Illusions of Satisfaction

Friday, January 31, 2014
Secret War Journal[31 January 2014]
You know something is wrong when you are getting satisfied with life. I never thought I would ever thought to myself that 'I am satisfied'. Yet, this train of thought came to me while I was pondering about the new year today.

Now, some of you would probably be wondering why is being satisfied with your current life is such a bad thing. The logic behind it is actually very simple. Humans will always demand for a better quality of life. If you were to be satisfied with your current life, it would mean that you do not desire for a better quality of life. It implies that there is something wrong in the way you think.
More importantly, being dissatisfied with your current life drives improvement. When you feel that your life could change for the better, you work towards it. You hold expectations on how your life should be, and you would work towards it. It is actually akin to having a goal in what you want to achieve in life.

Thus, when I actually thought to myself that I was satisfied with my current life, (There is so many reasons not to!!!) it also hints that I had stopped being ambitious. That I had lost all hope in getting out of this predicament. That, is not a good thing. Resigning to fate would not change anything. 

As a result, for this new lunar year, it is time to be get depressed over improving my quality of life. It is time to get stressed from inaction. It is time to set my sights high once more. It is time, for once, to set my expectations higher instead of lower.

I had met many people who disappointed me but I had also met a great number of inspiring people. I must not forget that. I must not lose sight of those great people. I have to let go to those who are constantly pulling me down, convincing me to lower my expectations and stick to the status quo. I should instead interact more with people who believe that they have the power to change their fate.

Contentment is not bad. However, it breeds complacency. That is bad.

With that said, here's me wishing you a lunar happy new year! My chinese had not been great all these while so I went to learn a few idioms for today! ;)



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