24 ≠ 24

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Secret War Journal[5 September 2012]

I had just completed my second 24km route march! It sure completed quite late this time. I guess it was due to a lack of practice since my graduation from my basic military training 2 months ago.

So it is now around 6am in the morning the day after we started the route march. I guess it is about time for breakfast so I would only sleep after breakfast? Sigh, I cannot believe that I did not sleep for last night. Woah!

I would admit, though, that the route march was not as painful as the first attempt. This could attributed to several reasons. Firstly, we were not adversely affected by downpours which made abrasions highly likely to occur. Secondly, I am considerably more prepared for the route march, in terms of preventing injuries, than the first one. This is due to the fact that I decided to use lubricants around the joints where abrasions often occure to prevent such incidents from happening during the route march, making the experience quite unbearable near its completion.
However, one usual gripe I had regarding the conduct of the route march (as always) would be the fact that it is so difficult to calculate the distance that we had marched. There is suscipions that we had marched around 28km, like the previous time instead of the intended distance. Sigh...
P.S: I typed this in pure darkness, it was indeed quite challenging. Though it would seem that I had memorised the positions of the characters on the keyboard. :O Hahas!

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." - Albert Einstein