3rd January 2009 abt NCHS CCA Day!
Man, today I came too freaking early though some of my CCA's juniors came even earlier than me.
Not to mention that Mr Goh is late...=.=
Christopher is the latest, being close to a hour late.
Not that I mind much anyway because this year's CCA Day is very boring. I almost wanted to fall asleep and I'm the Chairman some more!
This is really depressing. I guess you can say I'm getting the common holidays blues. Haiz...
Some of you would be wondering how could a day in the Nan Chiau High School be boring when every time I talked about it is as if very exciting to be in this school.
The answer is I'm not very sure either. LOL?
I think it is because my CCA did not shout like the rest of the CCA do, like advertising our CCA about it stands for and it had done and what it does. I found that by doing so, it makes me feel a bit better and relieve a great deal of stress.
Because our teacher-in-charge, Mr Goh, wants motivated and enthusiastic students to join our CCA so that meant that we're adapting this new policy for this year - no propaganda of any sort but wait for the people to come to us.
I support such a policy, but I never knew it could be that boring in practical terms. LOL. That is because hardly anyone even bothered to stay at our booth to watch or anything, they just glanced and left. What a disappointment!
Not to mention that, in the end, we had four names on the sheet of paper that asks them to write down their particulars though we used persuasive methods so in actual fact there should not be a single name on that sheet of paper.
So depressing isn't it. Is the whole cohort of secondary 1 so not interested in what makes a website ticks or how to make game.
Perhaps there is a generation gap, for me, or my generation at the East of Singapore, we're all interested in making games and letting people play. That is a reason enough to let me join.
Perhaps, robots interest them more. Sheesh. Not to boast but my first lesson in my CCA was with the Robotics Department because we had not officially started CCA for animation-making yet. You know what happened? Our model of robot thrashed their model. It's totally a disgrace for them. I can't believe they actually have more members. Is robots that fascinating? Maybe generation gap, indeed.
If you had not sensed it, I'm part of the Infocomm Club. We're split into two departments - Robotics and Projects-Oriented.
I'm the Chairman of the Infocomm Club and we're learning how to make servers this year! Wohoo! This is going to be fun. The first time I tried to make a computer a server, it overheated(opps?)
At least this time I will have guidance. :p
After CCA Day, I wanted to called some of our schoolmates to eat together. It's a total disappointment, man!
Christopher and several others don't feel like eating. What had the world come to? They all hate food so much? Seriously, had their stomach alarm(telling them he's hungry) being mute that they can survive skipping meals? I certainly cannot. So in the end, only Keller and I ate lunch. And that is after I forced him to eat lunch with me. Grr...What a nice bunch of friends I have in north side of Singapore. =.=
Alright, I need to eat dinner now. See ya!
Sorry for talking so much depressing stuff today, I just had a rough side of life today.
Girl's Fashion 452"
3 months ago