how's the sentiment like on the ground and the various issues that people experience.

You should volunteer too! ;)

"Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it." - Henry David Thoreau

2011: For Friends

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Secret War Journal[2011][Long Post]

Ah, the last days of 2011 approaches.
What does it mean? It means that it is time to bid our good-byes.

This year, I decided that I shall call it the Year of Friendship.

Indeed, my friends. This year is dedicated to all who I deem as friends. There aren’t many, I know but know that each of you count. Numbers mean nothing to me.
After all, there is no point in claiming many as friends when you know at the back of your head that they are plotting your downfall.

Why this year, you may ask.
This year had been hella tough year. Family was not of much help (as usual). Of course, tolerating certain people also did not help much but I am glad that you people were there for me.
Some days when the days are cloudy and dark, you provide light to show me the way.
Some days when the days are bursting with tears, you provide shelter from its pounding droplets.
Some days when the days are beaming with sunlight, you would be there to bask in it.

In short, thank you for being there for me. :)
"A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely." - Pam Brown

Of special mention are the following people:
1.      Johnston
Thank you, my best friend. For being there, when I feel down. For being there, when I feel sick and tired of humanity. For being there, when I feel that there is no point in staying in this place. For being there, when I am at a loss of what to do next.
Thank you for making the effort to re-connect me to the world when I lost touch to the outside world.

2.      Emelia
Your cheerful self reminded me of my past, in a good way. I am happy that despite having fewer opportunities to meet up in person, we were still able to keep in contact via new media. :) Your efforts in making those cards and greetings did not go unnoticed. Thank you! ;)

3.      Marcus and Keller
Thank you both for setting aside time to go out with me for varying reasons. I do acknowledge that it takes some effort and patience to allocate a portion of your free time to go out. Unfortunately, you two sometimes became targets of wicked tongue when we meet because I am often in a foul mood this year. I’m sorry and can only hope for your understanding. I really appreciate how the both of you tolerated shit from me and kept our friendship alive. Thank you.

Keller and I should remain in contact either via Facebook or via mobile. :)

4.      Qi Xiang and Meldon
My bubbly friend, Qi Xiang who had, perhaps ironically, made the best group of friends during his two year in Junior College between Keller, him and I. Sometimes, I envy his life though most of the time I wonder why (often ending up in much hilarious results)
Meldon, Qi Xiang and I actually have some common interests which I believe had ensured hours of talking (which may had distracted our studies slightly this year)
Still, it was fun talking to them and I really enjoyed the conversations a lot. Not to mention, the laughter coming from those. ;)
I’m not really sure why but somehow I felt that staying in touch with everyone could start to prove to be difficult. Here’s my analysis on who I would likely to stay in touch after this year: (maybe you would notice a trend…)

Primary School Friends:
Johnston – I’m sure we would remain in contact after all these ordeals. :)

Emelia – Similarly, I doubt we will lose contact. :)

Marcus – Based on past experience, I believe Marcus will also take effort to stay in contact. :)

Jia Xin – Staying in touch with her may prove to be difficult in the coming years since there is little opportunity to meet up. However, I like how we are open to the idea of planning meet-ups. ;)

?? ??? – Highly unlikely to meet you again. Sigh. Promises are just too powerful.

Secondary School Friends:
Keller – I have faith that he would take the effort to stay in touch but who knows what may happen in the future? Worse case scenarios, there’s always Facebook :S

Qi Xiang – Meeting up with him always had been hard. Hahas! At least we still can contact each other via Facebook (unless Facebook goes into a downturn, oh no!)

Cynthia – Kind of surprised hearing her coming with a plan to meet up with the rest of the group which I guess warrants her name being placed here. Not bad, much improvement on her part. :p We shall see how much she is determined to get it going. It is not going to be easy, but I think she needs the experience.

Siew Yan – She and I discussed about possible meetups in the future. I’m not really sure it was light talk but I’m pretty serious with what I said – Obviously one would prioritise old friends over bunk-mates during the NS period because the opportunity to meet bunk-mates is so much higher during that period anyways. In my opinion, the real challenge, for me, comes after my national service. I think there could be a potential for a conflict of interests then.

Lai Yin – I guess she will make the effort? Strangely enough, her schedule and mine seems to clash a lot. I guess we have differing definitions of free time and work. *Shrug*

Junior College Mates:
Shereen – Ah, my god-daughter of mine. I trust that her constant worry that we lose contact after National Service would be cause enough for us to stay in contact. She is always afraid I would forget her after NS. Hahas, silly girl.
"Never have a companion that casts you in the shade." - Baltasar Gracian

And also other things...
2011 was surprising an eventful year. Time to review my wishlist for 2011,
score: 5/8.
Details here.

Dang, not as well as I had hoped for. Still, I guess it can't be helped.

After all, some matters are really not up to me to decide.

Weekends in 2011 were pretty much devoted to housework and judging by how things go, it would be the same for the next year too. Shucks.

Don't get me wrong, doing housework is okay. Demanding people to do housework EVERY DAY borders on insanity.

Of falsehoods
I decided to pretty much cease writing about my broken family except for really generic stuff that everyone else writes about. The rationale behind is that I realised that those posts are getting quite a number of people worried about me. That is unfortunately not what I want.

So, to have less people getting concerned over such matters, I decided to stop writing about such matters in this journal. Originally, I just write those to calm myself down. I am someone who needs to write some stuff to organise my thoughts else those thoughts would run amok in my brain. (which could make me quite insane at times)

While at one hand I'm saddened by the fact that I had to resort to this on this journal, I guess I would get used to it. After all, I put on a false front everyday.
"A half truth, like half a brick, is always more forcible as an argument than a whole one. It carries better." - Stephen Leacock

Changes for the coming spring,
I decided to abolish some formatting styles for my entries for 2012.

Instead of the usual cyan background header in my entries, I should now adapt a simpler larger font size with bold for my headers (with Georgia), like these in this entry.
I guess most reader would probably exclaim, "Thank goodness, I thought this day would never arrive!"
But I still wish to justify my rationale for using the cyan background for my headers initially. It was to provide for a high level of contrast for easier reading. Of course, at times, that made it look out of place in the entire journal, the harmony of colour seemed broken at some point of time.
Thus, I decided to restore the harmony at the cost of its contrast. Of course, if any of you have a better suggestion, please do tell me and I would consider them.

Another writing technique I am planning to change could be using Microsoft Office Word to write out my entries from now instead of the native engine available online. I believe Office Word would provide me with more options for formatting and more room for creativity. Of course, this means that the underlying code could potentially become more complicated. (But I guess it is not your problem, to speak of hahas!)

For this post, I used Office Word. I would like to say I really enjoyed typing there, as if typing here is not already a joy! Hahas!

Another advantage in using Office Word would be that I could type my entries even when internet is not available. I am not always at places where there is internet, unfortunately, and that had hindered my efforts to write my entries throughout this year.
Of course, there is also an issue of privacy when I am typing the entries. After all, I am not very comfortable with typing my entries in the presence of people, in general.

What about changing the design of this journal, you say?
Hahas! Sorry, I have no plans to change the current just yet. Let's just say my mood when I decided to use this design is still aligned with how I feel like now. :)

Okay, how about removing that irritating cover post that had been there for months? Sorry again, there was a reason in placing it there as it is. Until there are more reasons to remove than leaving it there, it will remain.

One, I do not want certain people to know this journal is updated and well. Second, it is easier to track who is reading my journal and what post they were reading via the URLs visited.
For some inconvenience, I think the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages thus far. So, no not a chance.

With Love, Leroy
There were, of course, many things that I wished I did not do. Nevertheless, this year was also a year where I felt there was some progress in my long-term goals.

  • I am nearer to completing one of my promises.
  • I felt the presence of my old self, like finally.
  • I met my grandaunt, another recollection of my past.
One day, I will return to my old life and leave this pathetic life that I live now. I am working towards it, watch me.
With 2011 coming to a close, I realised there were also quite a number of misses, namely:
  1. The inability to stay in contact with some people
  2. Unable to find time to meet up with cousins during weekends which puts me in a bad mood some days because I miss them :(
  3. The inability to spend time with myself and re-connect to my own world
  4. The inability to have the time to pursue my goals
  5. The inability to express myself due to physical constraints

I still sleep with much sorrow each day. This cannot last. Let's hope it ends this year.
What is this sadness that weighs me down? It is of loss. It is of denial. I feel so cold, where is the warmth in this world?
"A man who trusts nobody is apt to be the kind of man nobody trusts." - Harold MacMillan

All in a week's work.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Secret War Journal[6 December 2011]
Ah, it had been such a long time since I last posted. Some would had thought this Journal was discarded while I moved on to some other places.

Well, readers, you would be glad to know that this Journal is still being maintained and well. :)

I apologise for the lack of update for the past few days since the end of A levels but I was sorta busy finishing all my unfininshed drafts. I'm happy to say I had published them all though some entries I had to cut real short due to time constraints. (An increasing number of people had been complaining that this Journal was getting forgotten so I had to rush, no? :)

Alright! Ladies and Gentlemen, back to the intent of this post! =)

This marks the beginning of my busy weeks for my Post-A Levels vacation. First up, I went to Johnston's house today! :)

Unlike the past few visits to his house, I was noticeably later than usual. This was mainly due to me sleeping late last night and not being able to sleep well. (Yes, I also believe I should not had done so.)

Nevertheless, I played quite a large number of games today! :)

Upon reaching their house, we played monopoly since Emelia had been dying to play with us since the end of our major examinations.

Long story short, Johnston pwned all of us by being the only player who owned a complete set. Hahas!
We also played a few rounds of Cluedo!
I reckon today was the closest to the official rules I had ever played for Cluedo. One day I would play to the official rules, it would be really fun, not to mention more challenging. :)
We also played Monopoly Deal!

And finally, we finished the whole of Halo 3 Campaign! At last, I am updated with the Halo Lore. Hahas!

As a whole, I had a lot of fun at their house. =D

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

Saturday, July 9, 2011
Secret War Journal[9 July 2011]
This is going to be a short post!
 This week's Jie Sheng's Birthday!

To celebrate, we sorta planned to go watch Transformers!

But since school just started and things were very hectic at that time, only Johnston, Jie Sheng and I could make it for the movie.

Yes, it's sad but that won't stop us from watching the movie! :)
Alright, for the benefit of those who had not read up any reviews for this movie yet.

Some movie reviews blasted this movie for being senseless and being a movie meant for males.

Well, having watched the movie, I can't exactly blame them though I think it was a bit of a overkill by them.

Yes, the opening scene is really... excessive. The introduction of the actress who replaced Megan Fox was seriously achieved with too much fanfare.

That aside, Transformers is without doubt, the most action-packed movie of the year (until I found another in the remaining half of the year though I seriously doubt it because I will lack the time to watch that many movies for the rest of the year.)
I believe it is as action-packed as the previous two movies.

One should, however, also do note that some reviewers also commented that the action scenes are so much, it's hurting to the eyes. That is debatable.
If you are not a big fan of action movies, this is definitely not the one for you.

I would say this is a movie ticket well-spent. Rare from me. :)

"Just living is not enough.  One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."  ~Hans Christian Anderson

Green Lantern, sadists, and Munchkin

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Secret War Journal[18 June 2011][Long Post][Photo-Heavy]

Belated Birthday Celebration
Wohoo! Another morning, my parents ain't back from overseas yet.

Johnston, Keller, Qi Xiang, and Marcus have organised a birthday celebration for me. Actually, they intended to have it yesterday but I already agreed to go out with Christopher and gang to celebrate birthday. Hahas!

I guess we can't have everything squeezed into a day unless I decided to not sleep at all. Hahas.

Before that, I would like to say I'm really grateful for Cynthia, Pei Shi, Laura, and Debbie for planning to bake a cake. Hahas. Thanks for your thoughts. ^^

Alright, before I go completely off tangent, I was a bit late for today's outing actually because I was doing house chores before I could leave with ease. (you know, parents complaining the shit out of me when the house is anywhere but perfectly clean....)

Nevertheless, I met up with Johnston first at Daiso, Plaza Singapura. He was buying some textiles for Emelia because Emelia wanted some as decorations for her scrapbook (if I recall). The textiles there are really a challenging area, me not knowing what to do with them. Hahas!

Heading towards where the rest were, I had a hard time locating them because they were dining at a place where we seldom go in this shopping mall. Half-embarrassed myself for spending around 5 minutes looking around like an idiot because I ignored the possibility of them being there. Here's a lesson to learn. :)

Of course, there's a reason why we're all meeting up at Secret Recipe.
There was a cake!

My surprised face. XD


Slice the cake into half!
This is where we all got sadistic and tried to 'torture' the cake. The above picture is me trying to 'slice' the cake with my bare hands!

Close-up shots of the cake they bought for me!


Caught admiring the cake, oops? :p

Initiate Kill
Going in for the kill!

Die Cake!

Die Cake!
Widening the wounds of the cake!

Kill the Cake!
Look at my evil smile! O.o

Torture the cake!
A fellow sadist. With added sound effects.

Torture the Cake!
His trophy!

Really appreciated the cake and allocating one day just for me. I'm really glad you all meet and organised it. Special thanks to Johnston. :)

Hahas, the cake was sweet. :P
You people gave me a hard time thinking of a wish! :O Hahas!

Green Lantern: The Movie

Shortly after the clean-up of the corpse of the banana filled chocolate cake, we adjourned to the cinema above for a film of Green Lantern: The Movie.

I would say, this is a movie meant for hardcore Green Lantern Fans. Hahas!

Why do I say that? The climax was rather short. Worse, I thought that was a lead-in all along. Ah! Imagine how disappointed I was when one of the character did not become villain as I thought it would (according to the comics)

Oh well, not much cool effects. Average plot, not much action though.

Hahas, it's hard for a movie to satisfy me huh? :p

Fort Canning Park
After the movie, we went hunting for a place to sit down to do something.

From Plaza Singapura we exited and headed towards the Fort Canning Park for a desolated sitting area.

Well..... we couldn't find one but that doesn't mean we didn't have fun in the process. XD
Get me out!
We're stuck in the Fort! Noooooo!

~Qi Xiang teleporting away or trying to get out of here.

Get me out!
Guys! Don't leave me behind!

Think Gongfu Panda.

The Three Wise Men



No Kellers were harmed in the process of developing this picture.
This warrant a section of its own! Keller planking!





If you're wondering why we were looking for a place with tables and chairs, it's time for me to reveal (while I open my birthday present!)

Presenting the birthday present (left), an expansion set to Munchkin!

Munchkin is a boardgame that adapts a RPG style that is rather fast-paced.

So yep, we decided to go to SMU study benches to play our boardgames. :)

The Munckin gang!

With the board games!
Once again, I would like to thank you guys for buying this wonderful present! I had a lot of fun today! Thank you!

Dinner @ Clarke Quay
Thought that's the end? No way! Hahas! After playing Munchkins, we headed down to Clarke Quay to treat ourselves to fine cuisine. Ah, it's been such a long time. I think it's the first time we all went together to eat there. :)

Ordering the dishes was very fun. We accidentally end up in a Sichuan Restuarant (which is known for their spicy recipes) and half of us can't take spicy.

Thus, we ended up ordering non-spicy dishes in that restaurant which was very queer by itself, and earned stares from the staff. Hahas, there was this point of time where the waiters were staring at us, looking worried. So funny. :P

I guess, we must had been the strangest customers ever and freaked the heck out of them. The boss even came over to make sure everything was all right. Hahas!

The Fish ultimately became our main dish. We had a relatively long debate whether to include a fish into our course meal as we didn't want to over-spend but it turned out to be a good decision as it really filled our stomachs. :)

To end it off, we're treated to fireworks! Enjoy!