Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts

2012: Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Monday, December 31, 2012
Secret War Journal[Year 2012][Long Post]
Year 2012, the rumoured year that spell the end of the world. Yet 21 December 2012 passed without much fanfare. I guess everyone just got bored of the constant theories that foretells the end of the world. However, think about it. What if it really brought about the end of the world? Would you had regret spending the day 21 December 2012 like any other?

While I always believed in spending my days as though there is no tomorrow, I must admit that sometimes I do falter in that ambitions of mine. There are days when I felt so saddened and enraged that I just spent those days moping around, walking around, reflecting and calming myself down. That seems to be an awful waste of my time (particularly since it was totally uncalled for and unnecessary due to the fact that it is other people's fault. Sometimes, I care simply too much.) Despite that, there may be value in such actions.
I may appear to hang around with friends often but the truth is that I am an introvert. That much is clear to my close friends who realised after a moment that while I talk a lot (of rubbish. :P), I do not often discuss matters of personal issues. I do not open up easily to people. I almost never talk (a few times but it is almost never when compared to normal people) about my screwed-up, broken, rotten-to-the-core family, how I really think, my troubles, my worries, my hopes, my hidden meanings behind statements, who I really like, and my past.
In that aspect, I am not a great friend. I know there are people who find that it is hard to interact with me because I act as though I do not trust them. (which is unfortunately, probably true. I am sorry. Please bear in mind that I was betrayed one time too many, please forgive me for being an anti-trust zealot) It is not your fault. My world is without much warmth. I am sorry.

Thus, while the writing of this journal was originally meant to record my thoughts and memories in my life, it has also, unintentionally, become my emotional pillar, the place for me to calm myself down, make myself coherent when certain people just make me feel down without fail. These are the people I dislike because they go against everything I believe in.
On the other hand, these people are the very reason I have my principles in the first place. I suppose I do owe them one. These people are my so-called 'family'. So-called due to the fact that it is a façade.

Before I accidentally rant non-stop about them (which is not the whole point of this post), let us move on, shall we? :)

In saying this, I might do all introverts an injustice. There are times when I just wished to be left alone. Somehow, communicating with other personalities of me helps to calm me down somewhat. It actually helps to me calm me down much quicker than talking with people in certain situations. But there are also times when I am feeling so depressed, I just wish there is someone I can turn to. Someone I can trust, someone who can give me the warmth that I had so longed for so many years. Sometimes, I just want people to care. Because it seems that I am the only person left in this world that actually cares. I know it is not true, I want to believe it is not true, but it is hard to believe when there is no one. No one to make me feel I am alive in this world. No one with a touch of warmth. Perhaps this world is just my imagination, my nightmare. A dark cold world in my mind.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." - Buddha

2012, this year, to me, has but 2 major events.

First would be my IDA internship . More details on Reflections on Internship

With the end of my internship came the second which took up the remainder of my time for this year, army.

All good things come to an End
Despite my best efforts, an recurring thought kept popping up throughout a major portion of the year 2012.

Indeed, all good things come to an end. It was a lesson that needs to be taught to be me by God since I always like to pretend good things would last forever and bad stuff are temporary. However, time and time again the reality had shown me that this world is based on balance; And that there is an equal chance that good things will come to an end just as bad things would come to an end.

To me, army is like the economics equivalent of Globalisation. It brought about shorter but more frequent bouts of happiness and depression. Since my enlistment in army, I feel as though I am in an endless roller coaster emotional ride. One moment I could be feeling high, another crying, right after feeling glad, yet another feeling lonely. It was a quick cycle that threatens my sanity.

Times like that, I wonder what I really want in life. Right now, at this moment of my life, what do I really desire? I constantly question my decisions leading up to the present. I wondered on nights why did I put so much effort to enter University only to be in this place now.
(Though suicide sounds tempting, I refuse to go down that path)

Having said that, this year is without doubt a year where I had very little freedom. Freedom in the sense that I am not able to tell in a glance which weekends would I be available. (There are days where I needed to go regimental duty. Sigh, sometimes I just wish they tell us so much earlier so we can arrange accordingly) It really made going out and meeting up with friends a lot harder. I remember there were occasions when some of old pals were not able to attend the outing because of regimental duty or serving some punishment over the weekends. (which is quite common, much to my horror)

Still, I am glad that I had survived nine months in army thus far. 15 more months to go! (Argh, such an enormous number)

Silver lining in that dark, dark cloud.

Despite everything army had thrown upon seemed to be bad, there are some things for me to take away from it.

Admittedly, this is when friendships are tested. This is a moment when you will discover who mattered and who does not. When everyone hardly meets, some will drop all pretence and show their true self. When that happens, you may feel sad but moving on, you should not. It lowers the possibility of being betrayed when it matters in the future. Thus, I, hazard to, say army helps in weeding out liars? And in the process, letting you meet more liars. The irony. Ha. Ha.

And hey! After much labouring and whining, I finished my gunner course! More details here.

In addition, I believe that there are some life skills to be learnt from the army experience. For one, this is a time where you would be thrown people from different walks of life to manage. By doing so, it tests your leadership skills and trains you a life skill to take away from the army.

The Matter of Scholarship
With the Year 2012 ending, I find myself thinking if I should try for a scholarship again. In a way, God had given me an extra year to think it over. For better or worse, I sometimes rather that I already gotten a scholarship this year (I was denied both the first round and the final round interview, thanks to army) just so that I would not feel so frustrated now. I find myself reconsidering the case on getting a scholarship based on several aspects:
1. Performance
Bear in mind that I am enrolled as a double degree undergraduate. A Double Degree Programme is not easy, I am well aware of that. Now, I fear that the phrase "not easy" might well be an understatement. I know people who is currently studying in a single business degree and they are having difficulties coping with the workload. One cannot hope to imagine what would be the workload be like. So the question is, would I be able to cope? If I get a scholarship, I do not just need to be able to cope, but also excel. Can I meet their expectations?
2. Bond
As you may be aware, there are scholarships that offers a bond and there others which do not. If I were to go for a scholarship, it is likely I would gun for one which offers a bond. Yet, I am unsure if a bond would be of benefit to me. With a bond, I secured my future career. However, with a bond, it could be an inhibitor to one's career as well. 
3. Will
An important question would be: Do I really want a scholarship? If so, is it for the prestige? Money? Benefits? Experience? Exposure? Fulfilment? If I get a scholarship with the wrong motivations, it could cost me dearly.
4. Private versus Public Sector
Lastly, do I wish to work in the private sector where there is higher volatile but faster promotions or do I prefer the public sector, slow but steady?

All these rattles my mind thoroughly.

Blow my mind away
Just like a coin, I had met many groups of people who question my choice of my degree.

There are mainly 3 schools of thought.
One believes it is a good choice. Business is a general degree. It does not have much specialisation. With a computing degree, I am in a good position to be at the forefront of innovation and packaging the product that makes business sense.
Another believes business is too generic and computing does not have good career prospects. I believe the business part is rather self-explanatory. For the latter, all points to India. It is not hard to see why. Indian programmers are god-like in this field. It is believed that such talented people are killing the prospects of working in that field. This is a serious consideration. Yes, I have the passion but it is indeed worrying that the odds are quite against me. However, thinking deeper. Why do they excel better than others? Is it sheer hard work or genetics? If I were to stick to my initial decision, I would need to work really hard, no doubt.
Finally, another thinks a double degree is not really worth it. Why bother working so hard only to know the chance of success is so low? Why not just stick to one and you can concentrate on one? I cannot disagree but I still have this nagging feeling to take two. I do not know why but I am willing to trust my instinct. It had not failed thus far. :)

Despite all these schools of thought, I am still sticking to my guns. I need a more concrete argument to convince me. :P

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours." - Henry David Thoreau

A thinning of patience
Sigh, the 'family'. In one hand, I would say I was quite successful in not venting my anger in the social networks. On the other hand, I had also failed. The worse part was that I was so close to being successful. I was not able to tolerate any longer and vented my anger on Facebook on the Month of December. Just barely days from a brand new year. To me, that was kind of irritating. I was so close to achieving my goal! Why did my resolve falter at the last moment. Grr! In the end, I guess my anger management still needs to be improved.
Maybe my willpower is just weak but it is really hard to contain my anger especially when they keep trying to bring up a certain issue. A certain issue that always boil my blood. When I finally calm down, they come cause me much anguish again.
That issue
It all began with the Stepmother. One day, she decided she wanted to rent out the room that Lera and I is sleeping in. The issue was first brought up around the month of October (or earlier I think. The reason it is not realised yet is partly because I am not helping in the process, at least covertly).
I remembered the first question that came to my mind was, "where do I sleep now?". Then questions went on to more materialistic things like, "what would happen to my stuff".
Now, a bit of background since I try not to talk about her often. (She does not deserve the publicity) Since coming to the family, she often takes the opportunity to throw away my stuff (of which my grandparents would have a lot of things to say, since they witnessed her throwing something quite personal.)
The rationale given by her was that since I am now in army. I am only at home on weekends and thus we should rent out the room.
Sounds legitimate to get more income but is it morally right? Which parent in the right mind rents out their room when they go to army. I would like to know.
The plan was that I would move to the storeroom and sleep. (I wonder how my grandparents would react since they already view getting a maid to sleep in the storeroom as maid abuse) Sometimes, I think she lost her marbles. But now, I do not think so. This is not a work of a mentally unsound person. This is all planned.
Before I get there,I am also particularly worried about my belongings. I had already suffered one time too many losing a great portion, some irreplaceable, some costing a bomb, some sentimental, as a result of her dumping of my belongings into a wastebin. All on the pretext that it is messy (Yeah like a photo album is messy. Don't make me laugh.) or it is never used (remind me why would I put that cable in a box in a cupboard near me then? Just because I packaged it nicely, just so that it would not appear messy and it is still thrown away anyways. -,-) or because it is just lying there. (For God's sake! They were in my 'in' tray! Those were work!)
At that point, with the assurance that Lera would be moving into a proper room if the room was rented out, the next thing I had to secure were my belongings. I insisted that no one is to touch my stuff. If my belongings require moving, I would do the moving personally. Thank you very much. I remembered the last time, I only expressed that my stepmother should not touch my stuff, she got my sister to do the dirty work instead so I learnt my lesson. No one. Absolutely no one, is allowed to touch my belongings. I do not wish my weekend breaks to ruined by the fact that half my belongings are gone when I return home. If it can be still called 'home' if that happens.
Content Removed at Author's Discretion
I was still able to contain my anger of the absurdity of the plan then. On one fated day, on the month of December, I overheard her saying to my half-brother that he continues to misbehave, she would rent out his room too and chase him out of the house, just like the other two. No prizes for guessing who 'the other two' was she referring to.
Wait up! You would say. It could just be words of spite then, you say.
In the past, I may had closed one eye and believed it so. However, I cannot bring myself to even trust that minute bit of her. There is no trust in the house. The look in her eyes is one that seeks to bring chaos, not peace. Perhaps, when I look at her, I have malice in my eyes too. This is war. Neutrality in the past had led me to nowhere but despair.

"No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it's only a question of degree." - W. C. Fields

Sea of cash
Moving on, for some obscure reason, my spending this year had been quite exorbitant. I believe this is due to the fact that I stopped budget planning when I went to army. I just could not bring myself to spend time updating my budget at the end of the week (I just have to do it daily or I would lose motivation hahas because I would forget what I had spent. :P)
From the rough estimates though, I spent around 3 times more than I had last year. That is a very steep increase. Most of the money were spent on food, transport and bills. A great amount are also spent on gifts. Oops. Despite my enormous spending, I managed to save around $3000 this year. Not as much as I had hoped for but still of a substantial amount to reach my goal to save a total of $8000 by 2014. Let's hope 2013 I can save more! ^^

Note to self: I really got to control my spending! >.<

Subtle changes in the journal
I am finally reaching the end of this post! Hahas. I apologise for the emotional roller caster in this post. That was not exactly intentional but as this post was so long, it took several days to complete and at different times when I am in the midst of writing, some people just drop bombs on me causing me to be in the wrong mood to write this important post. In my own defence, when such situations do occur, I would stop writing and engage in some activities to calm myself down. There are days when I am not successful because my mind is no longer in the mood to write, resulting in a total waste of a working day.

In the meantime, throughout the course of this year, I had made some subtle changes to the look of this journal. :)

Blood, Sweat and Tears
This is without doubt, the theme of the year 2012.

In conclusion, this year had a lot of ups and down. Facing a highly volatile situation seems to be an every day affair to me. On the bright side, I am learning to be versatile, to suit the situation as the situation demands it.

While it may not always result in the best possible outcome, I am always trying. Because at the end of the day, I believe the process of doing so would nurture me, to become a better person.

Thus, I will stand steadfast, and run towards my goal. Readers, know that when you are facing dark times you should not give up. Instead you should persevere and drive yourself forward. Just remember there is someone who is facing worse odds and still not backing down. (that would be me. Opps.)

Time to embrace the Year 2013 and achieve a better tomorrow! :)

Picture Credits: ~cho-oka

When happiness hurts

Thursday, December 6, 2012
Secret War Journal[6 December 2012]
There comes a time when,
making other people happy leaves you with a bitter sweet smile.
When you feel that, at the back of your head, you wish that the person feeling happy could be you instead.

Times like this, you wonder why you would want to help other pursue their happiness.
Times like this, you just want to be selfish like the others and strive for your own happiness.

That well may be a dangerous thought.
Remember the times when seeing someone smile makes you smile too? The times when your deeds allowed another to be cheer up and you felt comforted?

Why has that feeling become so cold? Why do I no longer feel the warmth of happiness when I help others? Am I numb to happiness?

Perhaps, I had turned cold.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Mahatma Gandhi

Shed light upon visions

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Secret War Journal[18 November 2012]
One of the funny thing about myself is that... I have a low memory lifespan. Many times had I mentioned that the reason I am blogging here is to record the events of my life so that I would remember the proceedings and also my feelings and thoughts then. Thus, I actually thought I posted this already but apparently not since I just got reminded about it recently.

To be frank, I am not really sure if I told anyone yet, hahas. For I know, I may just complete this post, only to realise I had typed this before. (Now, wouldn't that suck? Hahas)

Before I ended up in this current branch of the military, I had a vision seemingly foretelling me what would be my posting.

In the vision, I was a hunter but not an ordinary hunter like those portrayed in historic times.

The hunter/I was hunting with a bow (longbow? I cannot really tell since the vision did not focus greatly on the bow, rather the action.) that allowed one to shoot from great distances, different from historic hunting which only involves closer combat, even with bows. I am not sure what the prey was but I knew it was a high-value target, one to last me for days.

With that, the vision abruptly ended. You may think it may not mean much but it means something, for me. Visions are not exactly hard to come by but they are not frequent. Thus far, each tries to bring across a message. Though some helped me in how I lived my life, I admit that I could had done better if I had interpreted the meaning of the vision or did not misinterpret the vision.

At this point, you are probably wondering what am I trying to say. To this vision, I interpreted as being a sniper, since I was killing from afar.

A few weeks back, I thought I interpreted it correctly since I was selected for a sniper selection interview. At the back of my mind then, after hearing what's in store for me as a sniper, I knew I was not ready to be a sniper. At that point, the vision did not make sense to me. Was its purpose to foretell that I would be interviewed for selection as a sniper or did it mean something else totally?

I do not really know at that moment, thus I took a leap of fate and let God decide. I tend to do that when I do not understand the vision bestowed upon me is trying to tell me.

As fate has it, I was not going to be a sniper. Thus was my interpretation wrong. (No worries, I am sorta got used to it...)

The message that the vision was trying to relay was, I would kill from afar. Apparently (from how I understand it now, of course, I could be wrong... again), in historic times, the technology involved to portray a clearer message is not yet discovered, thus it had to improvise with arrows and bows (please don't ask me why, I do not know the mechanics of visions, yet).

In the end, I am now an artillery gunner. (Though I may not admit it freely, I am happy that I am part of the gunner family, compared to others)

Funny how visions play on our minds, huh? They let you peek but never the whole package. Devious little things, but I welcome them. :P

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst." - William Penn

TIme phase

Friday, November 23, 2012
Secret War Journal[23 November 2012]

Much has changed.

In the span of one hour, much change had occurred.

Returning from darkness, objects were moved from its original locations, (according to my knowledge, one hour ago), in an empty house apart from myself.

Furnitures are moved, items brought from one place to another.

No one entered nor exit the house. I was the only person in the house.
It certainly felt like a closed room mystery.

Another shift in the world lines and I had not even resolved all the conflicts in the previous one.
Guess God had decided I am needed more in this current world I am now in. I would need to find out what changed here, what are the differences between this world and the former.
At least the changes are less subtle then the last time, huh? Small comfort.

I felt the all-too-familiar headache when such incidents occur.

Big Guts

Sunday, October 14, 2012
Secret War Journal[14 September 2012]
Woah, I hardly could find time to blog nowadays. Funny how that actually sounds. I am now able to go home on Friday nights instead of Saturday morning and I still go back on Sunday nights yet time seems to move ever faster.

I guess I am really growing older. Only old people think time passes faster despite given the same amount of time.

Anyways, this is a short update on my life in army thus far.

I am failing my physical test again. One of a kind, I would say. I am not really sure the reason myself but it happened after I over-exerted my muscles on my first day there.

My strength had went downhill since then. Sometimes, I wonder if I contracted the muscles-destroying virus that one of my former section mates had then. I hope not.

I sure hope I can pass the physical test in one month. That is the time frame given to me by my superiors before I officially fail the entire leadership course. Definitely not a pretty sight. Let's see how sheer determination leads me to, huh?

I hope I can answer to you.

4 times denied
Just yesterday, I had a outing with Jie Sheng, Siew Yan, Bao Lin, and Cynthia. It had been a month since I last saw them. I must really emphasize - Time really flies! 

The original plan was to have some nice dim sum at Ajunied but the plan fell apart mainly due to my fault (and I was the organiser, how great is that?)

Bad things happened to me when I try to reach a place. Most specifically, it started when I want to visit my mum.

First, it all started on Friday morning. The outing was finalised on Thursday. I decided that since the venue was at Ajunied, I could go early myself on Saturday and pay my Mum a visit. I thought of that when I woke up on Friday morning early. Shortly after I decided to do it, I came down with a bad runny nose. I dare say the runny nose ruin my entire day. There were actually moments I thought I would be sick. (Meaning I would have to also cancel the outing altogether, now wouldn't that be sad?)

Second, was the moment I decided to carry out the plan anyways, since I woke up kinda early on Saturday and my nose no longer was acting up. At that moment, my family decided to use the washing machine (when I am the one who normally uses it on Saturdays), causing considerable delay to me since I had to wash my clothes after theirs. (In fact, I was so late I cannot visit my mother before the agreed time to meet the rest)

Third, my nose acted up again. I thought to myself then, it is okay. I can always visit after lunch, since it is near the place anyways. Straight after that, I sneezed and well, my nose acted up again.

Last, Siew Yan decided to change the venue, since I was so late. I guess it is fate. Funny when I sort of give up, my nose recovers. I wonder what is the intended message? I think I do not really want to know.

Why did I suffer so for something that should be my right? Must I be deprived the only few comfort I have in life?

Another stupid moment occurred to me on Saturday as well.

I had a short mini heart attack when I left my house and headed for the bus stop. It was the same bus stop that I alighted from last night yet only now did I notice there were 2 bus stops on the same side of the street. I certainly felt quite mind-blown at that moment. Why didn't I see the second bus stop yesterday? I guess I was just too tired huh?

Everything went quite smoothly after this with minimal obstacles given to me. Thus, I reach the destination: Mad Jack in one piece, relatively unharmed (I guess?)

At that point, I realised how long since I last met them. Wow, I just have to say this again, it had been one month.

They had all consumed their lunch, save me. I am so late that I have to eat lunch alone while the rest of them just continued to chat. I have to thank Siew Yan and Bao Lin who ordered some dessert hence avoiding a awkward situation where everyone would stare at me eating. Hahas! I felt kinda bad though, Siew Yan should be saving money but I am indirectly causing her to spend more money. :S
After lunch, we proceeded to go shopping! It is time for me to resume my wardrobe renewal once again! At the same, the retail therapy would help. :P

While trying out clothes at some point of time, Siew Yan have to leave. Hmm, I did not get to bid goodbye, how not courteous of me. :O

Anyways, I bought a hoodie and a blue shirt. In the end, I did not get to buy a pair of pants. Dang! Sigh.

Life is about...

Sunday, September 23, 2012
Secret War Journal[23 September 2012]

I would be lying if I were to deny this. Things around us are always in flux.I am no different.

The first (official) week in my new camp has just ended. I cannot say I enjoyed my time there.

It is quite a culture shock there. The change is immense. The privileges that we took for granted come crashing on us as it is suddenly taken away from us.

On the bright side, the food there is much nicer. In terms of variety, at least. I hope it lasts. (So this is an example of how funding matters, huh?)

I hope I can adapt to the changes there.

(Did you know the Burger King that we all used to mug at in Raffles City Shopping Mall is no more? It is now replaced by KFC. Guess, it will be always in our memory, how we crazily studied there, having lots of laughter and fun discussing the questions and just chilling, sometimes. Hahas!)

What is living without hope?

Despite the harsh awakening to the changes in the environment of where I mostly sleep in now, there are still things to be happy about.

It is often through tough times that we can relate to it after the whole ideal. Perhaps we could even smile on how far we achieved from persevering.

Not to mention, my best friend, Johnston who helped me to stabilise my mentality. I think I would had gone insane (like dangerously insane, not insane in a hilarious manner) from all negative thoughts in my  head.

Meeting Qi Xiang and Meldon just to chill and unwind also helped a lot.

Shereen seems to be her normal cheerful self. Not bad! Hahas! I guess it is important to live your life to the fullest, no matter how bad the situation is. After all, we each have only just one life. Live life to our fullest and have no regrets. =)

Neither am I a stranger to this.

Seriously, who is not expecting conscription to be anything but disappointment anyway?
With hope, comes disappointment.

I had since decided I am not going to care. After all, I am inherently selfish (as do all humans). If they don't care, I would not too. 

Have fun, and adieu.

Yet we still hope, despite the obvious flaws it has.

Sometimes I wonder we are idiots or not.

An author once said that Friends are meant to be hurt. If you do not know this, you do not know friendship.

Most of us would be appalled by this sentence initially. But think carefully on the sentence, who can really say this is absurd? How many times had you hurt your friends? Whether intentionally or by accident?

Humans are selfish people. No matter how much people may try to deny, the fact that they have friends reveals much. Do they make friends for other's sake or their own?

My friend, I believe the answer is plain enough, I need not elaborate.

We are just hurting each other. Does that make us horrible creatures? Perhaps.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." - Robert Frost

Comfort Food

Sunday, September 16, 2012
Secret War Journal[16 September 2012]
Ice Cream, a great way to chill!

I just realised I crave for different kinds of food at different moods! =)

When I feel down, I would eat
Wheat Crackers because its bland taste reminds me how alone I am.
Strangely, that brings me comfort. (I must be a sadist)
Of course, I only crave this when I am mildly sad. Hahas!
Floss Bread! Always loved Chicken Floss since young! Hahas

Bread always never fail me to cheer me up. In an abstract way, it reminds me of Shana eating melon bread. It makes one forget all troubles and just feel great. ;)

Cheese Crackers! A great way to cheer one up!
I like the taste of the salt and cheese in the crackers. I eat this when I feel downcast from being unable to do something I set out to do. (I always was a crazy lover of salt. Hahas!)
Cajun fries! Beats French Fries any other day!
Try beat this! French Fries! Complete with more salt!
French fries is definitely a 'feel good' food of mine. I normally would want to eat this when I feel the world is dull. :)
The texture and taste is awesome!
Potato Chips - Consumed when I feel moderately stressed. Hence, you would see me devouring this when I am studying. :)
Baked Cashew Nuts are my favourite amongst Cashew Nuts =]
Peanuts, the crunchy taste helps me to distress.
Nuts are powerful. I think they are rank #2 in helping me to cheer up (as of posting).

Though, sometimes I over-consume and end up getting a throat infection. Oops. :S
Chocolate, or should I say Chocolate wafers? Hahas!
This should not come as a surprise. After all, chocolate are known to make one feel happy. Thus, it is expected for this to be ranked #1 in the list. ;)

When I feel exhausted after working out, I would drink
Sweet drinks!
People will gun for isotonic drinks but I don't really mind as long as it is sweet. I need the sugar! Hahas!

Of course, Chinese Cuisine, more specifically, Teochew and Fujian cuisine, never fails to brighten my day! ^^

Time for lunch! See ya! :D Oh here's a happy song for you guys! ;)

War among myself

Monday, September 10, 2012
Secret War Journal[10 September 2012]
Hahas, I had been feeling angsty lately. So many emotions flooding in, finally after my long stasis due to army life.

What does this mean? This means it is time for me to write a post, to release these emotions. Even reading past posts of this nature helps me to unwind. Such is the power of my own writing on myself. Fragments of myself, shattered to allow me peace.

I had been being feeling rather insecure for the past 2 days, ever since I went home from dinner with my close friends. It is so bad, I feel like running away from everything.

I probably not getting brownie points from my family for not doing anything much at home. (I lost all mood to do anything, I just want to lie there...) For this moment, I hope they forgive me... just let me be because I feel as though I lost my motivation. For the common people, it is probably not life threatening.
But for a short moment, I lost the will to live.

To me, that was dangerous. My past continues to haunt me... It is like a shadow, I cannot run away from it. I guess the only way is to face it.
But I have been facing it everyday! It is plain as day to me every day!

Hope is disease.

I know that! But I need to hold on to something, something to prevent the further deteriorating of my soul.

Gods know how much I had been through...

In this world, there are probably many others like me who had been through those horrible moments. That brought little comfort to me. There is too much grief in this world.
What if one day, everything changed? What if, you wake up to find everything foreign? Sometimes we takes things for granted.
And I admit I do. That is why I am afraid. Would I rue the day I lose something, only to find it of value? I would certainly regret its loss. I would hate myself for allowing it to be gone. Why did I not put more effort to prevent its destruction?

Would I be able to live with that revelation?

Just how much more damage can I take before I lose it totally? All the insecurity due to the fact that I do not really know. That uncertainty breeds this feeling, because it lifts the stake. I fear failure not because I do not wish to appear weak. Rather, I fear its consequences...

"A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely." - Pam Brown

(Source: Kokoro Connect Episode 10; Credits:

It was not my war then.

I realised that I am sort of the opposite person of who I was ten years ago. I used to be extremely impulsive, driven by my emotions. I used to be more carefree. I used to be more cheerful. As some would also say, I used to act more like a spoiled child.

Everything changed since my mother's death. The very thought makes me want to hug myself tightly because I feel so very cold. It is a reminder. A reminder that I am alone here. Ten years down the road, how many new friends had I made? Compare it to my other me.

But it is now my war.

Now, I exercise more restraint in my actions.
Now, I would rather be accused of being indecisive rather than make impulsive actions.
Now, I contain more of my thoughts within me.
Now, I find myself harder to laugh as carefree as before.

I lost much fighting this war.

Ten years since, I am still as alone as I ever was right after my mother's death.
Just how much really changed? My family is forever shattered. No amount can ever restore it to its former glory, its former warmth. Nothing I do, nothing my family do will help it piece itself together.

A mirror that had been shattered can never be placed back as one piece, like its former self. After all, what is broken can never be restored its original state. This is the same thing as trust.

I cannot back off now, not after committing so much into this war.

I used to trust freely. After that incident, I found it difficult to trust people. Some of my close friends might had realised it. It is probably the reason why I find it harder to make friends. After all, they are turned off by the fact that I do not trust them. It hurts them. In that, I am a heartless person because in the act of not wanting to get hurt, I hurt others instead...

Truly, how far had I fallen? Perhaps it is known unto God only.

Thus begins my recording of my struggles in my own war...
Thus was this Journal birthed,
From one's despair,
From one's hope,
Let this Journal live to tell the tale of a King who was slowly losing himself.


Monday, June 4, 2012
Secret War Journal[4 June 2012]
It is not that I am incapable of love,
who are you to judge me?

Do you know the pain I carry?
Do you know the sorrow within this husk?
What do you know of burden?

Of course I will miss people.
I am not without feelings.
I am human too.

Had you ever wanted to see that person but unable to?
That's how I feel.

Had you ever wished to feel their warm touch but unable to?
That's how I feel.

Have you ever desired to hear their voice but unable to?
That's how I feel.

I had and will continue to carry my pain but I never expected anyone else to share this sorrow with me.

You, who had not experienced the cold harsh world, have no right to judge me.
Your fate is not as tragic as mine, instead, embrace your own.
All I ask is that you appreciate your beautiful life,
because life is fragile.

It is a cold world out there,
but that does not mean we cannot feel warmth.

For only when it gets cold, do we feel and appreciate its warmth.

"Everyone chases after happiness, not noticing that happiness is right at their heels." - Bertolt Brecht

Holding on

Saturday, May 12, 2012
Secret War Journal[12 May 2012]
Sometimes, I wonder how long can I last before I lose myself.

Close friends, I know I have the tendency to bottle things up. I owe you all an apology but some things are best left unsaid.

Some burden is best left shouldered alone.

In the past, I used to have time to cool off some bit because I get to get out and unwind.
Now, been in army during weekdays is taking a toll on me. Home, is well being home, as usual.
I wonder how long can I last.

I am trying to be myself.

I know that some of you are afraid of seeing me angry.
I am trying too,
trying to not show that side of me.
It is a darkness that is hard to return from once fully immersed.

The price for sanity.

I must admit,
occasionally, the other does appear but only once last year.
It will, it cannot, surface fully, especially for this period of time,
else all these years of anger management would had been for naught.

There is no return,

Maybe some day I would confide,
maybe some day I would just collapse,
maybe some day I would let go,
but I would wait for the day,
you unbind me,
from the chains of fate.

in the Path of Destruction.

"Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him." - Louis L'Amour


Saturday, February 18, 2012
Secret War Journal[18 February 2012]
Talisman, From Gu zhang

It has been a long time since someone prepared this for me. Thank you and for your concern. I really appreciated it. :)

Chinese New Year

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Secret War Journal[23 January 2012]
CNY 2012, Taken by fellow cousin

Ah, so Chinese New Year had arrived.

Though I had fun during the Chinese New Year, I cannot help but notice that the Chinese New Year spirit in Singapore has died down relatively, compared to previous years. Am I the only person to feel that?

If I am not, I wonder why this is so. Is it due to the economic uncertainty? Or is it due to the shorter duration of holidays?

No matter, what I like most about Chinese New Year would be the reunion dinner. Sometimes, I guess, we just need a reason to meet up together as a family. It is the one time of the year where the whole extended family get to meet up, apart from my grandmother's birthday.

I think we have a lot of stuff to catch up too, young and old. Sadly, I was unable to taste Grandmother's delicious mee sua again. Leroy, leroy, Grandmother is too old to cook already. Dang, selfish me. Hahas.

Another major change was that gambling during Chinese New Year toned down considerably this year. I think that is one factor that cause the dampened festive spirit this year. O.o
I wonder how is the red packet collection from everyone else? As my own tradition, I am not opening them until Chinese New Year comes to a close! ;)

Credits for photo: My cousin who took and decorated them. :)

Korean BBQ

Saturday, December 10, 2011
Secret War Journal[10 December 2011]
Ah, what better to celebrate the end of examinations but with a nice and tasty meal?

Yep, and that's what happened. :)

Joining us for this outing would be organiser Cynthia with fellow 4D-ians, Eunice, Jie Sheng, Siew Yan, and Wei Ting.
Clarissa joined us after the meal. :)

But before joining them for dinner however, I met up with Meldon to conduct some trading. Then again, this is not really a trade because both items are technically mine. Hahas.

It was a rather smooth transaction since we were rather clear on what we are doing.

Fast forward and we have all gathered at City Square mall, going towards the restaurant Korean BBQ. :)

In case any of you are wondering why we chose to go so far to enjoy a meal of Korean BBQ, it is because Cynthia's sister is working there so well.... we could pay her a visit in the mean time too. :p

Food! Sorry, I meant 음식!

Check out their menu! Okay, you can't really since you're not there physically.

All right, I would try to describe to you verbally (if the picture above hadn't already). Hahas.
Frankly, I do not frequent korean restaurants very often. (Which many already knew, apparently, hahas)

Thus, personally, I was rather confused when I was presented the menu on its navigation. I know it is a korean restaurant and all and so it would write their menu in korean but really, it did not help me a lot since I read the Korean words before reading the english translations. (A big mistake, I admit but hey, everyone reads top-to-down, left-to-right. -,-)

By the time I recover, I figured it would be so much more efficient if we just communicate with the restaurant staff serving us instead of reading off the menu.

So in the end, I hardly touch the menu throughout the menu, not very useful in my opinion. Maybe it would be more useful for korean-fanatics but for causal diners like me, just order your food the posh way, from the staff. ;)

We ordered two hotpots and here we go!


Feeling hungry already? Go down there yourself and savour the food! :P



And we went home after the meal. ^^

Just joking! :)
For those who were sharp that I forementioned that Clarissa joined us the meal and cried foul. Good job! :)
How could we head home straight away the moment she arrived? That wouldn't had made sense. :P

See? Even Jie Sheng couldn't believe that we went home straight after our dinner. :D
So what did we do? Window Shopping and spam group photos! :p



Yep! Christmas is nearing! Bought your christmas presents yet? :)
Alright! It is getting late, it's 11pm+ now! Time to sleep! :)

Not immediately hahas! Tsk tsk, Eunice's tired already, time to go!

P.S.: Eunice wasn't really tired, she was just pranked by us. Hahas! Evil us.

Credits: Bao Lin, Siew Yan and Wei Ting for the pictures. More photos at Facebook, if you can find me (that is). :p

If you love your dad

Sunday, October 2, 2011
Secret War Journal[2 October 2011]
t age 8, your dad buys you an ice cream. You thanked him by dripping it all over his lap.
When you were 9 years old, he paid for piano lessons. You thanked him by never even bothering to practice.
When you were 10 years old he drove you all day, from soccer to football to one birthday party after another. You thanked him by jumping out of the car and never looking back.
When you were 11 years old..............., he took you and your friends to the movies. You thanked him by asking to sit in a different row.
When you were 12 years old, he warned you not to watch certain TV shows. You thanked him by waiting until he left the house.
When you were 13, he suggested a haircut that was in fashion. You thanked him by telling him he had no taste.
When you were 14, he paid for a month away at summer camp. You thanked him by forgetting to write a single letter.
When you were 15, he came home from work, looking for a hug. You thanked him by having your bedroom door locked.
When you were 16, he taught you how to drive his car. You thanked him by taking it every chance you could.
When you were 17, he was expecting an important call. You thanked him by being on the phone all night.
When you were 18, he cried at your high school graduation. You thanked him by staying out partying until dawn.
When you were 19, he paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus carried your bags. You thanked him by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends.
When you were 25, he helped to pay for your wedding, and he told you how deep he loved you. You thanked him by moving halfway across the country.
When you were 50, he fell ill and needed you to take care of him . You thanked him by reading about the burden parents become to their children. And then, one day, he quietly died. And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder on YOUR HEART.

Aftermath Prelims

Friday, September 30, 2011
Secret War Journal[30 September 2011]
Really apologise for the lack of long posts recently.

Due to the examinations coming nearer with each living breath, I often find myself hard-pressed to even post a short post nowadays.

I guess you people just have to bear with the shorter posts in the meantime. :)
(I know some of you prefer the shorter posts but forgive me when I write abstract topics because I tend to do that for short posts to relay what I cannot express unless I write longer. :)
Well, Prelims just ended a week ago. In case none of you realised, it's been a long time since I wrote about school. It had been duly noted and I would try to write a post-mortem for the examinations, for you and of course, myself.

I figured it would be prefer since the Prelims would be the last major internal school examinations before the real deal. Hahas. It would probably be published next week but keep your fingers crossed, I might have to postpone the publish date if I am unable to type finish my reflections and thoughts. :P
Sometimes, I feel as though I just bought it just to put a face onto the people whom I had grown to loathe.
The veil of falsehood, most of the time amuses me, granted but that does not mean it was not masking my feeling of being irritated.
Seriously, they are just testing my patience.

Unlike any other

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Secret War Journal[21 August 2011]
At first, roughly 3 hours ago, I decided against posting this. But I guess I still end up typing all these out anyways.

See? I'm so feeble-minded. Tsk, tsk. Hahas.

Back to the topic.

Time for me to share a little bit of myself here. It is not very often I do so in such a straight-forward manner (in a relative sense, of course, I do not wish to court death. :) so chances are, this post may 'disappear' in the near future if I decide it's too revealing of personal information.

In my life thus far, yes, I have great moments of joy. Some similar, some rare, some unique.

Perhaps, the most unique of them all would be one particular topic in a conversation between my mother and I. Thinking back of this always brings back fond memories, I remember how I used to smile and feel really good whenever my mother would tell me how she decided on my name. In fact, I think I'm smiling now. Hahas!

The choosing of my name was in no way, accidental. It was a careful decision made by my mother(, and my father I suppose? My dad never tells me these stuff. Maybe we both are just as secretive. :)

Because close to no one else knows the rationale behind my name, it is like a secret between the both of us. I guess those were some of the first few secrets that I get to keep to. I am not sure if you had held one to secrecy before but personally, it feels really great to know something that no one else would ever know. At that point, you would experience first-hand that knowledge is power. Yes, some of you would claim the desire to reveal secrets is too tempting. But I assure you, it is not as hard as it seems to be. I can't explain it in words, you would have to attempt to resist the first time and it would become clear. It is not that difficult. :)
People may not know its meaning, I don't mind.
People may not see its significance, I don't mind.
People may not know its impact, I don't mind.

Your reason suffices.
We may lose a few battles, but we will not lose the war.
We will continue our struggle, watch over us.
Among all other people, my time with my mother was relatively short. But compared to my sister, it is infinitely longer. Even if the time I could spend with you is indeed short, I would have to be content that at least it was sufficiently long to have experienced happy memories of our family time. I have to, because my sister never had this opportunity. My despair would only lead to further despair...

Life has to move on, a king who is hardly sane can't lead. Truly, we live in heartless times


Saturday, August 13, 2011
Secret War Journal[13 August 2011]

Life in Junior College is boring. Life is hard when you have to force yourself to to study and do nothing else.

Sometimes, I feel like backing out on my promise but I remembered that I won't be where I am today if weren't for you.

I must press on.


Give me hope.


Thursday, July 7, 2011
Secret War Journal[7 July 2011]
My slightly older than 1 year phone just died today. I suspect it got short-circuited but I have no idea how because it wasn't in contact with water. Sonow I reverted to using the ancient mobile phones. I probably won't be using smartphones for a while. That also means my mobile blog would be momentarily inactive. Despair....

Update: My phone revived by itself. Thank you God!

“Never despair; but if you do, work on in despair” - Edmund Burke

Winds of Change

Friday, June 24, 2011
Secret War Journal[24 June 2011]
How Junior College has changed my life.

Today may will be officially my last day of playing computer games. Not that I can't (if studying for examinations is one reason) but rather I just simply lost the interest because of the stress from the examinations.

Ironic isn't it? Many perceive games as a form of relieving stress. Actually, it doesn't and it has been proven by studies.

I have, as a fellow doctor diagnosed himself, contracted Level 2 Boredom, known as existence boredom. It is not the usual boredom where you have nothing to do but rather having so many things to do, you start to feel it is meaningless to do any. Yes, this is now considered boredom.

Actually, I'm kind of glad this condition is called boredom. It felt as though I'm experiencing some mid-life crisis then.

Speaking of which, talk about the post-effects of Project Work in Junior Colleges and constant examinations, I have distanced myself from using computers. Now I use computers with a form of dread and also slowly but surely alienated myself from all forms of computer games (yes, including Facebook games, in fact that was actually very easy to quit altogether). Hahas, I always wondered aloud to my friends why can't they quit those facebook games. It was so easy for me. I didn't realise it then, I subconsciously stopped playing.

At this rate, people would hardly believe I was actually once the Chairman of a well-known Infocomm Club. I'm like avoiding gadgets like a plague. I respond slowly to my mobile phones now (slower than a few months back). I deliberately drain my phone's battery when I'm doing work too just so it can't distract me anymore.

Sometimes, my iPod discrupts my concentration but it is my last companion now. I feel a pang of sadness when I typed that.

What had education done to me. I feel as though Education is an deliberate policy by world governments to outcast people with excuse to different level of jobs. I mean, in the socially ideal world, everyone should be university graduates with Phd but that is Utopian.

Two more days before my examinations begin once more, my revision is not even anywhere near half-done. I can't really study. No motivation. Herein lies the problem - Existence Boredom. Ah, someone tell me the point of studying apart from the usual thing of going University. I need more feasible reasons! Argh!

Life in this century is truly sad. Educated but so life-less. Is that what we desire? Someone tell me.

"As I go through all kinds of feelings and experiences in my journey through life -- delight, surprise, chagrin, dismay -- I hold this question as a guiding light: 'What do I really need right now to be happy?' What I come to over and over again is that only qualities as vast and deep as love, connection and kindness will really make me happy in any sort of enduring way." - Sharon Salzberg

June: Rite

Friday, June 17, 2011
Secret War Journal[17 June 2011][Long Post]
Kite flying
Hoo yeah! Second kiteflying this week! Awesome start for a day, no? (For a post too, hahas!)

Joining me today for today's meeting would be my 4D class clique namely, Christopher, Jing Ting, Lai Yin, Jing Ying and Guan Hui.

Despite Lai Yin asking us to bring kites for today, I didn't. Ha!

I wasn't intending to fly one since I just had one a few days back. Nevertheless, I still end up playing kite. Hahas!
After much kiteflying without much result (since it was hard to sustain the height that our kites reach), we headed out of the fields for lunch.

There was much debate as to what we should eat for lunch (we had been discussing this for ages. Hahas!)

After taking a slight detour, we decided to stop by Anchorvale Community Centre for lunch. Since Jing Ying was a vegetarian, we had instant noodles for lunch at 7 Eleven. XD

A bit pathetic but who cares? Hahas! Meanwhile, we played Monopoly Deal!

A pretty long game at that too, I wonder why I was slow in playing just now? Must be mentally tired, I guess. :S

Mr Popper's Penguins

Next up! We're now in Downtown East. As the heading above already revealed, the movie we're watching is Mr Popper's Penguins!

Actually, most of us had no real clue what movie was about (sorry for being an idiot? :p) and the idea was brought up by Lai Yin.

I can't really give much opinions about this movie since I had no real expectations.

Well, it's sorta funny? Hahas! But not as funny as Bruce Almighty.

Personally, I feel that the movie would look better if the Transformers movie trailer was not shown before this movie was played because the awesome action-packed scenes in the trailer really killed the mood for the actual movie because the contrast was too great.

My second time here! Hahas!

Originally, we wanted to go play pool or arcade. But....

For the pool, the place was packed and hence there were no available tables for us to play. XD

For the arcade, we didn't have the card to play there. Hahas.

Therefore, we ended up at JustAcia for our wonderful dinner. :)

Three of us had Herbal Chicken Rice Set. Jing Ting had Spicky Chicken while Jing Ying had Kimchi. It was nice! You should try it in the future. Continued playing Monopoly Deal until it was time to go home. :)

Alright, the time has come to shed an ounce of truth of what had conspired since last year. Since the event was officially over, I personally conclude that it is quite all right to disclose what happened.

Like one of my friend who recently revealed on my tagboard, there was a prank regarding my birthday a couple of months ago.

However, all these were anything but a part of the preparation for today.

You see, with the arrival of facebook, birthday greetings had been slammed with a feeling of insincerity since people would login into Facebook and find out that it's your birthday on that day itself.

Not much meaning is there? Thus, I conspired to hide my birthday on Facebook. Got a number of pals to post birthday wishes on my 'birthday'.

The objectives were two-fold - An excuse to hide my real birthday and mislead other people who didn't know when my birthday was into thinking my birthday was then.

The latter helps, in theory, to prevent people from getting cues from facebook posts on my wall later during my actual birthday. Thus, it serves as a form of confusion. Of course, it's only in theory, there are people who will vaguely remember and see through this amateur plot.

Nevertheless, today's post is actually meant to be a thanksgiving post. I would like to say my plan work relatively well and I would like to thank all of you for making my birthday so significant this year. After all, it's the thought that counts. :)

By chronological order:
    1. My sister -- who had been wondering why my birthday falls on the same day as a certain event. :)
    2. My dad -- Thank you.
    3. Shereen -- Hahas, my 'daughter' who had been bugging me to know when's my birthday. Thank you for your well-wishes and facebook messages later with the funny greetings which really brightened the day. :)
    4. Sally -- Thank you for remembering my birthday. Yes, I shall have a smashing year ahead! Hahas!
    5. Cynthia -- Thank you for remembering my birthday. Still stay up so late? Hahas. Really appreciated. :)
    6. Benjamin -- Ah fellow gemini whose birthday falls on the same day as mine. Thank you thank you. Hahas! :)
    7. Emelia -- Your unique way of wishing me happy birthday really made laughed out loud. Great timing, if you ask me. Hahas! Thank you.
    8. Shawn Teo -- Hey pal, thank you! :)
    9. Janice -- Hi jie, thank you! :)
    10. Bao Lin -- Thank you! It must had been tough sending to all three of us. Rest well! 
    11. Qi Xiang -- Thank you! Don't feel too bad about the kiteflying yeah? What matters is that we have fun!
    12. Francis -- Thank you expert cuber! Go break the Singapore record okay? I will be supporting you, hahas! ;)
    13. Aunt Michelle -- Thank you! Have a great time in London! :)
    14. Shi Ming -- Long no see, thank you. Wonder how's life on your side?
    15. Jing Ying -- Hahas, you cute, facebooking me when I'm in front of you and sipping hot chocolate. XD Thank you. 
    16. Eunice -- Yes, you got my chinese name right at last! Joking, thank you :)
    17. Jia Pei -- Thank you, I see you post on the walls of all three of us. Hahas!
    18. Yuki -- Hey! You tie with Jia Pei! Hahas, thank you, I really enjoyed today! :p
    19. Travis -- Thank you Junior iCC chairman!
    20. Rena -- Thank you Junior iCC Chairman! Hahas, coincidence much? :p
    21. Sock Yii -- Thank you pretty junior! :)
    22. Shi Jie -- Thank you junior!
    23. Wen Rui -- Thank you. The conversation was funny to me. :p
    24. Wei Jun -- Thank you junior! ;)
    25. Johnston -- Thank you best friend! Hahas, thank you for coming up with such a unique of wishing me happy birthday! :)
    26. Ivy -- Thank you!
    27. Tze Yui -- Hey cousin! Thank you! Tap tap is fun, you know? XD
    28. Joan -- Thank you! Hahahas! It's really fun whenever you join in the conversation. Hahas!
    29. Qi Xian -- Thank you cousin! Mario rocks! LOL
    30. Siew Yan -- Thank you for your attempt to send it at 11:59PM (which is now) :)
    31. Update (18 June):
    32. Gideon --Thank you junior! I will try to 'bump' into you more often in school! Hahas!
    33. Keller -- Thank you, Johnston, Keller, Marcus, Qi Xiang for the cake and everything else! (More on my next post) Thank you emelia too for the present! :)))
    34. Marcus --Thank you once again! Hahas! Thank you for sending me the pictures as well. ;)
    35. Jie Sheng -- Hahas so creative! I hope my reply to you was just as creative. HA!
    36. Yan Mae -- Thank you! :)
    37. Ying Ying -- Thank you though why are you still calling me a geek? Hahas!
    38. Pei Wen -- Thank you!
    39. Update (19 June):
    40. Jia Hong -- Hey long time no see! Thank you!
    41. Update (20 June):
    42. Clarissa -- Yes very late. Hahas! Thank you!
    43. Update (21 June):
    44. Timothy -- Hahas, it's okay I knew you had tuition. :) Thank you!
    45. Erin -- Thank you Erin! BizClub President! ;)
    46. Update (25 June):
    47. ZhenYao -- Thank you! Ironically, that day was my sister's birthday...

Actually, looking at this list now, I would say the operation was highly successful. Look at the date range. Hahas, I bet I never experience this before in previous years. Thank you buddies for making the operation so successful. Over and out.

"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy - I'm telling you it's going to be worth it." - Art Williams