EOY Wishlist 2014

Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Secret War Journal[2 December 2014][Updated 30 December 2014]
And... the holidays are finally here. Finals was a crazy thing to handle. First ever Finals for the University!

All right, while I am at it, I would be continuing my dozens of incomplete posts during the holidays. I owe you guys (and myself) that much.

Things I want / need to be accomplished:

  1. Get a part-time job (this is going to be tough)
  2. Complete Dragon Age: Origins (postponed big time due to finals)
  3. Complete Dead Space 2 (Just got my hands on it. :O)
  4. Study C
  5. Get Xperia Z3 
  6. Watch the Hobbit
  7. Go for AFA
  8. Do up a Combineset V Poster
  9. Celebrate Christmas
  10. Fix my old shoe and trousers
  11. Get a External Hard Disk


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