SCE Y2 Semester 1 AY2015/2016

Monday, December 28, 2015
Secret War Journal[August - December 2015]

CZ2001 Algorithms

Lectures attended: 90% (Dr. Tan Ah & Dr. Zheng J)
Tutorials attended: 100%
Labs attended: 75%, attendance are taken. Missed one, it was a make-up and I could not make it.
Textbook(s): Computer Algorithms.  Sara Baase & Allen Van Gelder, 2000. Third Edition. Addison Wesley.
Assessment: Lab Presentation (20%), Mid Term Quiz (20%), Finals Closed-Book (60%)
Many seniors have commented that this is the most difficult module you will ever take during your Computer Science Course and I can see why.

I would think the more accurate description for the module would be the Mathematics behind Algorithms. While they do teach you the logic behind the algorithms, the tests would really test your understanding of the mathematics behind these.

Do pay attention behind the mathematical analysis of the various algorithms, including the proofs (tedious, yes). It may seem like a mathematical module (indeed, it is a similar to a math major module, be prepared) but at least it is not as vigorous.

Do not discount the mid term quiz, the weightage will come back to haunt you during the finals. Securing this 20% would serve as a morale booster during your revision.

Textbook is not essential for this course. However, I found online materials to be useful for further understanding of the concepts taught.

CZ2002 Object Oriented Design & Programming

Lectures attended: 90% (Dr. Zhang Jie, Mr Tan Kheng Leong)
Tutorials attended: 80%
Labs attended: 100%
Textbook(s): Matt Weisfeld, The Object-Oriented Thought Process, 4th Edition, Pearson / Addison Wesley
Assessment: Clicker Quiz (5%), Lab (5%), Group Assignment (30%), Finals Closed-Book (60%)
This course will touch on two programming languages to teach the object-oriented principles. They are Java and C++ with a heavier emphasis on the former.

One thing to look out for this module would be the assignment. The assignment is group-based and it arrives pretty late, after recess week. Thus, you will be in a rush to finish it. The professor might cancel tutorials to allow more time for your group to finish the assignment. Nevertheless, pacing is important.

Textbook is not essential. Practice is crucial for this module. Be consistent with the tutorials and you should do fine for finals.

CZ2003 Computer Graphics and Visualisation

Lectures attended: 40% (Dr. Alexei Sourin, Dr Jianmin Zheng)
Tutorials attended: 100% (Graded) (Dr. Alexei Sourin)
Labs attended: 75%
Textbook(s): A.Sourin, Computer Graphics. From a small formula to cyberworlds, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.
Assessment: Lab Assignments (30%), Tutorial (20%), Finals Closed-Book (50%)
This is another mathematics heavy module. The module is actually teaching you how to convert mathematical formulas to 2D and 3D shapes. If you recall all your geometry formulas, now is a good time to apply them.

The second half of the lecture touches on lighting and rendering. It might be a bit strange for physics students but just remember that this is a mathematical model, not a scientific one.

The programming language you will be learning would be a version of VRML designed by Dr Sourin. The programming syntax is not tested for finals. However, it is used extensively for the lab assignments. The lab assignments can be be time consuming in the beginning, given the number of tasks in the early stages. Try to complete them as they are given and you should be fine. Once you have completed the assignments, you would not need VRML anymore.

One interesting thing to note about this module is the graded of tutorials. If your tutorials are taught by Dr Sourin, you will need to submit the tutorials at the start of the respective tutorials. They are graded and will be counted towards your final grades. Also, for Dr Sourin's classes, you will get back your tutorial a week later though there will not be any indication if your answers were accepted. Do take note.

I have heard that the textbook has provided more useful information regarding the topics taught. I did not purchase the textbook and I think it is possible to do well without it. If you find yourself struggling with the concepts taught during lecture, consider getting a textbook to help in your learning.

For a full list of the modules I took, see link here. :)