I talk to the rain

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Secret War Journal[6 November 2010]
I actually wanted to post this yesterday but I was out for the entire day so this is a bit late.
Well it helped that today rained again. Hahas!

Remembered this video when I was caught in the rain for the next half an hour. I'm sorry if the song sounds emo-ish. I guess that's my mood then.

That's one reason why I'm not fond of rain, rain reminds me of sadness. Most of the time, rain comes when someone close whom I know is hurt or angry. It's sad and rain brings that out even more.
Well, on a happier tone, the composer of that song is Yuki Kajiura. I came to know about her through the epic Original Soundtracks she composed for Pandora Hearts.Turns out Joseph is also a big fan of her. Hahas.

Some would comment that her style is the same for most song. If that's the case, I'm okay with it since I like her style anyway. ^^
I think she's one of the few that I actually have so many songs that I liked. I think the second would be Linkin Park. Hahas. All of them serves a certain role for certain situations, I guess.

Another unique feature about her is that she came up with her own language. I'm always a sucker for that, I suppose. One day, maybe someone would decipher it and finally understand her songs and her emotions she was trying to express.

For most of you, the post ends here, the rest would be pure gibberish already. I doubt you would understand what I'm talking about...

Never once did you fail to respond when I talked...
Never once had you ignored my ranting...
Never had you cast me away as if I was nothing...
Yet all your replies were irrelevant to what I asked...
Your replies came at me, like you wanted me to stop...
Yet we came into contact, something that should be treasured...
For you are water.

"What are promises to you?"
Criticise me only after I broke my promises.