Tarot Reading Q1Q2 2015

Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Tarot Journal[27 January 2015]
Significator - 4 of Swords - Mentally tired
Immediate Situation - 8 of Wands - Acting on something hastily
Obstacle - The Emperor - Aggression, suspected from Fatherly figure
Distant Future - 7 of Swords - Deceiving others/ keeping one's thoughts from other
Near past - 9 of Wands - Feeling isolated
Distant past - 1 of Wand - Opportunities
Near future - 5 of wands - Arguments and Conflict
Person - Down to Earth
Environment - 3 of Pentacles - Need for creativity, business meetings
Hopes and fears - Knight of Pentacles - Worldly affairs
Outcome - The Moon - Hidden things, deception. Caution is advised

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