Outing Day 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Secret War Journal[17 March 2009][Long Post]
One week of school just fled by without me realising. On one hand, it's ONLY one week, I had so much tests and quizzes that I thought a month had gone by already. On the other hand, it's already one week gone, Mid-Year examinations are 1 week nearer, hardly went out with friends, spent the entire week doing economics.

As of now, I'm spending more time on economics than any other subjects. Well, I hope I will fix that. Today(27/3/2010), I done Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. There is another test on Economics, so tomorrow the focus would return back to Economics. *Sigh*

First Outing: Mostly 4D People Gathering
Poster for Alice in WonderLand
Met up with the 4D-ians people first at Compass Point first.

This was pretty much my idea to watch a movie. Since most of them are busy during the afternoon, we decided to watch the first movie that would be screened on that day!(which is rather early)

I must admit, it's very early, but I was determined to have a outing. (I mean it doesn't make sense that I have a 'holiday' and I don't even go out for some leisure activity, right? Don't say no.)

Johnston would be joining us at Plaza Singapura.

In fact, the rest all came pretty much in time, (with me 3 minutes late. LOL!)

And Jie Sheng was sms-ing me: "I will be late"

Then I was thinking, "I would be late too. Hahas"

Sadly, our schedule was really packed so we went to Plaza Singapura, meet Johnston, and buy the tickets.

Shortly after that, we bought our snacks/lunch and off we went into the Cinema!
Movie Review
This sounds a bit radical but I'm comparing this movie to an anime based off from Alice in Wonderland too.

Anyway, the movie was not bad(since I was the one who recommended it in the first place!!!) :p

I especially like the character: Cashire Cat though I liked the Mad Hatter more in the anime.

How do I decide which is my favourite character? The strongest character.

In this movie, the Cashire cat, the master of dreams, can vaporise into thin air at any moment(and of course, create illusions)

Which makes him a but over-powered because he's virtually invincible.

Meanwhile, in the anime, Mad Hatter can instantly destroy anything from the Abyss(Alice-related Characters)

The white queen is a bit scary, in my opinion. I don't know, I think it is partly because she's dressed in white but her lips and nails are black which seems to suggest that she isn't as kind as it seems. (I almost thought she would be evil later in the movie. :p)

One more thing would be that her hands are always up though I realise later that week that it's easier to keep your back straight when you do that. Cool, learnt something new from the movie. :)

Cool, huh?

It's defect would be that the movie seemed a bit draggy halfway, probably due to the lack of action.
Lunch(Sort of)
After the movie, Wei Ting, Cynthia, Siew Yan, Jie Sheng, Pei Wen, Clarissa went for lunch while Johnston and I went shopping for a box for Emelia.

But it's hard to buy storage box, it seems that no one sells them after all. Hahas, we tried to get some free one from the department stores but they needed it for storage as well. Oh well. Sorry, Emelia!

P6/5 Outing!
After they finished lunch, they headed off to school. So sad right? Hahas. Johnston went home while I headed off for my next outing planned for today! LOL!

Actually, there wasn't suppose to have an additional outing(which is why I organised one in the morning) but just one night ago, they decided to hold this outing on this same day. Hahas. Just nice, after my movie too. ^^

Best of two worlds indeed! =]

It's been a long time since we last met up, so we spent the rest of the day talking and playing ice-breaking games. ^^

Now just let the photos steal the limelight...

Class Outing 2010
Taken during the Class Outing that day. Guo Siong is not inside because he arrived at a later time.
Class Photo
Okay, this is a bit no link, but it is part of my KHS Class Photo Collection. ^^

Class Photo
Class Photo
Class Photo

6/5 Class Photos provided by Jackie. Many thanks. ;)

What? You want to know what we talked during the class outing? Sorry, as promised, I would not talk about it since some are too private, too dark, too sensitive to be discussed in the public. :)

Okay, this is totally no link from the post but...it's about the blog in general.

I feel like posting some rather sensitive stuff again. I don't know. I may need to organise my thoughts efficiently(as if the purpose of this blog in the first place).

One way is to limit the number of readers who can access. Yeah just that, don't worry, it's not racist nor religious discrimination comments just some stuff too private to let risk that some people who should not be reading this blog read it. Yeah, you get what I mean. ;)
Back to that, I may enforce the word "Secret" in the Blog Title and restrict access soon. I still have not decide on it yet. But in the event I do, the current plan is to only allow my best friend and close friends to be able to read but then again, it is not necessary because they don't need to read my blog to know what's happening in my life. ;)

So yeah, time will tell....

Everyone has secrets so dark that no light can pierce through it...