Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

Iron Man 2

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Secret War Journal[3 May 2010]
I should be revising my GP paper now but I have no idea where to start. I should also be revising for Physics and Maths but i still have no motivation to do so...

Oh well, I'm screwed the coming tests unless some miracle befall on me. ;)

Al-right, let's start this post proper. ;)

As usual, we went to Plaza Singapura, for the movie. This outing was organised by Keller after several compromises because many of us were busy a few days  back. Nevertheless, I'm glad we manage to meet up during the holidays. ;)

Pity Darian couldn't make it that day though.

Had mee sua as a side-order while waiting for the movie to start, since we came rather early. XD

Realised that that was the first time that Johnston tried Mee Sua. O.o

Well, my grandmother's Mee Sua taste better. Ha!

Went to Caesars to look at their beautiful blades.

Here's one!

Like their blades? Click here to visit their website! ;)

Iron Man 2
The moment has come!

 The movie is definitely a must-watch. I really like the humour inside the movie. :)

One scene you all should look forward to would be the epic fail scene, beautifully demonstrated by War Machine.
In case you people are wondering, "why should I watch a epic fail scene, I'm not going to watch this movie!", allow me to explain. This scene is designed as a comic relief. So one can say this is a intentional 'epic fail' scene.

Some people who watched this movie said the plot wasn't very well-done but personally, it's not bad. It depends on people's perspective, I guess.

So who should really watch this movie? Die-hard Iron Man fans(like keller? Maybe. ;) and people who likes a good laugh, like me. ;)

(Keller predicts that the next Iron Man movie would come next year, so stay tuned! =])

Mindscafe! :D
After the movie, Keller had tution so he had to leave. Aww...we will meet next time! ;)

So that leaves Johnston, Trevor, and me. We were deciding whether to go home and study for Chemistry(which I hadn't even start revising yet) for tomorrow's test or go to Mindscafe and relieve our stress.

Well, making decisions are too mind-wrecking so we leave it to fate as Johnston will prove to us God's Will!

Behold! The flipping of a single coin! XD

And thus, it was decided we would head to Mindscafe. Here's something funny that happened...

Johnston: Okay, let's go Mindscafe then.
(Johnston and Trevor started walking towards the MRT entry gates)
Me: Hey! Where are you guys going? There's a branch here at Dhoby Ghaut!
Johnston(laughs): I didn't know!
Me: Hahas! No wonder, I was wondering why you say go Mindscafe then you started to go towards the MRT as if you're heading home.

Walking to the Cafe, we needed to cross several streets and Trevor kept trying to tempt us jaywalk which we didn't. XP

Trevor: This is taking so long! Just jaywalk la!....
(At this moment, the traffic light for the cars turns green)
Me: Okay! You so pro, cross la!
After a moment,...
Me: Okay, I will cross.
Trevor: Finally, that's what I had been trying to tell you!
(the green man lights)
*Hidden smile*

One of the few priceless moments with friends. ;)
We reached the first Mindscafe that I patronise, only to realise that the boardgame we want isn't found here. (NO!!!!~!)

That was echoed by Trevor...

Well, my bad for calling you guys to walk all the way here only to walk all the way back to the MRT Station. :(


Rushed to the MRT Station and went to Funan IT Mall to the Mindscafe there which we were very sure there is the boardgame that we wanted.

Ate Oreo Ice Cream for dinner. Mmm!
Played Munchkin in Mindscafe until 8+ and that's when we rushed home. Hahas!

Trevor's not bad for a beginner. I won only one match, still so noob at this game. Hahas! ;)

And that's all for that day. Anyway, by some miracle, I passed my Chemistry Test the next day though I hardly had time to revise for it. Thank you, God! I know, shouldn't not prepare for tests, will make a note not to go for tests so unprepared in the future. Even if I were to go out the day before, I would commit myself to revise for the test a few days beforehand.

See I learnt a thing or two from experiences. ;)

Live life without regrets because time waits for no man.

How to train a Dragon

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Secret War Journal[2 April 2010]
This post is seriously overdue! XD

Oh well, don't blame me, blame the school for depriving me of free time. Hahas. I was joking. Okay, let's make this post short because I'm running short on time. ;)

Went with:
  1. Beatrice
  2. Wei Ting
  3. Jia Pei
  4. Siew Yan
  5. Pei Si
  6. Pei Wen
  7. Yi Cheng
  8. Darren
  9. Lloyd
  10. Benjamin
Sorry if I missed out anyone, it was too long ago...:p

Met quite a few people that day. Saw Yong Liang, Jun Yu, Vivian. O.o

[Actually, on that day, keller and Qi Xiang were at Plaza Singapura too. Coincidental much?]

We wanted to watch the movie during the afternoon but being a public holiday that day, it was fully booked already. So we booked the next one, which would be close to evening.

And, this is perhaps my first time watching a movie in a cinema at the first rows(which are normally reserved for serious movie fan. O.o) Hahas.

Talked with friends to kill time while wandering around the mall and eating stuff. One highlight during this period of time, avoiding Siew Yan's sinister DSLR camera! (okay, not sinister but stalker-ish ^^)

But it was fun and enjoyable talking with Beatrice, Wei Ting, and Siew Yan. Really had a great time that day. ^^

Now the movie review! (No, not really)
The movie's nice, if you hadn't watch by now, you just missed a extremely nice movie! Go grab the DVD and watch at the comforts of your home! Yeah! (Sorry, I a bit hyper from the boredom arise from studying. :p)

The movie is funny and also touching (Pei Si was crying non-stop after that, I was sort of teary during the touching part too. I guess everyone is, it's really a nice movie. ;)

Finally, like all good movies, it has a nice storyline. Yay! Epic!

Sadly, after the movie, I had to rush home for dinner. Haiz...

Outing Day 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Secret War Journal[17 March 2009][Long Post]
One week of school just fled by without me realising. On one hand, it's ONLY one week, I had so much tests and quizzes that I thought a month had gone by already. On the other hand, it's already one week gone, Mid-Year examinations are 1 week nearer, hardly went out with friends, spent the entire week doing economics.

As of now, I'm spending more time on economics than any other subjects. Well, I hope I will fix that. Today(27/3/2010), I done Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. There is another test on Economics, so tomorrow the focus would return back to Economics. *Sigh*

First Outing: Mostly 4D People Gathering
Poster for Alice in WonderLand
Met up with the 4D-ians people first at Compass Point first.

This was pretty much my idea to watch a movie. Since most of them are busy during the afternoon, we decided to watch the first movie that would be screened on that day!(which is rather early)

I must admit, it's very early, but I was determined to have a outing. (I mean it doesn't make sense that I have a 'holiday' and I don't even go out for some leisure activity, right? Don't say no.)

Johnston would be joining us at Plaza Singapura.

In fact, the rest all came pretty much in time, (with me 3 minutes late. LOL!)

And Jie Sheng was sms-ing me: "I will be late"

Then I was thinking, "I would be late too. Hahas"

Sadly, our schedule was really packed so we went to Plaza Singapura, meet Johnston, and buy the tickets.

Shortly after that, we bought our snacks/lunch and off we went into the Cinema!
Movie Review
This sounds a bit radical but I'm comparing this movie to an anime based off from Alice in Wonderland too.

Anyway, the movie was not bad(since I was the one who recommended it in the first place!!!) :p

I especially like the character: Cashire Cat though I liked the Mad Hatter more in the anime.

How do I decide which is my favourite character? The strongest character.

In this movie, the Cashire cat, the master of dreams, can vaporise into thin air at any moment(and of course, create illusions)

Which makes him a but over-powered because he's virtually invincible.

Meanwhile, in the anime, Mad Hatter can instantly destroy anything from the Abyss(Alice-related Characters)

The white queen is a bit scary, in my opinion. I don't know, I think it is partly because she's dressed in white but her lips and nails are black which seems to suggest that she isn't as kind as it seems. (I almost thought she would be evil later in the movie. :p)

One more thing would be that her hands are always up though I realise later that week that it's easier to keep your back straight when you do that. Cool, learnt something new from the movie. :)

Cool, huh?

It's defect would be that the movie seemed a bit draggy halfway, probably due to the lack of action.
Lunch(Sort of)
After the movie, Wei Ting, Cynthia, Siew Yan, Jie Sheng, Pei Wen, Clarissa went for lunch while Johnston and I went shopping for a box for Emelia.

But it's hard to buy storage box, it seems that no one sells them after all. Hahas, we tried to get some free one from the department stores but they needed it for storage as well. Oh well. Sorry, Emelia!

P6/5 Outing!
After they finished lunch, they headed off to school. So sad right? Hahas. Johnston went home while I headed off for my next outing planned for today! LOL!

Actually, there wasn't suppose to have an additional outing(which is why I organised one in the morning) but just one night ago, they decided to hold this outing on this same day. Hahas. Just nice, after my movie too. ^^

Best of two worlds indeed! =]

It's been a long time since we last met up, so we spent the rest of the day talking and playing ice-breaking games. ^^

Now just let the photos steal the limelight...

Class Outing 2010
Taken during the Class Outing that day. Guo Siong is not inside because he arrived at a later time.
Class Photo
Okay, this is a bit no link, but it is part of my KHS Class Photo Collection. ^^

Class Photo
Class Photo
Class Photo

6/5 Class Photos provided by Jackie. Many thanks. ;)

What? You want to know what we talked during the class outing? Sorry, as promised, I would not talk about it since some are too private, too dark, too sensitive to be discussed in the public. :)

Okay, this is totally no link from the post's about the blog in general.

I feel like posting some rather sensitive stuff again. I don't know. I may need to organise my thoughts efficiently(as if the purpose of this blog in the first place).

One way is to limit the number of readers who can access. Yeah just that, don't worry, it's not racist nor religious discrimination comments just some stuff too private to let risk that some people who should not be reading this blog read it. Yeah, you get what I mean. ;)
Back to that, I may enforce the word "Secret" in the Blog Title and restrict access soon. I still have not decide on it yet. But in the event I do, the current plan is to only allow my best friend and close friends to be able to read but then again, it is not necessary because they don't need to read my blog to know what's happening in my life. ;)

So yeah, time will tell....

Everyone has secrets so dark that no light can pierce through it...

4D Outing [Tooth Fairy]

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Secret War Journal[25 January 2009][Long Post]
Didn't realise I had not posted about this until I was writing on my next post. :p
Of course, not doing anything injustice to Class 4D, I stopped writing that post and started on this. :)

See? Clap for me! Hee!

Meet up!
The agreed timing was 12 noon at Compass Point and the organiser, Ying Ying, told us to eat lunch.

Personally, I wish to say "WTH?" because what's lunch before 12? Hahas.

You know what's the cute thing? Ying Ying was late. Zzz. :p
Anyway, I went to Compass Point early that day to visit the library and borrow some books(will write a review of the books here when I have the time in the future. XD)

Finding the books took a bit too quickly than planned so I stayed in the library for a while, reading books before leaving to head for lunch.

Met up with Cynthia but turns out that she was at the Library. Ironic that I just left Library like 3 minutes ago?

Anyway, went for lunch (Cynthia wasn't hungry so she did not eat, LOL, she on diet ah? JK! :p) before going back to Compass Point to meet the rest of the Class.
In fact it was amazing, just half an hour ago, there was hardly anyone at the meeting place but now, around 12, almost the entire class is here already.

Glad to know most of us are on time. :p

But like I said, Ying Ying was late. :p

Tooth Fairy
When all those who were supposed to meet at Compass Point are here, we headed for E!Hub, which is just next to Downtown East.

The Movie did not start right away so we went for Lunch. (Ying Ying never eat lunch before coming and she asked us all to eat lunch first! =.=)
BQ Eating
Went Burger King to have Lunch. I did not eat there since I already ate Lunch beforehand. lol.
So we chatted while our fellow classmates eat their lunch.
After our long lunch break, we still had lots of time to go for...Arcade! (Okay, so the heading gave it away...)

Ended up playing some arcade game with Wei Ting, Jia Pei, Bao Lin, Darren.
The Endless Games
For some funny reason,we are able to keep playing, there is a lot of credits in the game that allow us to play again. I think we accidentally scan the card one time too many.

So we ended up playing this game for the entire duration and got ourselves wasted.
The Movie(Finally)
Sorry, if you were expecting the movie itself, too bad. I'm not a pirate! :p

So to make up for that, here's the trailer. :)

The movie's nice. Though that may be a bit bias on my side since I love comedies. Hahas.

But hey, let's take it this way, I won't recommend you a comedy movie unless I think it's funny. ;)

So that's your cue to watch the movie! Hahas.

In fact, it's so nice that Bao Lin watched it twice. (okay, though that may not be the reason but still...:)

The storyline is not bad though the beginning was rather confusing in the sense that I do not see the link until it all connects together later.

I think my favourite character would be the professor-looking guy who gave the useful tools such as shrinking paste, catAway, etc to the Main Character. :)

Pool & Dinner
Alright, after the Movie we took some pictures so without further ado...


Too tired to list every single one in the picture. So yeah..just look at their cute faces can le. :p

After the cam whoring, we went to the Bowling Galley. but not all of us wanted to play Bowling so the rest of us go play Pool.

My second time playing Pool, still as sucky but it was fun! :)

It's nice to play with friends. Hahas...

Played for one or two hours before I got very hungry.

Dinner! Dinner!
But the unexpected happened, (okay I should had expected this but still the chances were sorta low), my fellow classmates who played bowling came up and started playing Pool!

LOL, this is going to drag for hours and I'm hungry!

So Bao Lin, Cynthia and I left the Class and went ahead to eat dinner. (after paying for the Pool, of course)

After that, Bao Lin went back to the class while Cynthia and I headed to the Bus stop.

The Original plan was to take bus 89. But hor I still think very funny, Cynthia can just take bus 3. XD

So! Change of plan, either bus 3 or 89 (so much more practical, not for me though)

If I take bus 3, I need to change bus. Zzz?

So I rather take bus 89, so praying hard for bus 89 to come first.

But Bus 3 came first. Zzzz.

Since it was troublesome to take Bus 3, I did not accompany her. I rather take bus 89! :D

Bully for me. :p

Christmas Celebration

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Secret War Journal[28 December 2009][Long Post]
Yo! The king is back, as promised. Hahas! (dont' ask me why I said that. :p)

Technically, this should be Post-Christmas Celebration. O.o

See the date? It screams, "28 DECEMBER 2009!"

Yep, so hold your asses before you scold me 'idiot' (though I think you would still do so anyway...)

To be frank, this outing required major planning because I could not bring handphone(my second last day of no-Handphone out day!)

Well first off:
  1. I need someone to help me take care of my younger sister (my original plan was to bring her along)
  2. We need to decide on a decisive meeting place or else we all get lost. (Double bad for me because I am not bringing handphone! But of course, I'm not telling anyone. XD)
  3. We need to decide on a place to watch movie(my plan actually, will explain later) but it was settled later anyway. ;)
  4. We need to decide on a time to meet without reaching late for Lai Yin's Church Event(will explain later)
>>Okay, stop!

Information over-load? Maybe not. Let me clarify things one by one...

How this pretty outing all started...
True to her name, Lai Yin is a good liar.

Why? Well...

She 'claimed' that this was a class outing. You know me, I wouldn't attend any event church-related (especially since Jian An's Church Aggressive Preaching then)

Brr...*Shiver down my spine*

Back to the point, so why did I attend the outing, because I was told that the class was going. Zzz..

Oh well, thankfully, that lie shattered from within(I mean yeah, when the truth just plain stands out, the lie is so obviously...a lie. :o)

Just F.Y.I., the event is at night so I had nothing on for the whole of afternoon. Great.

Well...unfortunately, I found out too late. I already arranged things to make sure I can definitely head outdoors that day. (And hell no am I going to let my efforts go to waste.)

Okay, PLAN B!
I already assured(I'm not going to use the word 'promise') my dad that I would take care of Lera so I can head outdoors without getting slammed by "No one is taking care of Lera" crime at home.

Due to the above-mentioned twist of events, there is no really little people coming for the event.

I think that's where the Background Information kicks in...(a bit random but...)
After the outing where we watched the movie, "Bodyguards and Assassins", I wanted to watch Sherlock Holmes and Alvin and Chipmunks. Since I was going out for Lai Yin's event anyway, I might make use of the remaining free time to organise a movie outing beforehand.
Well, the movie outing was supposed to be a class outing too, I mean since the class supposedly would be heading out for the Church later anyway.

That did not went well. Hahas.

Right, PLAN B. Not exactly, plan B actually but let's just call it. ;)

I intended to invite Johnston and his sister to the outing as well but I'm not sure if the class would not mind.

With three-quarter of class out of the picture, calling Johnston over shouldn't be a big problem. Hahas!

So we can say, everything went according to plan.
Latest twist of events, Yan Zhi is coming as well. As soon as I'm aware of that fact, I invited for the movie.

In the end, he could not make it for the movie since his cousin was 'one month old' which is very important for us, Chinese Race. ;)

So I don't blame him. Just a bit disappointed. That makes even a few of us going for the movie. Oh well.
Finally, with the discovery of the Cathay Coupons in the Nan Yang Polytechnic Book(you gotta love their advertisement. Hahas!)

We initially wanted to go to Cathay, but the nearest Cathay Cinema(as shown on their website) airs movies at night, which is too late for us to make it.

No matter, we decided on Plaza Singapura, Golden Village. (Well I did, because everyone said anything which wasn't very productive, no?)

The Big day, yay
Did you notice I had not confirmed the time? (Actually we did, I regretted giving her the option of 12 noon or 1pm. I wanted 12 noon! The earlier the better!)

This morning is going to be super busy, if everything went according to plan. Without telling anyone, except for my aunt, I had decided not bring my younger sister along. To compromise, I asked a favour from my aunt if she could help me take care of younger sister while I was away.

Thank you, Aunt! If it wasn't for you, I may well could not go out at all! ;)

So I was out in the morning, bringing my younger sister to my Aunt's House.
After that, I headed towards the 1st Meeting place: Compass Point.
I just realise bus 83 is actually very fast. (I thought it was only quite fast, guess I thought wrong) (then again, someone said it was slow...O.o)

I mean, it took me less than 10 minutes for me to reach back to Sengkang from the Punggol Bus Stop. Too fast!

Shocked, because I'm officially very early. The time now at this side is 12:14PM.

*Shake head*. On the bright side, we're meeting at 1PM. I guess!

I was getting bored to tears so I decided to eat lunch myself (since they weren't eating lunch and Johnston is eating beforehand)

After eating Chicken Rice(Mmm!), the time now is 12:30PM+

Gah! Another half-an-hour!
Actually, not quite. Saved by some miracle. LOL

Before that, thank you for your wonderful present! ;)

(This is directed towards Cynthia, ;) Okay, despite being a super late present. Hahas!)
Can't believe I would live until this day to receive it. (Kidding!)

Back before the randomness...

I was wandering around the Bus Alighting area when Cynthia arrived. (care I mention that she's half-an-hour early?!)
Looks like I'm not the only early-bird here...lols.
I guess she was rather shocked to see me so early there too. (I mean hell yeah, I don't expect myself to be this early too...You can thank bus 83 for that...)

Since I had nothing else better to do, I followed her. (Unlike me, she's early for a reason)

Well, I'm going to tell you what's she early for, the pattern is intriguing. (Will explain later)

  1. Went to top-up EZ-Link
  2. Went to her workplace to collect something
  3. Return library books
Nothing special, right? The fun part is later.

After all that, we went back to the Bus Alighting Area to wait for Wei Ting. (She missed a bus. Oh my god...)

Reminds me whenever I was returning home from Aunt's Home after work. (Miss Bus 75% of the time)

Oh well...You know what's the cool part? Wei Ting arrived but did not see us. (okay not exactly cool, but call me childish...)

I sneaked up behind Wei Ting, waiting for her to turn her head. She was exactly shocked. Haiz...she was just curious where I sprouted from. =.=

Now let's do some comparison. Wei Ting also had a few stuffs to do:
  1. Claim stored value of faulty EZ-Link card at Ticket Office (seeing something?)
  2. Had to return books. (Still negative? Nevermind...)
Well, since it was getting late and I didn't want Johnston waiting there, Wei Ting decided to return the books later. Meanwhile, Bao Lin came when we were queueing up at the Ticket Office.

Now that all those that's supposed to gather here is here, it's time to head towards Plaza Singapura.
Turns out that I gave vague information to Johnston, he had no clue where to meet there. So I had to borrow a phone and call him. (Thanks for letting me use phone!)

While I waited for Johnston, the girls went ahead to shop for the Christmas Presents (which was a must for the event later).

A few more things to clear up:
  1. I found out that morning that Guan Hui was coming too(though she did not turn up in the end)
  2. The cinema at Plaza Singapura was flooded! And the Alvin and the Chipmunks was fully booked til at night! ZOMG!
Well, here comes our saviour! Johnston Tang! :D

Hahas~! Turns out that the website gave wrong information about the Cathay and it's showing Alvin and the Chipmunks around 2:30PM. (wait, was it 3PM? Forgot.)

Having said that, I think I'm in trouble for giving them wrong information. (Lesson Learnt: Cathay website cannot be trusted)
Found them at DAISO and done the introduction. But the girls very mean(okay, I meant shy!), don't dare to show their face. Ok....?


Well, as we walked towards the Cathay, the topic was: We forgot your friend's name. What's his name again?

Hahas! I'm sure Johnston don't mind. I mean, you can't really expect people to remember names so easily, right? (I mean, even Johnston couldn't yet. ;)

Movie: Alvin and the Chipmunks 2
Woots, bought the movie tickets!

As the girls accompany Wei Ting to put on her Contact Lens, Johnston and I chatted.

(Random time! Wei Ting and her number 12 *Roll Eyes*)

We were late for the Movie because the snack bar had this really long queue!

It's definitely a must watch, not that you need me telling you anyway. Hahas!

Well, first of all, it's funny (and cute! As I'm sure many would say ;)
The graphics is not bad too. Hmm...

Sad to say, the plot isn't very engaging. Though the twist were a welcome. Too little singing (AKA Action)? Perhaps that's what is lacking. Hahas.
Yeah, until now, I have not watched Sherlock Holmes. T.T (I day...)

Lai Yin's Church -- Victory family Centre?
No offense, but that doesn't sound like a church name. Then again, CityHarvest doesn't sound like one either...

After the movie, we bought the presents (for Yan Zhi, Johnston, and me) and went to Yishun.

Met the tall guy and the liar there. Hee...
The event turned out to be nothing that I expected. Perhaps I was thinking of something as grand as the CityHarvest celebrations.

So there was no Christmas Carol Singing. So I'm kind of glad that I did not bring my younger sister after all. There's really hardly anything to do.

Frankly, if my friends weren't there, I would be bored to tears. Thank you, guys. Yeah! I'm not alone. So there was laughter. Ironic that I paid $6 for laughter. I could had gotten the laughter part without the $6. (Lesson Learnt: 50% Chance that what's Lai Yin is offering you is a rotten deal. Wait, make that 25%. Wait...)

And I was promised by Lai Yin that there won't be aggressive preaching. =.=

What's with the "no maybe will make it next saturday but MUST"?

What happened to freedom of religious view?
Well, I doubt anyone went next Saturday anyway. (Definitely not me nor Johnston)
Well, for the sake of memory, we had some games, food and some talk that we hadn't a slightest clue.

Oh and, Johnston won the "Guess the Lyrics: Christmas Edition" and was awarded a Post-it Notes. Zzz...

Well at least, that's as near as Christmas Carolling as it can get.

P.S: And you can know somehow that Lai Yin did not intend this to be a class outing. The venue was so small, it was close to full with just a few of us + the rest of the church members. If the whole class came, there won't be space to breathe. The lie becomes obvious now, huh?
At this aspect, I thoroughly disappointed. What happened to the good old Christians that I used to meet? (like Marcus?)

Tsk Tsk

Our unlucky journey home...
I mean can you believe? Everytime we reached a bus stop, we miss a bus!

Sad that I couldn't accompany Johnston home, guess the Gods had something else planned for me.

Watching Johnston walking back to the MRT Station made me guilty.
Several thoughts came. "Did he regret coming?" "Was he sad?"...

*Shrug* But he had that sad face look for quite a number of days. It's scary. (Note to Johnston: Cheer up!)

After missing around 2 buses, we decided to wait on one bus stop and wait for the bus to arrive.
Walked home with Yan Zhi and had a heart-to-heart conversation. (Must more in-depth than the first time. Shocking news indeed)

Of course, the contents are personal so you won't see it here. (yeah I know this is supposedly the 'Secret War Journal' but the contents will only be at the Top-Secret War Journal. So I guess you lucked out, kid.)
Reached the Lift Lobby at around Midnight and saw my father stationed there.


What was he doing here? He's supposed to be asleep!

Turned out that he needed my help in moving some stuff from the shop back home. (He tried calling me, only to realise I did not bring out phone. Hahas, makes you think twice before not letting me bringing it out. *Insert Evil Laugh here*)

Being the good kid I am (*Puke* I heard that!), I helped.

Slept at 4AM on the next day. Boy was today a busy day. *Snores*

On the other hand
Sorry peeps, I forgot to talk about 27 December 2009 (I noticed).

On 27 December 2009, two main events happened.

First, I received my Merit Bursary Award from the Ministry of Education. The ceremony was rather dull but the time invested was rather worth it. ($.$ Money Face! LOL..joking)

Secondly, Aunt Michelle came near my house to give my younger sister her Christmas Birthday!
Thank you Aunt Michelle!


Bodyguards and Assassins

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Secret War Journal[22 December 2009]
Wee...finally have time to blog again!

This Tuesday, I finally have an outing with friends since god-knows-when. (Probably since 2 weeks ago...T.T)

On that day, I did not work so I was basically using the computer since I read finish the newspaper and read finish all the storybooks that I borrowed (you know, the one about the runes).

The original plan was to meet at 2pm at Plaza Singapura with Johnston, Keller, Darian, Dalton, and Samuel. Trevor could not make it. (Sad Sad)

Oh well(as I always say..hahas), as I was saying, that was the original plan, in the end, I met up with Johnston around lunch time to look for a job that Keller got -- Suki Sushi Restaurant.

Supposedly, it was located at Hougang Mall which was near the MRT Station.

When we were entering the Hougang Mall, we chanced upon a boy asking for donations to a (unknown) charity. The Minimum donation was $10. (I'm going to be broke...) Since it was so expensive, John and I shared the cost of donating.

After donating, this conversation took place:
Leroy: You know, I'm very scared it was a bogus charity.
Johnston: (Laughs) Yeah
Leroy: Reminds me of the video "What to do when you're bored this Christmas -- Ask people to donate to bogus Charity"
Both: (Laughs)

Well, we definitely hope not!(Though I'm afraid we may well never know. ;) I mean, we want the money we donated to at least benefit someone(as is the purpose of Charity, in the first place.)
Back to the main point, we could not find the Sushi Restaurant called "Suki Sushi" but "Ichiban Sushi".


Now, either we got scammed or we went to the wrong place. Hahas.

Anyway, since we already came we tried our luck at that restaurant and applied for a job. ;)

Hoho. Guess what? When we were heading back to MRT Station, we met Keller on pure coincidence (he was supposed to meet us at Plaza Singapura). Immediately, we asked him where the Restaurant and walaa! We were in the wrong place. LOL!

Nevermind. Now towards Plaza Singapura!

The Movie
Erm...let just say the majority of us says it's not really nice. We should had watched Avatar(if it wasn't thanks to my father and my stepmother, we could had. >|)

Thankfully, the humour used in the movie made the movie watch-able in general.

But not really worth your $6.50 for the movie tickets.

After the movie, I need to head off towards home immediately so I can't exactly say this is a outing, more like a brief gathering or something.(no thanks again to my father and stepmother)

Disney Movie Trailers for 2010

Monday, December 21, 2009
Secret War Journal[21 December 2009]
Here are some Movies trailers made by Disney, scheduled to be aired next year!

I feel like watching those movies next year! ;)

This trailer reminds me of Pandora Hearts. O.o

Had I mention that I'm a big fan of Magic? O.o

2012 & Sentosa

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Secret War Journal[17 November 2009][Long Post]
Woke up rather late today. Woke up at 10AM. Felt very exhausted because I played with Johnston until Midnight last night. O.o

Forced myself awake and called Marcus and Johnston immediately.

Switched on computer and finalised the details of today's outing.

Turned out that Marcus could not join us. Sad. Sad. He had to go work today. Haiz.

Oh well, I will still be meeting him for next week's meeting at Jackie's House anyway. (Provided there is no clash)

Wish me luck in attending the meeting. :D

@ Bugis
Meeting up
After shutting down my computer, I was about to leave house to meet the others when my stepmother stopped me.

She wanted me to eat lunch first!

The original plan was to eat lunch during the movie.

So, I ended up eating a heavy lunch. (My stepmother gave me one entire pot rice for lunch! OMG!)

That's enough for two to be full. I think she wants to gain some weight. :p

Best part? I'm still eating during the movie. Woots!

After the unanticipated lunch, I rushed to Bugis and actually reached there 5 minutes early. Hahas, miracle man.

Did I mention that I left home behind schedule? :-)
Today's a good day. Hahas!
Turns out that Johnston was earlier than me so we met and discussed about upcoming movies should be watch.

Johnston was hoping that 2012(the movie we decided to watch) would not be like the Movie "9" (So do I. :p)
Our next attendee of the outing arrived. He's Darian! So that means I met a new friend today. :D

And here comes our first picture! (Okay, this was taken during the Skyride...)
Our Photographer
We booked the tickets and then we realised something...
We had one hour and we had nothing to do(We did not plan for this!)

Great! Hahas. We loitered around Bugis Junction, took some pictures. :D
Chrimstas Tree @ Bugis

This Christmas Tree is already in place in Bugis Junction. (yeah, so early)
Wonder how they place such a big tree here?
Is it just me but does this tree look familiar? Hmm...
Bugis Junction

After a while, we decided to go MacDonald's to eat some French Fries. But we did not because it turned out that Darian ate Brunch there, so obviously, he won't want to re-enter there. Hahas...

We started talking about how's life after our National Examinations.

Then we got sort of awkward because we're not shopping and we're loitering around the shops so we went to the Arcade.

Played Mario Kart though Darian didn't want to play arcade so he just watched.

I got Second, I was so close to getting First. I was overtook by Johnston in the last 2 seconds!

Ahh!! The feeling of brinkmanship. Hahas...

We went on to play Time Crisis 4. Let's just say that it was an utter trashing.

Since we still had time remaining, we just stood and watched other people play their games...

The Movie: 2012
The movie was great!

Aside from you people wondering whether this 2012 thing is true(which scientists say is false), the storyline progression was alike to Transformers: The Movie. Which means...EPIC!

There were many dramatic scenes, many of which were played out rather well.

Many scenes were really touching and sad because so many people died.

But we're rather sadistic. :p

Okay, to those people who hadn't watched the movie, look out for this character: Yuri

Character Bio: He's a Russian Character and I believe he's the Comic Relief in this movie. He's pretty good at making us laugh after sad scenes.

So be extra careful of what he has to say in the movie! Hahas!

After the movie, Darian decided he would be more environmentally green (for a few days at least)

Hunting for Keller
Keller was coming to join us after the movie(he did not join us for the movie because he already watched.)
Water Fountain @ Bugis

I told him to meet us at the Water Fountain but he was nowhere to be seen.

After waiting for a few seconds(okay, so I'm  a bit impatient), I called his mobile.
Surpirse Shot
While I was calling, Darian took a surprise photo of me. LOL!

Totally, unprepared for this. Hahas!!!

Meanwhile, I contacted keller and he could not find the water fountain. So I asked him where he was.

Turns out that he was the MacDonald's which was near the water fountain. He could not find it because the giant Christmas Tree blocked it from his view. Nice!

@ Sentosa/Vivocity
Entering Sentosa
Wasting no time, we headed for Vivocity.

Since we're all lazy to walk, we entered Sentosa through the Sentosa Express AKA Monorail. :)

Entry Card to Monorail

The entry card includes an invitation to New Year Countdown Party! Hmm...should we attend?
The Bridge to Sentosa! Yeah, there are some ugly construction behind but only because it's constructing the IR and Universal Studies. Can't wait to see how it will turn out. ;)

Luge and Skyride!
Now to our next highlight of our outing!
Luge Poster
Some poster for Luge.

Ticket to Luge and Skyride
So we bought the tickets for Luge, We actually wanted three rides but we were short on funds. :p
Maybe next time then. ;)

We took the Skyride first! Johnston and Darian were ahead of us. C'mon! Wave back to us! ;)

Yeah, you know I'm scared of Heights so how come I tried it anyway?
*Shrug* For the experience, I guess. I was a bit freaked out in the beginning when we were going higher since I got this feeling that I was going to fall down.

But after I manage to calm down(by thinking "I'm not going to die!") Things got better. :D

Luge Station
This is Luge-Skyride Station. After our skyride, we're going for the Luge!

Choosing Helmets

That's Darian and Johnston choosing their helmets for the Luge! Hi!

Start Luge!
That's Keller driving the Luge. *Call out to Keller* Face the Camera!

Start Luge!
Hahas, he really turned his head. Hey! Watch the road!

(Hahas, just joking, he was not moving at all.)

Back to Skyride! We got two trips, remember?

This time is Johnston and I. :D

Playing Luge
Back to Luge! Let the race begin!

Playing Luge
I'm ahead! Woots!

My hand

Evidence of our playing of Luge. :p
My sign have glow effect and did not fade as easily as the others. I'm not exactly sure why either.
Okay, what now?
Exiting from the Luge Station, we were thinking what we should do now. 4D magix? Musical Fountain? Dinner?
Snack Bar

This was near the luge Station.

This is the entrance to the Musical Fountain. It's called "Songs of the Sea"

Upon reaching here, it started to rain. Ahh!
Since it started rain, watching Musical Fountain is officially out of question. So we decided to head for Dinner.

We headed to Palawan Beach for Dinner. Darian ordered Char Siew Rice(Hope I spell correctly) while Keller ordered some noodles.

Johnston and I ordered Spicy Beef Ramen.

After ordering, we regretted it thoroughly. The smell itself was very spicy. (And you know I don't really like Spicy food. :p)

So here's our feeble attempts to finish this spicy food:
Spicy Ramen!

Yay! Finished the noodles, left the vegetables and soup. (In the end, I did not drink the soup, too spicy!)

Keller tried the soup, at the second spoon, he felt the effect of the spiciness. He took three spoonful in total.

Amazingly, the pain was long lasting, keller called it the after-effects of the soup. Hahas!
Spicy Ramen!

Johnston is better at spicy food than me. He is eating with much ease. :p
Spicy Ramen!

But he also needed drinks to soothe the spiciness. ;p
4D Magix/CineBlast
Next stop, we headed for 4D Magix. It's still raining rather heavily, so Musical Fountain is definitely impossible to watch already.

When we were moving to the 4D Magix Venue, we passed by the Merlion. Keller had mentioned earlier that he wanted to jump down from the Merlion(without ropes, of course :D)
So we were like daring him to do just that. :p
Purple Merlion
Merlion looks demonic here right? Creepy,


This one is even more demonic...

Keller and Johnston walking in the darkness.

Ticket to Magix

Reaching our destination, we decided to watch "Pirates" even though Johnston watched before. He said that it was okay and that he don't mind watching again. O.o Oh well.

The video was not bad. The bees were really real and life-threatening!

Some of the people inside screamed when the 4D part comes alive to scare them. :p
Wanna know what scared them? Go try one yourself. ;)
After the video, we took some more pictures!
Rabbit Ears?!
That keller took revenge on me by putting the Rabbit's Ear! Argh! I will do that back to you. Hahas!


Darian commented that Johnston had no neck. LOLs?

Tired, we returned home...

Halfway during the outing, Darian told me some funny stuffs.
  1. Superman and Batman were in a race. Who won?
  2. Three elements - Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen - were in a race. Who won?
Answer to #1: Superman. Because when "Batman Begins", "Superman Returns"
Answer to #2: Nitrogen. N2(Enthu)

Imbiah = IMBA!
(okay, a bit random)

Secret War Journal[31 July 2009]

Friday, July 31, 2009
Another week went by! That was fast.

I foresee that this post will be rather long, so bear with me. ;)
Prelims 2 Marks 2009 Part 1
So far, I'm not very happy with my results.
  • Chemistry -- 59.2 [C5]
  • Combined.Humans -- 69 [B3]
Not a single A yet! OMG! I fared really badly for these two subjects. I feel so sad. Chemistry, I can understand but combined.humans?

This is like Secondary One all over again. Argh. I need to see As. (Someone help me pray for As for the rest of the subjects. ;)

On the bright side, Mrs Hay said that my Chemistry marks should be rounded up to 60[B4]
Then it won't be so bad.

And I'm in the process of claiming one mark for my Combined Humans. Wish me luck on that. :D

English Paper 2

I got it back and the results weren't as disappointing as the other two aforementioned. I scored 32/50. I was not expecting to get the top position for this Paper 2 for my class(still not confirmed! Hahas)

Anyway, I hope my Paper 1 would be just as good, then my english would have improved way lots! Hahas.

And on top of that, this prelims would be memorable. Wanna know why? Because....
Page 1 of English Paper 2 QuestionsPage 2 of English Paper 2 Questions
That's right! I wrote some funny answers on the Question Paper. I'm quite proud of it.

Please note, however, that these are not model answers and should not be used as learning aid or for educational purposes. There are simply meant for entertainment. ;)

Elementary & Additional Mathematics Paper 1
  • E.Maths -- 72+1/80
  • Add.Maths -- 62/80 (I think, I sort of forgot)
Here's something I think is funny(okay, that was evil of me)

I wanted to claim 2 marks from Mrs.Sim because she marked Cynthia's Answer(which is same as mine) correct but mine wrong. So I went over and it turned out that the answer was wrong(talk about false hope) and I sort of made Cynthia's marks reduced by 2 marks(my bad!)

But I need to thank her on one matter, because she lost two marks, she argued for one mark to be claimed due to method marks. Since she got the one mark, I got it too(Because I had that method too, hahas).

So her marks overall were reduced by one while mine was added one mark. Sounds like she sort of 'transferred' one mark to my paper. Hahas. (okay, should not laugh at people's mishap)

Let me clarify, I'm laughing on the way I got one extra mark. ;)
The Day there was Biology
That exams portion took you so long to reach here and guess what? It was just the beginning. (Told you this post would be long ;)

Next up, on Tuesday, my class and some other classes have no school on that day because of the fact that we have no exam papers on that day and hence we decided to go out and relax.

People who went(with me):
  1. Christopher
  2. Jing Ting, Jaytii
  3. Lai Yin
  4. Yan Zhi
This time, we have fewer people. Vanessa was feeling unwell and hence she did not come with us.

Well, it turned out that Vanessa still went out that day, with Bernice and co. She claimed that she recovered overnight(yes, hard to believe) and so can go out. Well, no matter what she claims(whether it was true or not), we have to respect her decision so no hostility there when we spotted her. Hahas.

After that, we went to Bugis for Lunch. Actually, I had lunch before meeting them but I ate all the same. Hahas. Of course, I did not order a full meal set. Just some side orders, which was just some garlic bread.
They decided to dine in "PastaMaina" for some pasta. I must admit, that was my first time dining there and I wasn't very impressed.(Partly because I don't really like pasta)
Nevertheless, they had a great meal and we went off to accompany Lai Yin to buy her musical tool(s), whatever that was.

So, you would be wondering, what's the freaking highlight of this outing? Obviously, our aim was not to wander around in the streets of Orchard. In fact, we haven't even reached out final destination yet. Yan Zhi was still not with us. (Surprised?)

Next Stop: HarbourFront
Yep! Insane as it sounded, I thought it was insane, we're heading towards VivoCity. Yes, the land of HarbourFront, on the opposite side of Sengkang, the great journey from the North to the East to the South. Ahh! We were really insane then. Hahas.
Now, of all places, where VivoCity, and why so far?

The reason lies with Jaytii - She wanted to watch a movie. In 3D(ah, the catch).
As to why this cinema, beats me. I'm pretty sure that isn't the only cinema in Singapore that offers 3D movies...

Oh well, so we go..the movie...:D

Ice Age 3: Dawn of Dinosaurs

Poster for Ice Age 3
Cute little poster, hahas. Basically, the 3D effects were really a let-down. Not much worth noting effects inside which is why I feel that we should had just watched in a normal movie environment. Sigh, I was expecting more...

As for the story, it's rich, funny and fresh. For that, I urge you all to watch this movie(if you hadn't)

P.S: I used my handphone on that day. Ironic, huh?
Interview Skills Seminar
On 31 July 2009, our school invited NanYang Polytechnic to host Seminars for our graduating classes. I chose "Interview Skills" Seminar which I found enriching, hence I do not regret going to that class.

Basically, we were offered the following choices:
  1. Business
  2. Roller-Coaster Engineering(something like that)
  3. Interview Skills
  4. Infocomm Technology
  5. Life Sciences
  6. Media and Information Technology
Our class was rather special, majority of us went for Interview skills. The rest of the classes mostly rooted for Business.

Unless I can split myself into many pieces, I did not attend the other 5. So, I can only discuss about the Seminar that I attended.
Key Tips in Interview Skills
  1. First Impression lasts
    1. It takes 7 seconds to make one.
    2. 55% of the time, the outcome is based on your appearance.
  2. Accept Compliments (Don't deny them :o)
  3. Use Good English. (Simple English would suffice)
  4. Use interviewer's name occassionally (For interaction)
  5. Avoid simple answers like "yes" and "no".
  6. Do not lie (It's a big no-no)
  7. Don't be a "know-it-all", it will sound cocky and arrogant.
  8. Never make negative statements about your present or former schools/organisations.
Life Skills touched on

  1. "The world is unfair". This is why first impressions are so important.
  2. Learn to prioritise which is more important and spend more time on it. Do not spend too much things on trivial tasks.
  3. Don't spend too much. Learn to manage finance well.
  4. Overall, family is the most important, not the company. Avoid becoming a workaholic and end up being married to the company instead of your life partner.
Preparing for the Interview

  • Investigate the target organisation/Do your homework or research.
  • Study the job description.
  • Practise answers to typical interview questions.
  • Expect to explains problems area on your resume.
  • Build interviewing experience with less important jobs first.
Possible problems area on Resume

  • Time Gaps. In between your timeline, what did you do? For example, you graduated in 2007 but only got a job in 2009. What were you doing during 2008?
  • It is not advisable to put in your school grades unless they were superb. Else, it serves no purpose.
Fighting Interview Fears

  1. Video Record a practice session to see how you come across(if you can)
  2. Rehearse your closing statement.
  3. Prepare 110%
  4. Practise More.
  5. Know how to answer the most frequently asked Questions.
  6. Get ready success stories such as your experience as a leader. (If you have Leadership positions). Hence, get such experience by taking up leadership posts.
  7. Take deep breathes to calm down and think. It is useful when you're nervous.
  8. Remember that during some parts of the interview, you will be in charge.
  9. Remember that you are also assessing the interviewer, and his or her organisation. This should give you confidence. (For e.g. assessing their culture)
Sending Positive Message

  1. Never be late
  2. Be courteous
  3. Dress Professionally
  4. Wait for the receptionist to offer you a seat.
  5. A right and firm handshake (skill)
  6. Introduce yourself
  7. Control body movements
  8. Make eye contact but don't get into staring contest
  9. Sound sincere and interested
  10. Smile
Your face is the most important tool in non-verbal communication.
I did not copy down the Don'ts for the Female and did not copy finish the Don'ts for Male.

  • Bad Breath
  • Oily Hair
  • Short Trousers
Important Areas of Interview

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Attitude
  3. Motivations - Your goals
  4. Potential
Different Interviewer Types
  1. Dominance
    • Interviewer of this type are often impatient, direct, short and sharp.
    • To counter this, be brief and confident.
  2. Influence
    • Interviewer of this type are often chatty which makes you at ease.
    • To counter this, remember to smile and tell stories to illustrate your points.
  3. Steadiness
    • Interviewer of this type are often Patient
    • To counter this, speaker slower so that they can hear you properly and clearly.
  4. Conscientious
    • Interviewer of this type are often questioning.
    • To counter this, be precise, be serious, and think before answering questions.
Closing the Interview

  1. Stand up and shake hands again.
  2. Ask when you would hear from them.
  3. Thank the interviewer
  4. Take notes of the interview when you reach home.
  5. Write a thank-you letter to the interviewer and that you really like the job (if you're interested in getting the job)
With that, I will end this post. It is getting too long and I want to revise for my Chemistry Practical Assessment Tomorrow. Until next time!

Secret War Journal[17 Jun 2009]

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
With this post, I'm officially 16 years old! ^^

Man, I feel old already. Hahas!

Before I start off this super-long post (with no pictures, no groans please), I would like to thank a few people who wished me a "Happy Birthday!"

Hmm...Wonder how to thank you guys in orderly manner..let's try something that no one presented before! ^^

I would like to thank(May be in chronological order, I try):
  1. Johnston Tang (Ever the Best friend ^^)
  2. Marcus Tan (For your thoughtfulness and your slice of birthday cake which I did not foresee it coming! hahas)
  3. Trevor
  4. Keller Goh
  5. Clarice Chua (for wishing me happy birthday the day before the great day)
  6. Jing Ting AKA Jaytii (for being the first to wish me happy birthday using an audio file *lols*)
  7. Aunt Michelle (for her awesome present! and still remembering my birthday! ^^)
  8. My Father(for wishing me happy birthday near midnight :p)
  9. Shawn Lim(for being the first to wish me happy birthday today)
  10. Frank Heuckeroth(for bothering to wish me happy birthday, a great guy you are ^^)
  11. Pei Si(my god-sister, thank you for sending an virtual cake. hahas)
  12. Michelle Tan
  13. Joey Tan
  14. Alexia Lee (So sorry for not wishing you happy birthday on 16 Jun! I was not aware that that was your birthday!)
  15. Siew Yan (And for calling me geek? hahas)
  16. Travis (my CCA Junior, thank you!)
  17. SockYii(my CCA Junior, thank you!)
  18. Khong Yew(my CCA Junior, thank you!)
  19. Yan Zhi (for trusting me with one of your secret ;)
  20. Guan Hui (For coming on Wednesday, I hope you would like your b'day present as well!)
  21. Lai Yin(thank you for ur present, still have no idea what's that though. Haha! Hope you like my present ^^)
  22. Vanessa Lim
  23. Christopher Lim (Why do you want pens for presents? O.o Anyway, hope you like it)
  24. Bernice Teo(thanks for wishing me getting fatter =.= hahs)
  25. Angeline(lol, thanks for calling me the "best technical guy" you know.)
  26. Yuki(my cousin! Thank you!)
♡♡♡THANK YOU!!!♡♡♡
You guys made my 16th Birthday so special! It's been so long since so many people wished me "Happy Birthday" hahas.
-- the highlight of today's post! ^^
My Birthday(BASH?)
Woke up and used my computer immediately, I just realised that I had not checked my mail. Some bad habit of mine. :p

Turned out it was not a bad decision, I have received quite a number of "Happy Birthday" Greetings. Hahas.
Sad to say, I got caught up with using the computer and forgotten to trim my fingernails(it's not trimmed) and I went out with long fingernails! Ga! The horror. Have I ever told you how I hate having long nails? They give me the creeps. Funnily, I don't feel that way when I see long nails on other people.

Back on track, I called Lai Yin to confirm details of today's gathering. Later on, Aunt Michelle went online and we discussed on the meeting place so that she can pass me presents as well meet up. Come to think of it, I had not seen her for close to a year(now was it?)

Left Home @ 11:19AM
The journey begins(like always ^^)...
First to arrive at Popular Store(1st Checkpoint), though Jaytii and Christopher are already at Library(at this time).
Vanessa Arrived. We waited for Lai Yin, meanwhile we chatted. (About random stuff? Quite foggy about the details)
Lai Yin came running(she needed my popular card to buy her album)
Yeah, Vanessa and I pretty much rolled our eyes(oh right)

To make things even funny, Lai Yin used just coins to pay! Imagine SGD$11+ worth of coins passed to cashier!
We joked with the Cashier(a friendly one, of course) and the cashier replied that next time if Lai Yin does that again, she will need to pay additional service charge. LOLs!
Hide~&~Seek!(well, sort of)
After the purchasing the album, we went to the library to look for Jaytii and Christopher. Surprisingly, they were not there. We came out puzzled. After staring at the crowds below(we were at 4th Floor), Vanessa spotted them at the flower shop and so we go!

And guess, what. They're gone(once more). Once more, we scanned the crowds until Lai Yin got fed up and called Jaytii for her whereabouts.

And that Lai Yin(very smart of her) took the lead without telling us where they were. And the amazing thing is that she led us to the wrong place, with Vanessa and I finding(or spotting) them earlier than Lai Yin. Life is so strange, isn't it?
He Up-ed, unnoticed, bought, appeared.
We finally met up with Jaytii and Chris at the Kiddy Palace. That's when I realised that Jaytii was wearing a skirt. (I thought she hated skirts and dresses?)
Christopher was very curious on our reaction on Jatii wearing skirt(a mini-skirt too =.=)

Apparently, Vanessa and Lai Yin did not notice. Well for my case, I don't have much reaction. Maybe I gave a semi-confused face. Yeah. Anyway, they explained to me why Jaytii wore mini-skirts. Lai Yin tricked Jaytii into agreeing to both wear skirts but Lai Yin backed up at the last moment but Jaytii wasn't aware of that so yeah we have this situation. LOLs.

Next person to meet up would be Yan Zhi, who would be going to Value$ Shop. We waited for him at the Escalator. We end up chatting until he appeared. With a drink, and he came from the Value$ Shop. I was like, "Since you came? I did not see you coming up!" Yan Zhi's reply was that he saw all of us chatting happily so he sneaked past us and bought himself a drink first. LOL!

How did we miss such a tall person is beyond me.
The AWESOME Present!
The last person to meet now would be Guan Hui. Going down, it's time to meet up with Aunt Michelle. We had agreed to meet MOS Burger because I did not know what was "Ya Kun"(now I know it's the Kaya Toast but that's too late right?)

Guess what? I got a Ipod Nano from her! How cool is that? I'm so happy of that present! ^^
But I will not dare to bring it out of my house(for the time being) after what happened to my PSP while outside. THE LCD SCREEN CRAcKED! It's like "how did this even happen?". Yeah, amazing.

But the Ipod is really cool, I like the click wheel, though it took me half-an-hour to figure it out how it works. (Prior to this, I have no idea how to navigate in there)
Boy, it was fun experience. Hahas.
Food Fest(for me anyway)
We met up with Guan Hui at the MRT station and went to Plaza Singapura for movies. But before that I want lunch! So Lai Yin, Guan Hui, Jaytii, Vanessa, and I went for lunch. Leaving Chris and Yan Zhi to their...whatever thing. Yeah.

I ate quite a lot. ^^ To my heart's content ^^

Not to mention the popcorns and drinks that I will enjoy later at the cinemas.
(not so)Movie Review
We had decided to watch the movie "Night in the Museum II". Johnston had recommended me to watch this movie and I'm so glad I did!

What I did not like is that they introduced too much characters but the jokes are good and so is the plot. So readers, if you have not watched this movie yet, go on now and watch at your nearest cinema!
(Okay, I'm trying to cut short the post)
After the movie, Yan Zhi went to a dentist while the rest of us ate Fish & Chips at a restuaurant. I did not eat anything there(and wise choice too) because I was very full from the Popcorns and stuff.

Turns out that the food there isn't very nice. Oh well. After this, Vanessa went home. We went to TIMES Bookshop where I get Lai Yin's, Guan Hui's, & Chris' Presents.

I always like to give them free reins to buy what they like.

Budget: SGD$100(I got the vouchers already ;)
What they got:
  • Chris -> 3 Pens (What got into him? Maybe he like pens. Actually he wanted Manga...)
  • Lai Yin -> A guide book on learning Piano
  • Guan Hui -> Undecided. Bought nothing. Saved up the SGD$50 until next time. When she decided, of course. ^^
Amazing how little a SGD$50 can buy in that bookshop. Then again, we always knew books are expensive. ^^
Then it's time for dinner! Lai Yin and Guan Hui went home with Yan Zhi(he joined us again), Jaytii, Chris, and I going to Kovan for dinner. Actually only Yan Zhi and I ate dinner.(Jayti and Chris got sick of food after the fish and chips...)

Then I went home while they went off to a park.
And ta-da! I'm done with this post. I'm sorry if I cut short severely for the bottom portion of the post(though I think you guys are cheering for that ^^) but my fingers are hurting from the massive typing(or I was afraid your eyes would die of boredom.. hahas :p)

Tomorrow would be a semi-eventful day for me. Would tell you tomorrow!(if my fingers recovers...:p)

~Distants cries of "At last!"

Secret War Journal[15 Jun 2009]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Okay, so I'm posting on 16 Jun but hey I reached home late!
Outing @ SAFRA @ Tampines
Hahas, anyway, I went to SAFRA @ Tampines on 15 Jun to have a great time (hey, I'm speaking the truth :p)

Let's be honest here, the planning process was a tedious one. The location was hard to find - One that is near a cinema, near Bowling facilities, gaming, and food - and I'm glad we went to SAFRA @ Tampines (even though we never went to play bowling in the end)

For this gathering, Johnston, Marcus, Trevor, Keller(only for Lunch and Boardgames), and I were present.

Emelia did not attend because she only wanted to go Jurong to swim(which is too far for us to go, it's like on the other end of the Island!, so sorry!)
We played some computer games until Lunch(waiting for Trevor though we played with him for an hour)
Though going to Mindscafe was not the original plan, we went there for lunch and played until 6pm.
We did several stuff, all of which are boardgames(duh?)
Settlers of Canan
First up(which we have to thank Mr.Goh), we played "Settler of Canan" which was introduced to me by Mr.Goh. Since keller had not arrived, we were all involved in this game but sadly Marcus(being the only one clueless on how to play), soon left the game after got fed up by how complicated the game is. (We don't blame you)

Winner of Game: Trevor (I was going to win next turn! T.T lols)
I'm the Boss
We never this game before, so based on my first-time playing this game, I will say this game is very intense, confusing, and really a cut-throat game(as it claims)

It's a game of making deals with other players and with Keller around(who propose that he represent some of us and wants no money), it's hard to even secure a profitable deal.

Well, this changed at late-game when I started to represent everyone and I get all the money ^^
Winner of Game: Me ^^
Game of Life
Our last game was this, but unfortunately, this game was not never finish as Keller had to go for Tuition and thus, there was no winner. The suspected winner should be Keller since he had the most 'Life' cards. However, I had the most amount of cash on hand at that moment though there is a chance of me losing all of that.
The Unexpected
Marcus ordered a slice of Birthday cake for me. I'm so touched! Thanks guys! I really appreciate it! No one did that for me before, I'm so happy! I have such great friends! ^^

So many people remembered my birthday despite me not even mentioning much. I feel good though I don't why. Hahas. But nevertheless, thank you all for wishing my Happy Birthday (albeit early ^^)

Tomorrow, I will be going out once more. This time it will be with my classmates for my secondary school. Probably tell you more tomorrow since today's topic is not about tomorrow but today! (15 Jun, to be exact)
He's da man
Then we went back to play Computer games for half an hour before sending Marcus off because he needs to be back early to prepare for tomorrow's camp.

Which would be fair to him only if I give him some limelight in my post ;)

Initially, he was supposed to leave by 7pm to attend his grandparent's anniversary. He arrived at our planned meeting place wearing more formal than expected (or over-dressed)

He looked like a businessman! Especially his shoes, the kind of shoes that working man wear for work. Office shoes. Hmm..very formal. Just missing the blazer. :p

Okay, we should not tease you anymore (opps?)
la Movie Expressio
Next up, the remaining few of us(John, Trevor and I) went to Tampines Mall to catch a movie!

Upon reaching the cinema, (at 6.30), we decided on the spot to watch "Land of the Lost" which starts at 6:30PM. Imagine the rush we had, buying popcorn(which funnily was our dinner that night) and entered the Theatre.

But hey, it was worth it. The movie was nice. I enjoyed it. It's funny oh right. ^^

I'm not sure if I should spoil it but I guess I could say this much:

The movie is a comedy that centres around a scientist who have invented a machine that can open a portal to an alternative dimension that is called the "Land of the Lost"(ah duh?) Together with his friends, they must find a way to return home(saving it along as well)"
Yeah, that should be pretty much the plot for the movie.
After the movie, we all got drained and returned home.

And that's when I realised that I forgot to pass Marcus the bookshop "TIMES" vouchers (So sorry! I forgot!) I feel so ashamed.

I'm not going to talk what happened when I reach home, it's not exactly a joyful thing but the trip on the bus I was half-freaked, I was very afraid I took the wrong bus. Hahas, overall, I'm glad that I returned home without any unexpected events. ^^
With that...

Until next time pals! See ya!

Secret war Journal[1~5 Dec 2008]

Friday, December 5, 2008
1 December 2008 @ Johnston's House
Arg, not enough sleep, almost could not wake myself up to prepare myself to go Johnston's, my Best friend's, house.

Could only blame of all the delays that the furnisher have brought for my loss of sleep for the past few days. LOL...just kidding. i think all of us are partly to blame, our family didn't really packed everything in boxes anyway.

Well, that's not today's topic, huh? :D
--(notice I use back to "--" instead of the big long line, cus it was too troublesome.)
Now that I moved house, this will be my first time going to Johnston's house from here.
But hey, I did my homework, I know I have to head towards Compass Point where the Bus Interchange is located first and take the usual bus "80" to reach near his house.

I previously told Emelia, Johnston's Sister, that I'm coming at around 7:30AM[GMT +8]. But I had not accounted for walking towards the Bus Interchange(yeah, I'm dumb)

And so, I'm already late and the Bus that came was a Bus "80A". Notice that "A"? That means it terminates its bus service earlier than its number's route. Well it say it's terminating at Ajunied Station, that's near Johnston's house so I boarded that bus.

Boy, little did I know that the bus actually terminates at exactly one stop before my preferred stop. Such misfortune! LOL...need to walk one bus-stop distance to reach Johnston's house. Well, the good thing is that I can take shortcuts to reach there. LOL!

Well i reach there around 8:00AM[GMT +8]. Hmm not that late after all, sigh...

When I reach the house, Johnston's sister was still sleeping as usual.
John's awake, and he suggest I try out the new game he got. "Rayman 2"
I got "rayman 1", never tried before the sequel. In fact, I never knew there were a sequel until that very day. Haha.

That game is fun, though I think it's a bit lacking in co-op play. Despite that, the 2 players mode in tour mode were fun. Yep, I had alot of fun playing that game :D
Then his sister woke up, we played "Rayman 2" for a while before his sister suggest that we play some boardgames. I think she likes boardgames, maybe second interest beside soft toys. :p

Johnston chose Monopoly.

Right, let me describe my feeling when we first started playing the Boardgame - Right, very long had not played this game.

And after the game? OMG, the horror...the horror....
Before you jump to conclusion, however right you may be, at least give me a chance to clarify. :D

Unlike many Singaporeans, we play a different rule, not the "League Rules" nor the "House Rule".

I would say a mix since we had a missing property deed and the free parking have a progressive lottery prize.

Not to mention, we forgo the first round touring around the board. We simply start, and we buy the property we land on.

Trade is allowed and only when you acquired all property deed of the same colour, can you upgrade to houses and hotels.

And so we played, I got almost all types of colour, and I got one set of yellow. Then I traded with Johnston some property deeds to gain for ground.
Apparently, the trading proved fatal of me. You can say it have been a serious and critical miscalculation of mine.

I think Emelia must have a urge to kill me for trading with her brother.Hahs

I actually wanted to trade with Emelia but she had a bad history with trading in monopoly(small wonder?)

Emelia had no sets, partly because of me holding almost one deed of each house colour. I suggested trade to stop the stalemate but she refused. This end up Johnston getting richer since he was the first to reach hotel for all his property deeds for that only set he had.(partly because, we kept reaching his hotel..OMG..the horror...)

And so we lost, down to not a single cent, a complete victory for Johnston. Woots! LOL...
Then we had lunch near his house and we went to Plaza Singapura to watch movie.

F.Y.I, the movie we're going to watch is "Madagascar 2: Escape Africa"

I'm not going to write a review about it because, one I do not know what to write without spoiling the movie and two, I'm lazy to type so much.

All I can say is, if laughter is what you seek, come down and watch the movie!
Oh, they added Romance into the bag.
The ending is sort of...indescribable.
And we went home. I meant their home. (DUH?)
Played some computer and went for dinner and back to computer. LOL.
Johnston's Desktop Computer just got spoiled recently, I'm not sure whether it got short-circuited or simply died out on him. As such, I can't fix it. *Sigh*

Not that I mind much since the biggest consequences was not playing of Warcraft together but since we can play even when we're at our own respective homes, it does not account much huh?

The problem is when we're doing the project that Johnston wants to make a game, a simple one.
Now that only one computer, his laptop, can access the Internet and so happens that only that computer have the software, progress really went slowly.

Oh, did I mention that Johnston have another desktop? No, I did not. right, he has another desktop, Windows 98, can't connect to Internet but can still play games nonetheless.

We played Heroes IV(and didn't managed to complete it after a week!). And other games like submarine Titans and Casino Tycoon.

The main desktop that was spoiled is a Windows XP. See the weird thing? The newer computer died before the old computer. The IT Techies were not kidding when they said old computers are hardy.
First Day in his house, and we did so much. Didn't realize it until I typed it all out. Haha!

2 December 2008 @ Johnston's House
Woke up at around 8AM[GMT +8] today.
I consider this as me waking up very early because for the past few days, apart from Monday, I have been waking up around 10AM[GMT +8] in the morning.

As Usual, we set aside morning for console gaming!

His Xbox is spoilt like one year ago, though we miss it, there's Wii and it's healthy to play Wii!

Wii! lol....

If my memory serves, we started playing Pokemon Revolution which is like a trading card game except that you cannot collect pokemons but rather default pokemon choices in form of passes.

If you have DS, good for you because you can import pokemons from Pearl to play in this Wii Game.

A bit waste of money because it cost so much with so little features.
We unlocked a Rental Pass this morning and then we went to play scrabbles!

It's really rare to use up all the word pieces and so nicely, used by each players turn by turn. It's amazing we can form words with so little and weird array of letters left.

Here's the picture of our final art ;)

At night, when we were having dinner, their mother was talking with us.

Here's something we heard, probably old news to you:
A boy committed suicide over CCAs.

That was a shock for me and Johnston, we had not been following the news lately. Apparently, this boy wanted to change his CCA from some uniform group to Drama but his parents refused.
That end up him committing suicide. A bit, rash isn't it, throwing your life over something a bit more on the trivial side. Oh well, I would have preferred if he asked for some advice from some people like his relatives, friends or even teachers. *Shrug*
On Tuesday, John and I started drawing the character for the game. The animation was really hard. Just make it look like running is a killer.
We make it until it can fly. The leg detach from it body and 'running' up. LOL? It's really funny.
John said he had a way. Wonder how he's going to do it.....
3 December 2008 @ best Friend's House
Woke up at around 9AM, hmm..a bit later than yesterday.

Today, Johnston and Emelia will be going to a concert with their parents. I'm not going since I did not know about it until when I reach their house :p and they didn't prepared a ticket because they didn't knew I was staying until Friday. I think the first plan was to stay until Wednesday, so by right everything would be just nice. :D
I don't really mind, but I can't feel fear, I mean I'm going to be alone in this house, a big load of trust have been placed on me and something happens to this house when I'm alone. No...I don't want to go there.
But, I feel comforted by their trust. :D
But before I tell you what I did when they were away, let me briefly inform you of what we did during the morning and afternoon.

We played Wii! LOL, we went to play Sonic Rider and yeah, I got trashed. Never was a pro and I really forgot how to use the stunts. The shortcuts, ahh!
Johnston had unlocked quite a number of characters the last time we played. Yep! I tried alot of new characters.
Funnily, the last few characters have no voice. As if they were mute. LOL!

Then we played Pokemon again.

Then Emelia woke up and announced that she got CCA today, CO. That meant that we have to buy lunch earlier simply because Emelia need leave early.

I think we ate potato chips that day(wait I think it was Thursay). Unlike my usual trips, I did not buy potato chips and bring to their house.
Several reasons: John said Emelia was sick, and she was during the first few days and John said their family bought alot of potato chips from Malaysia.

And, Emelia recovered on Wednesday night. I think that day we ate Ice-cream.
okay, my memory is bad, it's in a mess I simply can't remember what we did on the exact day, I just know what we did. Hahas.
Alright, Emelia wants us to walk her to the bus-stop. Well, we complied. No reason to say no, right? :D
Yeah, we're her bodyguards(LOL?)

Ironically, that bus stop is the stop where my Bus '80' stopped halfway on Monday. Fate, man....

And we didn't wait for her bus to arrive before leaving, her friends are at the bus stop to accompany her, would be awkward if we stayed.
John and their family have to change some plans because Emelia have CCAs that day. Their original plan was to meet at Raffles Place at 6pm[GMT +8], which Emelia will not be able to make it.

So they changed plans to their parents coming back home to bring them to the concert hall.
And thus, I'm alone in this house. But I have plans already. I'm going to watch anime, buy dinner, eat dinner, watch anime, bathe, blog.

Which I did, quite efficiently I must say. LOL.

But I have some bad encounter, the streets of Geylang. Do not walk alone, it has a Aura of uneasiness. Singaporeans should know why. :p

Now I know why cars are that important as a transport. LOL!
Halfway, after I bathed and halfway blogging. I heard something downstairs.
Man! I thought there was a burglar but when I went down, slowly and quietly, it was just their aunt. Phew! But opps?, I scared her. LOL!
I thought their aunt went for the concert too but she was working so I guess she cannot go for the concert or something.

Let's clarify some stuffs before you start asking questions, their aunt is like me, staying over at their house at the moment. She sleeps in the guest room which John had spent many hours fixing the bed there.
John and I at that moment sleep in the Computer Room, as usual. ;)
Then John's and Emelia's family came back.
Thus, John and I went to play computer. We played Fable. I tried a game too, called "Submarine Titans".
Those who wish to play this game. be prepared, allow no distraction from the real world while playing. This game is intense!
Played Fable very late. Extreme Late....
4 December 2008 @ John's House
Time passes so fast, it's the second-last day already. *Sigh*

We played Wii! Pokemon game.

We played GAME OF LIFE! I won...LOL....Miracle.
I got a weird job: trade 4 LIFE cards to trade salary, but I got the second-highest salary already. LOL
Emelia got Doctor, highest Salary, as usual.
John got the IT job, gay job, his job as usual.

Then things got interesting. I lost my stocks because market crash and John was complaining why no one 'spoil' the dice because it's his job to 'fix it' and he will get money from it.
Then he trade salary with Emelia because he reach a tile that simply says this in short. Trade Salary. LOL!
Then at that exact next turn, I use 4 LIFE cards and trade with him that salary. Now, I got the highest salary!. Yay!
Then John lost his job, he became an artist. Then Emelia traded salary with me, now I got the lowest salary. Darn!
Then I lost my job and became...the IT job. LOL!
We were saying, John's previous boss fired him to hire me. LOL!
Then they started 'spoiling' the dice. I got quite a amount of money from it and John was wondering why no one 'spoil' it when his job was that. LOL!
Luck, maybe.
In the end, I won. :p
In fact, the only board game I won when I was there. Haiz...LOL!
John won two Boardgames.
Emelia won none. but She got middle for most so she's Runner-up!
Emelia needs to go to school. She doesn't want to go, and we started comparing our school Band's practices with each other even though CO have no link to Band. LOL!
But in the end, we managed to convince her to go.
As usual, we walk her to the bus stop. And her friends are there, as usual.

At night, when Emelia came back, she told us one of her friends said John and I suai(in English means handsome). She got a doubtful look. Hahs.
Then when their parents came back, she was asking her mother if John is handsome. (wanted to laugh out loud but had to control.)
Wonder what''s the big hype for just someone saying your brother is handsome? LOL!
5 December 2008 @ John's House
Last day, so fast!

Haiz....can't bear to leave.LOL...

Well anyway, we played swords-fight, once at their home, Emelia is civilian and we can't kill her, who can kill civilian, will minus score, yer know. LOL!

John and I were swords-fighting when....the civilian got armed and assaulted us!


Then we were like running away from the ,YOU CAN'T KILL Person. LOL!

After that we went for lunch and John and I played swordsfight downstairs.

This is with a twist. The defender can use only 1 sword while the attacker can wield 2 swords.
The defender have to protect a item from the attacker, preventing him from getting the item.

The attacker counts to 100 while the defender hides the item.

Each have three lives. If he got slashed three times, a penalty will incur. 10 secs of doing nothing.

I never could find the item. John managed to find it. Haha...

Then the slashing and finding of item is a tiring work. Have to handle the defender while finding the item which could be anywhere.

A few times we had draw, we both ran out of lives at the same time. LOL! Staring at each other for 10 seconds.

FUN! If in the future, more people play would be extreme fun.

Record: we broke around 5 swords that day. LOL!

One time our swords break when we clashed. The force was too great since we slammed at each other from charging at each other.


Then we went up to play computer. I tried a new game, 'Casino Tycoon'
Hard to manage but it's fun. :D
Go buy and try!

Then at night, we, including their family, watched a movie, 'My wife is a Gangster 2'.
Funny movie. Hahas.
Then we played for a while then I went home. Sigh.
From all 5 days @ John's House
We played Heroes almost everyday at night and we can't complete!!!

It's a map made by John and edited by me. The map is simply too big. Couldn't Complete.
We played PSP too. John completed a game I couldn't complete. Wow!
He got talent :D
Well, that should be all, see ya!
I cannot vouch for when the activities occurred, whether it was on a Wednesday or Thursday or something like that. My memory is a bit bad but what I can confirm is the stuffs we did there. Because the stuffs we did are unique, stuffs I had not done for very long and therefore have memorable effect on me. This is why I miss the good 'ld days when we can do such stuffs almost everyday. Of course, with my goods friends ;)

Frens 4ever! Hail KHS '05~ers!