Secret War Journal[25 Jan 2009]

Sunday, January 25, 2009
25 January 2009 [Chinese New Year 2009 eve!]
Woot! Chinese New Year is round the corner!

Today, we did Spring Cleaning Part 2 and I cleaned my room. The Fish Pond was cleaned, my father's car washed(though it rained later in the day, much to my father's grief)
We had ham for breakfast! Woot! Not picnic ham but big and tasty ham! Man, I love this day :D

And I finally read the fifth book of The Wheel of Time! (Marcus, read faster so you can pass me the rest of the series ;)

As any student would do, I started a bit on homework though I got very frustrated and gave up without completing a single homework.
One wonders how I going to finish it during Chinese New year...Oh well....
My little brother went for a haircut. So jealous, hahas. He looks cuter!

We had fish for lunch though I prefer the oily meat. Woot! I ate the entire plate of meat with rice with that greenish-yellow vegetable. So tasty!
I must thank my father for letting me eat the entire plate with rice :D
At around 4 o'clock at night, my family started out to my grandmother's house for the reunion dinner and my parents had also promised to help out at the cooking for dinner.
If I thought my family would be the first to arrive at my grandmother's house, I'm so proven wrong.

Simin and her sisters had already came and LEFT! WTF!?

That was really early.

Shortly after, my 5th aunt's family arrived

What is with this year? Why is everybody is so early this year? Oh well, at least I would not be bored with nothing to do there ;)
And so my younger siblings went to a bedroom to play the toys that my cousins and I played, ten years ago...

Meanwhile my cousins and I went to play poker cards.
This year's Reunion Dinner, we have:
  1. BBQ Chicken Wings! (I ate alot of this)
  2. Pig Intestines Soup (It's nice but I drank so much that I got too full...)
  3. Curry!
  4. Roasted Duck (prepared by 5th Aunt!)
  5. Pork Ribs (prepared by my father)
  6. Broccoli
  7. Fishballs!
  8. Prawns!
  9. Fried Stuff
  10. And more!
Not to mention the delicious New Year snacks available for consumption there!

We even have seaweeds, no link right?
Then my cousins, aunts, uncles and my parents went to to gamble with poker cards.

Almost all, since Yuki and I did not gamble.

We were like, oh my god!, I have another cousin who don't gamble!

How great is that? I'm not alone. (LOLz?)
It's pity that I have to go home at 9 o'clock because my younger brother needs to go home and sleep.


This year, I did not take part in any countdown party, was watching anime when Chinese New Year arrived. Hahas.
Zi Ying asked me something very queer, she asked me how much money I got from red packet as if Chinese New Year had ended!

I gave her the answer of $0. She gave me sort of terrified reply. LOLs?
P.S: Jing Ting used the excess Chinese New Year Class decor to cut out my nickname! I intend to take a picture and so you guys! ;)

And sorry to Bao Lin for accidentally calling you Jia Pei, I don't know what got into me. My head's not well, I guess..