Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

Hunger Games

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Secret War Journal[31 April 2012]
Recently, Marcus and I just went to watch the highly anticipated Hunger Games in the cinemas.

There were many critical reviews on this movie, some good, some bad. Most felt the acting and the delivery was good while others felt that the movie deviated from the original story plot and much was lost in the film. In my opinion, I agree that in certain scenes, the delivery of the emotions and expressions were well done. While I never read the book, giving the story the benefit of doubt, I am pretty sure the romance did not build so quickly as in the film. Thus, I feel that the pace for the development of the romance between the main characters set by the director was too fast to be natural and realistic. While yes, it is a fictional story, it should be realistic to a certain extent, no?

In addition, I also feel that the action scenes in the film was also quite rushed. The motion were a blur (I guess we can call it motion blur here.) and I cannot really see what is happening in that chaos. That is not a good thing though I probably understand it was a form of censorship to downplay the level of brutality displayed in the film. Perhaps, it may not also be the focus of the film, as determined by the director.

Nevertheless, I hazard a guess that most fans would just watch the film to find out just how the film had deviated from the plot in the book, for better or worse. One wonders how the sequel firm would be like now...

X-Men: First Class

Monday, September 26, 2011
Secret War Journal[24 September 2011]
Finally watched this movie which was highly recommended by Marcus! :)
Movie Plot Summary:

Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto's Brotherhood and Professor X's X-MEN. Written by Twentieth Century Fox

Movie Trailer

Personally, I think the movie was not bad. The development of the characters to the final climax was, in my opinion, relatively rich compared to other firms. I find that unsurprising because after all, that's the focus of the movie. Hahas!

Still, I sometimes find it difficult to relate to the previous scenes when the scene changes in the movie. It could be because I was somewhat slower in interpretation. Still, it could be just me reading too much and finding phantom links to the previous scenes which adds value to the whole storyline. :)

If you ever watched X-Men before, I strongly recommend to watch this. ^^

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Secret War Journal[16 July 2011]

The finale has arrived!!!

Wohoo! The long wait is finally over! Just watched this with Jie Sheng, Wei Ting, and Dolly. Sure was fun! :)

I bet many of you would be wondering why am I even watching this when I seemed to have so much criticism for Part 1 last year. Well, All I can say is, the movie looked promising.

The movie didn't disappoint me, it was really a finale fitting for the series. Compared to Part 1, the pace is not as slow and there were more action, obviously since the last major fight is present in this last section of the story.

This movie is also notable for the increase in comic relief, mostly from the book itself but it was to see that the director included that in to relieve some tense moments in the movie and lighten up the mood in the cinema.
(Note: Pay close attention to Lord Voldemort! Hahas!)

Book fans may be disappointed to know that some of the plot was edited in the movie but there is hardly surprising. Most movie adapted from books often differ from the original plot by varying degree.

However, there were still some anti-climax moments, but as a whole, it is not that bad a movie. :)

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

Saturday, July 9, 2011
Secret War Journal[9 July 2011]
This is going to be a short post!
 This week's Jie Sheng's Birthday!

To celebrate, we sorta planned to go watch Transformers!

But since school just started and things were very hectic at that time, only Johnston, Jie Sheng and I could make it for the movie.

Yes, it's sad but that won't stop us from watching the movie! :)
Alright, for the benefit of those who had not read up any reviews for this movie yet.

Some movie reviews blasted this movie for being senseless and being a movie meant for males.

Well, having watched the movie, I can't exactly blame them though I think it was a bit of a overkill by them.

Yes, the opening scene is really... excessive. The introduction of the actress who replaced Megan Fox was seriously achieved with too much fanfare.

That aside, Transformers is without doubt, the most action-packed movie of the year (until I found another in the remaining half of the year though I seriously doubt it because I will lack the time to watch that many movies for the rest of the year.)
I believe it is as action-packed as the previous two movies.

One should, however, also do note that some reviewers also commented that the action scenes are so much, it's hurting to the eyes. That is debatable.
If you are not a big fan of action movies, this is definitely not the one for you.

I would say this is a movie ticket well-spent. Rare from me. :)

"Just living is not enough.  One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."  ~Hans Christian Anderson

Green Lantern, sadists, and Munchkin

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Secret War Journal[18 June 2011][Long Post][Photo-Heavy]

Belated Birthday Celebration
Wohoo! Another morning, my parents ain't back from overseas yet.

Johnston, Keller, Qi Xiang, and Marcus have organised a birthday celebration for me. Actually, they intended to have it yesterday but I already agreed to go out with Christopher and gang to celebrate birthday. Hahas!

I guess we can't have everything squeezed into a day unless I decided to not sleep at all. Hahas.

Before that, I would like to say I'm really grateful for Cynthia, Pei Shi, Laura, and Debbie for planning to bake a cake. Hahas. Thanks for your thoughts. ^^

Alright, before I go completely off tangent, I was a bit late for today's outing actually because I was doing house chores before I could leave with ease. (you know, parents complaining the shit out of me when the house is anywhere but perfectly clean....)

Nevertheless, I met up with Johnston first at Daiso, Plaza Singapura. He was buying some textiles for Emelia because Emelia wanted some as decorations for her scrapbook (if I recall). The textiles there are really a challenging area, me not knowing what to do with them. Hahas!

Heading towards where the rest were, I had a hard time locating them because they were dining at a place where we seldom go in this shopping mall. Half-embarrassed myself for spending around 5 minutes looking around like an idiot because I ignored the possibility of them being there. Here's a lesson to learn. :)

Of course, there's a reason why we're all meeting up at Secret Recipe.
There was a cake!

My surprised face. XD


Slice the cake into half!
This is where we all got sadistic and tried to 'torture' the cake. The above picture is me trying to 'slice' the cake with my bare hands!

Close-up shots of the cake they bought for me!


Caught admiring the cake, oops? :p

Initiate Kill
Going in for the kill!

Die Cake!

Die Cake!
Widening the wounds of the cake!

Kill the Cake!
Look at my evil smile! O.o

Torture the cake!
A fellow sadist. With added sound effects.

Torture the Cake!
His trophy!

Really appreciated the cake and allocating one day just for me. I'm really glad you all meet and organised it. Special thanks to Johnston. :)

Hahas, the cake was sweet. :P
You people gave me a hard time thinking of a wish! :O Hahas!

Green Lantern: The Movie

Shortly after the clean-up of the corpse of the banana filled chocolate cake, we adjourned to the cinema above for a film of Green Lantern: The Movie.

I would say, this is a movie meant for hardcore Green Lantern Fans. Hahas!

Why do I say that? The climax was rather short. Worse, I thought that was a lead-in all along. Ah! Imagine how disappointed I was when one of the character did not become villain as I thought it would (according to the comics)

Oh well, not much cool effects. Average plot, not much action though.

Hahas, it's hard for a movie to satisfy me huh? :p

Fort Canning Park
After the movie, we went hunting for a place to sit down to do something.

From Plaza Singapura we exited and headed towards the Fort Canning Park for a desolated sitting area.

Well..... we couldn't find one but that doesn't mean we didn't have fun in the process. XD
Get me out!
We're stuck in the Fort! Noooooo!

~Qi Xiang teleporting away or trying to get out of here.

Get me out!
Guys! Don't leave me behind!

Think Gongfu Panda.

The Three Wise Men



No Kellers were harmed in the process of developing this picture.
This warrant a section of its own! Keller planking!





If you're wondering why we were looking for a place with tables and chairs, it's time for me to reveal (while I open my birthday present!)

Presenting the birthday present (left), an expansion set to Munchkin!

Munchkin is a boardgame that adapts a RPG style that is rather fast-paced.

So yep, we decided to go to SMU study benches to play our boardgames. :)

The Munckin gang!

With the board games!
Once again, I would like to thank you guys for buying this wonderful present! I had a lot of fun today! Thank you!

Dinner @ Clarke Quay
Thought that's the end? No way! Hahas! After playing Munchkins, we headed down to Clarke Quay to treat ourselves to fine cuisine. Ah, it's been such a long time. I think it's the first time we all went together to eat there. :)

Ordering the dishes was very fun. We accidentally end up in a Sichuan Restuarant (which is known for their spicy recipes) and half of us can't take spicy.

Thus, we ended up ordering non-spicy dishes in that restaurant which was very queer by itself, and earned stares from the staff. Hahas, there was this point of time where the waiters were staring at us, looking worried. So funny. :P

I guess, we must had been the strangest customers ever and freaked the heck out of them. The boss even came over to make sure everything was all right. Hahas!

The Fish ultimately became our main dish. We had a relatively long debate whether to include a fish into our course meal as we didn't want to over-spend but it turned out to be a good decision as it really filled our stomachs. :)

To end it off, we're treated to fireworks! Enjoy!


Monday, April 25, 2011
Secret War Journal[24 April 2011]
Today is Darian's Birthday!

And we plan to watch a movie (since it's been a long time since we last watch) and we decided to watch Rio! Here's a trailer on it! :)

We watched the one at 12:25pm, but perhaps the most epic part was that Darian overslept so he missed the movie. So in the end, only Keller, Jie Sheng, and I went to watch the movie.

I didn't catch darian's SMS before arriving at the destination because I was playing on my phone and didn't bother to check my SMS. Oops! Sorry, darian!

Granted, this movie is a family movie but the mood is jovial which i believe suits us all because we need to relief some stress. :)

I'm not sure about the rest (those who didn't watch) and their opinions but I personally liked this particular movie.

Why? You know I always liked comedies and this movie is one of them with its jab of humour. Secondly, it reminds of Toradora! and Shana during the screening. Blu + Jewel = <3. Just had to say it, hahas.

That's Jewel. :)
Well, since Darian came late, he only had time for the usual rountine but that's his main objective anyway. I tried to drag him for the movie. Guess that failed. Sad.

Well, the next movie we're gonna watch would be THOR! Stay tuned! :)

"There are things that we don’t want to happen but have to accept, things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without but have to let go." — Unknown

Sucker Punch

Monday, March 28, 2011
Secret War Journal[24 March 2011]
"Awesome day. Hahas" That was my cliff notes for this post and I think it's super hilarious for me to write that. (Still laughing, oops)

Okay apart from the fact this week's buzzword for me is "Awesome", though many of you probably already realised I mostly meant it in a sarcastic way. That's a tale for another day. Fortunately, this movie outing occurred before this week so the word "awesome" is meant literally. :) Saved by the virtue of the fact that...

Skin-deep or Cell-deep?
For this movie outing, Cynthia's the organiser.
Apparently,... actually forget it. I think it's too chaotic to be written down in words. Just know that everything was done on the spot, the movie to watch, where to watch, everything. Haha. I say Chaos at the cellular level.

Buddy Hoagies
Attendee(s): Johnston, Eunice, Clarissa, Siew Yan, Bao Lin, Cynthia

Ah, before I forget. Let me mention that today, 24 March, marks the end of my March Block Test! Of course there's a cause for celebration! No?

Anyway, after much discussion, we headed off to E!Hub to have lunch!

The restaurant we went to dine at was one named Buddy Hoagies.  It sells affordable western meals! :)

I ate the Flame Grilled Chicken and it's not bad, definitely go try it out when you see a Buddy Hoagies resturant nearby. ;)

Sucker Punch, the Movie
Shoot, I'm running out of time. Let's jumpstart to the movie itself then.

I don't care what other might say but personally, I would relate this movie to one similar to Inception. The plot is rather complex which is actually thrilling to watch, plot-wise. However, the motivation of the plot was left unexplained which was a letdown in some ways. Of course, if you're someone who just wants action without much reasoning, then this movie suits you.
Yet, if you're a big fan of action, I would recommend you to instead watch Transformers: The Movie as it is more action-packed. Sucker Punch is a movie that goes from slow to high-gear then back to slow and so on.
Thus, one can say Sucker Punch is more of a generalist than of a specialised movie focused on one genre.
Sucker Punch incorporates a large amount of one's fantasy, much like Alice in Wonderland and one thing that I really appreciate about Sucker Punch was the director's use of movie technique.

The use of foreshadowing is very apparent in this movie, from the start to the end, subtle hints are dropped from scenes to scenes that allows your subconscious mind to already to be aware of what's going to happen yet at the same time, leaving you a sense of suspense. This, I feel, is very well done as it helps to enhance to the plot.

However, one technique I believe was badly used would be the slow motion scenes in the movie. Initially, I was impressed by it for the first few fight scenes. After a certain point, especially at one particular scene where almost every move was in slow motion, the technique was used too excessively which led to a negative afterthought about the scenes as it was far too slow for a fight scene and that particular move didn't seem to be of any significance (if it was used for a finishing move or one that would be critical for the finishing move i.e. the third move). Apart from that, this movie is still pretty decent despite the name. I'm not sure of the true meaning behind the movie unless what I suspect is true (but that doesn't make much sense in the plot. Okay, perhaps a little bit but...)

Really appreciated Johnston sacrificing his other events to join us. Thanks! :)

"Fear not darkness for that is when the stars shine the brightest" - Anonymous

Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Secret War Journal[11 December 2010]
Well, today, there is a meeting about a particular event that I would be involved in. It's called "Let's take a walk 2010". It's a charity walk which my class would be helping out at as part of our CIP hours project of sorts.

My class agreed to meet at Woodlands MRT station. Apparently, we were suppose to meet at some place called Boys' Town which should be located somewhere in Bukit Timah. Well, being someone who had lived under a rock for the past 10 years, I had no clue how to get there myself. (It's too far north to my liking)

I don't really like Woodlands either, (It's also located in the North. Zzz), but I guess that's the lesser evil compared to tampines because it's very inaccessible, not to mention my bad experience there.

Got a lift from my uncle who brought all the way to Yishun so that I can easily get to Woodlands, (from there, it's a just a few stops to Woodlands via MRT). I'm really glad that my uncle offered me to bring me to Yishun though I feel a bit bad because they could have taken their own time to have breakfast but they had to come out in a certain time to prevent me for being late. :S Really appreciated. :)

Took a bus to the place called Boys' Town.

Speaking of which, we passed by a LRT Station called Pending. One may thinking the station status is pending but it's actually the station name! Hahas! In fact, a few days after the meeting, the newspaper actually came out with a report on how misleading "Pending" Station was. ;)

When we reached the entrance of Boys' Town. We encountered the security guard. When he was asked about the briefing (well, we needed directions, it was a big big place. :), he commented that the meeting was in the morning and it was already going to be over.

(That turned out to be a scare as he mixed up our briefing with the walkers' briefing which was held on the same day, same place but on 9AM to 12 noon. Our briefing, being volunteers to help out, was from 12 noon onwards. :)

Nevertheless, to those who heard the conversation (I doubt many cared anyway), I guessed that rattled them for a moment.

It took some time before we finally arrived at our destination. We were a tad early and there wasn't really anyone else except us and the organisers. The briefing was short and brief. It was concluded with a statement that emails would be sent with more details which settled everything else.

After the meeting, we headed for Causeway Point for lunch. Following this was a very impromptu movie outing. Hahas!

Chronicles of Narnia
 Well, the movie wasn't bad. I guess you could call the movie average. Thrilling? Not exactly, it's more about the lore. Many things left unexplained and some parts felt skipped.

The dragon design was very awkward too.

Overall, I doubt this movie is worth the cinema ticket price. You should just wait for the movie to aired free on television some day when you're really bored.

It's saving grace would the subtle magic used in the movie. It's at least of decent quality. :)

Sadly, the magic showcased are not very elaborate so fans of magic could be disappointed as the magic is considered rather minimal compared to other movies and not meant for people to focus on. Like I said, subtle magic, I guess its role is just to supplement the atmosphere and the likes.

After the movie, I had to rush off to my Grandma's house! It's been a long time since I visited since my family visit in odd weeks while my aunt's family visit weekly. ^^

Had chicken chop for dinner! Yum! :D

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Secret War Journal[25 November 2010]
The penultimate movie for Harry Potter is out!

I don't think I need to explain why it is penultimate and not the final movie, right? :)

Anyways, this is an outing organised by Wei Ting. :)

We went through a lot of hurdles to have this movie outing, well sort of. Hahas, I will illustrate why later, sort of. XD
I have school that morning but since the lessons end like super early, like 10AM and we plan to watch the movie in the afternoon, This means that I had plenty of time to go eat breakfast/lunch/brunch with Pei Shi, Laura and Debbie. :)

After that, I headed home. Wei Ting and I decided to meet up earlier to buy the movie tickets.

We went to buy snacks for the movie. Wei Ting already bought milk tea beforehand, super smart. She went to buy fried mushroom while I decided to buy Prawn Crackers later. I decided to forgo popcorn since no one want share cost with me. Hahas!

15 minutes before the movie starts, Bao Lin and Jie Sheng have not arrived! Oh dear, I was starting to panic. Wei Ting called Bao Lin while I called Jie Sheng. It turns out that Jie Sheng was still in CCA. Noooo! He was like saying that most likely he cannot make it for the movies. I was like, "Come man, I bought the movie tickets already!" Hahas, evil me.

In the end, Jie Sheng and I reached a compromise. He would rush to the cinema. When he reach, he would get me a call and I would come out and give him the ticket. There, settled. :)

Bao Lin, on the hand, was able to arrive at the nick of time. I think she ran or something. O.o

Luckily for Jie Sheng, the advertisement for this particular movie at that particular timing was unusually long. After roughly 10 minutes after we had entered the Cinema hall, the movie had not started yet. After around the 20th minute mark, I received a call from (yep, you guessed it) Jie Sheng. (Smack yourself in the head if you guessed wrong, haha!)

By then, the movie has started by a bit. :O

Now, about the movie. The movie was, in general, not bad though the middle of the film was rather anti-climax in my opinion. I guess it is because the opening was so climatic and adrenaline pumping that makes the audience demanding more action only to be disappointed that the middle was somewhat lacking in that manner.
As you would had probably heard from other reviews, this film is more towards the romance genre. I can't say I disagree for that matter. Hahas.

I know there is a need for the movie to be split into two parts but I feel that it would be much better if it just one big film. It would definitely be much nicer. :)

Oh, if you intend to watch this film, here's a word of advice: go re-read the book first! ;)

I believe we headed home after the movies so see you all at the next post then. :)

Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Secret War Journal[16 December 2010]
Finally, after so long, I have managed to pull off an outing. (I'm a lazy person, organising kills brain cells at a very high rate. Hahas)
Attendee(s): Bao Lin, Cynthai, Dolly, Jie Sheng, Wei Ting

Well, I will rush to talk about the movie first. :)

Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale is one of the best movies I had seen for 2010. In fact, I will strongly recommend anyone to go watch unless you people think it is too 'lame' then I have no comments.
For the record, this movie is considered a comedy by me, which was basically I went to watch. Hahas!

Apart from it being extremely hilarious until the ending, one should also take note the hard work required to animate the god-knows-how-many strands of hair she has. It is well animated for something so crazy. Hahas! However, logic wise, there's some places where the hair goes extremely short. I wonder why, okay, I know the reason. Hahas!

Still, it's a disney movie so you can see some of the elements of it are still the same, including those I don't like.  But hey, it's one of the few movies that actually impressed me. XD

Nex Serangoon
This is a new shopping mall which is very messy in my opinion. Well, the people above us really did a good job making full use of all the land space provided but at the cost of making the place too crowded as every spare space offered by pathways are taken up by portable stalls.

Well, on the bright side, this shopping mall sells almost anything. Well, wonder why it me feels that I should not go back there? Maybe because it's too confusing for someone like me who has no sense of direction to be in...

Megamind and Résultats

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Secret War Journal[12 November 2010]

Official Promos Results

Ah, the verdict.
So yeah, I got promoted. For one reason or another, my economics was moderated up. So instead of a sub-pass (S), I have a E grade. Not bad, at least I officially pass...

But I'm still deciding whether I should drop though...I'm like at the opposite spectrum of distinction right now, dropping would be much more wise right now. ain't that much help since they don't even know what advice they giving when they don't even know what JC is... =.=|||


Megamind: The movie

Moving on, I recently watched the often-mentioned movie called Megamind!

This was organised by Lai Yin though I doubt she intended to watch a movie. Hahas!

Here's a bit of background information: XD

Well, originally Lai Yin wanted to organise a trip to Jurong Bird park (I still not very sure why...) with Jun Yong, Shi Min, Cynthia and I.

Well, obviously a lot of people didn't want to go there and Shi Min was not free (not very hard to figure, hahas) so she suggested going to Zoo (don't look at me, I don't know) or Shopping(I don't think Jun Yong will want to go that...)
To cut the story short, she decided to ask the 4D clique for shopping. Since it was so last minute, the couple couldn't make it, and Lai Yin actually didn't ask Guan Hui(so smart of her....=.=). Well, I figure she thought Guan Gui got lessons so she never asked (but we never know....)

Vanessa came and when we met up, (for the record, I tag along because I wanted to buy something, hahas!) she was wondering why a shopping outing out of the blue. (I agree on that but that's because no one wanted to go Bird Park or Zoo. XD)

Vanessa was thinking why not just catch a movie instead which I agreed straight away. (Note: Lai Yin was away during our planning. Heehee.)
We went to discuss what movies were on show right now. Vanessa wanted to watch the Social Network. I was fine with that.
Thus, that was our new plan to hijack Lai Yin's plan:
  • Go to Cinema
  • See the timeslots
  • Buy tickets, regardless of whether Lai Yin approve or not
  • Go watch movie
  • Continue Shopping
Did I mention Lai Yin was on a media fast? (Another queer thing about her.)

That made the plan not as easy as planned. Hahas. Lai Yin was very against watching movie. (The media fast was so extreme, apparently she did not play PS3 at Laura's house. :O Wow.)

Wonder what prompted her annual media fast. But anyway, we're not going to let a simple media fast interrupt our plans! Hahas!

So began our conquest to drag her to the ticketing booth to buy the tickets. That was the easy part.

However, there was a slight change of plans, the Cinema at Bugis Junction was not airing The Social Network. Vanessa and I made a compromise and went to buy 3 tickets for Megamind instead.
Well, I have heard quite a lot about Megamind from friends and the feedback was rather positive so I figure it would be a nice movie. :)

Here comes the really crazy part, right after we bought our tickets, Lai Yin announced to us that she was going home, we can watch the movies by ourselves.


At this moment, Lai Yin started some "hide-and-seek" game which was took us in circles in search for her. That made Vanessa sort of pissed. :O
Well, can't blame her, who could had thought there are people so opposed to a simple movie screening? :O

After all those craziness, we managed to convince her to stay at a shop called "Guess".

Guess what? Vanessa and I had no clue where that shop was. Hahas!
Best part? The shop was just near the entrance of Bugis Junction. So epic fail for me man, hahas. I never knew that bag shop there was called "Guess". =.=
Final compromise after negotiation with Lai Yin (we sort of did this at the Coffee Bean in Illuma):

She would go in with us since we already bought the tickets, don't want to waste that ticket. (and it would be awkward.)
Since she's on a media fast. We provided her with a solution: Just go in, and sleep. Hahahas!

We went for the movie. The rest of them was too full since we going for snacks after luncc but I ordered a medium popcorn with drinks since I felt strange to go into a cinema empty-handed without the usual eating(habits, I guess). They convinced me not to go for the large popcorn, hahas!

So, in the end, our plan succeeded hahas!
Well, the movie was definitely worth the money spent. :)
The plot was well-written but I'm a sucker for the subtle reenactment tactics(not sure if the rest realised that) so I could be bias, heehee.

Furthermore, Megamind belonged to my favourite genre of movies - Comedy so naturally, if it is able to give me a decent laugh, I would give it an above average rating. ;)
But I must admit, the beginning was like a joke drought, nothing funny happened there. :O Can't really blame them though, the technique they use for the beginning don't really have much room for jokes. But hey, once the jokes comes, the fun begins. ;)

Oh, and Lai Yin? She didn't manage to sleep in the cinema in the end. She ended up watching after skipping the first few parts. (maybe 30 minutes?)

We all knew she would end up watching the movie, no? >=D

Now, shopping resume. Hahas!

Shopping! (Again?!)

Well, that day, we bought presents for Pei Shi and Debbie (a bit late, but it's the thought that count. :P)

Lai Yin keep patronise this childish looking shop which Vanessa started to pull Lai Yin away after the third time we ended up at this shop. (Super funny I tell you.)

Vanessa? She spent all on food. Hahas! (P.S: Don't kill me! XD)

After heading home, I bought some stuff for myself. Another off the wishlist for this year. Yes! I think I spent a lot this year though, a bit broke. :(

Shopping Spree!

Friday, October 8, 2010
Secret War Journal[June 2010][Long Post]
Hey, some forepost here. June Holidays is almost over. So this is really going to be a long post(hence going to take a really long time to finish this). Perhaps the longest post ever. Maybe not. Hahas! As the title goes, this holiday, I bought lots of things. ^^

Motorola DEXT
MOTOROLA DEXTYep! First up, I got a new phone and yes. Rather shockingly, it's a Motorola. It's been eons since it produced a noteworthy phone and when they started to produce smartphones, I'm such a kind soul to support them. ;)

It's not bad though it's pretty reliant on internet usage since its the phone with 'socialising skills'. Hee!

Full Tech Specs here

Since I got the phone, I've been spamming. Now I wonder would the keyboard there break....Well, I hope not. Hahas!

P.S: First month: 1.4k SMSes. Did I spam too much? Hahas!

Laptop -- Inspiron 14R
I bought it early this holiday so right now I'm not right sure of the technical specs anymore. I mean hell, I'm not even sure if the model name is even correct! Hahas!

Well, it's best suited for surfting the net but I realise it is installed with Microsoft Office 2007. Not only that, it comes with the installation disc. Woots! Maybe I should install on my desktop when the beta for Microsoft Office 2010 ends this October. :)

With this laptop, I don't need an external hard disk for my backups anymore. Hahas! I just need to sync the laptop with my desktop work documents. Woots! Now there is lesser consequences when my desktop dies. ^^

However, this laptop is largely for my step-mum. Hee, I want to get a more heavy duty laptop for my gaming, and to replace my desktop of course (but only when it dies. :)

Karate Kid, 4D Class Outing
Ah, a Class Outing for the June Holidays just completes the Holidays experience. Hahas!

This time, we went to watch a movie called "Karate Kid".  The main character is cast by Will Smith's Son, Jaden Smith. Jackie Chan looks very old in this movie, maybe time has caught up to him? Hmm... but I think is just the movie because his character is supposed to be sort of depressed and introverted, I guess. :O

Overall, the movie was okay, not really nice nor bad. Just okay. I like the part where Jaden Smith goes with Jackie Chan to drink some sacred water before he could begin his training. That part was fun and cool.;)

It's great to meet classmates again. We will complain about how JC life is tough, how we miss each other and of course, arguing whether JC or Poly is more tough. Hahas! But I think slowly, by slowly, everyone is adapting to our new school. :) At least, that's what I believe anyway. Hahas!

This time is a bit special, I think. We met straight away at Plaza Singapura instead of Compass Point. I felt a bit weird going towards there alone to watch a moive. In the past, I don't like to go to Plaza Singapura alone because of the confusing exits from the MRT Station. (They still are confusing, but I'm getting better okay? Hahas!)

So basically, class outing was for us to catch up with each other, as always. Hahas!

Infocomm Graduation Day 2010
No, don't get the wrong idea, I had already graduated from Infocomm Club last year. ;)
This picture above was taken near the venue. ;)

Before I begin, I'm sure you people must be wondering. If you had already graduated, where are you attending this ceremony then? Well, for starters, we love Infocomm Club! Hahas. Secondly, the Club is using our prize money that we won during our service to Infocomm Club. During the ceremony, Mr Goh even showed us a financial report of how the funds were used. Hahas! That made my day. :)
Thirdly, our batch didn't really had a graduation ceremony partly because there so few of us. 

Alright, let us begin. This graduation party was organised by our juniors, Secondary 3. We're having at Mr Goh's house. So cool! (Coincidentally, Ponti's house is nearby. Hahas! She totally freaked out :)

For this party, I brought along Johnston and Lera. Everyone from my batch came; Keller, Qi Xiang, Christopher, Zi Ying, and Jian Zhong all came. Yay!

I really like to thank the organisers for letting us to have such a fun time there. Good job guys and girls! :)

I remember the first game as that we split into groups and we're supposed to go treasure hunting for fragments of a photo puzzle and we're supposed to piece them up.

We, seniors sort of cheated because we have a larger than allowed group size. In our group, all seniors(that's 5, christopher was not here yet), Johnston, Lera, Mr Goh's Children (that's 2). That's a total of 9 people. Mwuhahas!

So naturally, we're one of the winning team, with the help of juniors of course. Mutual Win! :D

We had more bonding games and I'm sure Lera enjoyed her time there as well. Hahas!

Finally, we watched movies and held the graduation ceremony and many other graduating people were surprised (and touched?) followed by buffet for dinner! Wohoo!

Photo Time! ;)
Johnston and I

Johnston and I. We're going to kill this bunny if you don't comply with our demands. ROFL.
*Note: No animal were harmed in the process. XD*
Group Picture!

Group shot! Everyone's in here! Try to find Zi Ying. (No offence! :D)
Qi Xiang, Leroy, Keller

The Epic counter-attack of the Balloon Strike - Another Balloon strike. Hahas!

Not to mention a funny video that Keller has so kindly to help star in this video. Enjoy! ;)

I would also like to thank Johnston and Marcus for their wonderful birthday present. =]

Leroy, John, ZiYing, Qi Xiang, and Keller

I would like to thank Qi Xiang, Keller, and Zi Ling for buying for my Birthday. Really appreciated!

That's the end of this long post. See ya! :)

P.S: Sorry, for this super duper late post! I know it's October now and these were supposed to be post by June. Please understand that I had examinations after my holidays which really robbed of my time to post this. Well, anyway, hope you enjoyed this long post. Hahas!