September Report

Sunday, September 13, 2015
Secret War Journal[13 September 2015]
So many things happening! Phew. Going to take a short break to update a bit what has been happening.

We are going to Week 6 this semester already. From the looks of it, this semester will be quite a challenge, possibly the most challenging one we will ever have.

We cleared a textbook by week 4! Wow. Who knew I could read the textbook at such a fast rate? (I probably did not absorb much, information overload!!!)

Academics aside, there had been many catch ups with various groups of friends. I hope to be able to post some of them! :)

Time to get back to work! :O

“Use what talents you possess, the woods will be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.” - Henry van Dyke
