This week had been packed with Examinations and more Examinations. (lols...)
On top of that, this Wednesday, we had "O" Levels Chinese Listening Comprehension. I should have every reason to feel stressed right? Hahas...
"O" Levels Chinese Listening Comprehension
So, I guess let me start on what happened on Wednesday then...
Ironically, on this day, the World witnesses the Longest Solar Eclipse ever occurred. The whole of Singapore missed it, wow.
You would be wondering why the whole of Singapore(, shouldn't it be only the "O" Levels Candidates?). Well, on the Wednesday Morning, which is around 8~9AM, it rained. Well that's partial darkness for us. (Laugh out loud!)
For my class, we never figured when the eclipse occurred so yeah, we lucked out (big time)
But on the bright side, we had no lessons on that day. The School decided to let us relax before going for the Examinations. I heard from some teachers that this is the first time the School did that and they were trying to figure out why the school made this strange move after so many years. My answer to them would be: Who knows? Hahas...
On the not-so-bright side, we got back our Chemistry Paper 1 for Prelims 2.
Boy, the class screwed up. Only one-third of the Class(excluding people who are taking Combined.Sciences) scored above 30 out of 40. Which is disappointing. Even more disappointing is that, I'm not the few who got 30 or above. T.T
I got only 28!!! AHHHH!!!!
(Okay, I know 28/40 is A2 grade but I want A1!!! AHH~!!!)
So yeah, the class got lectured by Mrs Hay. Nice backdrop for day of National Examinations, huh? Guess not.
So I guess I can kiss my Ai-grade for my Chemistry goodbye. Haiz...
I have the Question Paper for the Listening Comprehension since they allow candidates to keep it. But I won't be showing it here because of Copyright issue. Duh? Hahas.
Anyway, I feel that the Paper was very difficult. So I'm just hoping that I scored at least 14/20. I would be leaping with joy that I reach that goal.
Hopefully, I do not need to re-take my Chinese at the End of this year. :D
NCHS Prelims 2 Pt2
This week, I took quite a number of examinations:
- Elementary Mathematics Paper 1 & 2 Compared to the first Prelims, this paper is much easier and Mrs Sim had mentioned that we did well for Paper 1. Paper 2 was not known because she had not marked finish.
- Chemistry Paper 1 & 2 Chemistry Paper 2 was a killer and I thought Chemistry Paper 1 was easier. With my Paper 1 so badly done, I doubt my Paper 2 would be anyway near better...
- Additional Mathematics Paper 1 & 2 Same as Prelims One...Paper 1 easier than Paper2. Hope I did not screw it up like the first Prelims...
- Physics Paper 1 & 2 Gee, what can I say, the paper should be easy but I think my answers are filled with careless mistakes. So I'm good as dead.
But I still think I will screw it up. Best not get hopeful. Haha...
Wish me luck! Because I would really need it.
The Wrong Signboard
Next up, here's a queer thing that happened. ;)
Remember the shop that my family set up? It turns out that a typo occurred at the Signboard. It wrote "Quenna" instead of "Queena"
And guess what, neither my father nor me spotted it. I should have realised it because I was advertising it on Facebook and used the Signboard as the logo in there. And the thumbnail wrote "NN" right in front of me.
I can't believe I did not register the problem! Stupid me!
Well, thankfully, my stepmother spotted it and the problem is dealt with(I think). ;)
Which is why I changed the Logo for the Facebook group too. ;)
The Lift Encounter
Another queer thing happened recently would be about the right-hand-side elevator.
On this day after a stressful examination, I reached the Lift Lobby. The Right-hand-side lift doors opened and I entered. So far so good. ;)
I pressed my Storey number and pressed the button to close the door.
Everything was fine until the lift door could not close. Okay, let me rephrase that, the lift door could close fully but it does not move up but open the door again.(only to close it again)
Yep, just imagine a mouth that opens and close. That freaked me out. I was worried I would be trapped in this lift. (God, why me...) I pressed the "Close Door" Button so that I can somehow move up.
Well, that failed. :o
My next move was to press the "Door Open" button. Hahas...Well it opens it doors alright, only to close it again moments later. LOLS...
Now that's one freak lift, so I sort of time it and exit when the Doors are open. I jumped out, literally. Phew! I thought I would be crushed by those doors, given my fragile body. I'm so freaking glad I'm thin! Wohoo!
But that's not all, the freaky thing is that the moment I left the lift, it closed its doors and launched off...leaving me on the Ground Floor...
Talk about rejection...
Since the lift on the right-hand-side was moving up, when I pressed for a lift, the left-hand-side lift came for me. Nothing funny happened to me, thank the gods.
As to why the 'rejection' occurred, I have no absolute idea. Subsequent trips using that lift gave no problems. It was a one-out-of-million chance for that to happen, I guess.
Well, just to be safe, avoid using that lift. If needed, just be on guard, the lift's spooky...
All right! That's all, folks! Gotta go now and continue revising for my Examination tomorrow! Until next week! ;)