Christmas Eve 2009

Friday, January 1, 2010
Secret War Journal[24 December 2009]
Well, I guess the pictures ain't available yet so you guys just had to bear this post without a single piece of photo until I get them. :p

C'mon, it's not that bad. Is it?

(Okay, I know it's already new year on the other side but still,...I shouldn't skip parts. So yeah! Some serious catching up to do~! Hahas! ;)

It started like any other day...
Ah....It's Christmas Eve. As of morning, it's no different from any other days. Don't be so alarmed, my family hardly celebrate any holidays after all.

Well, I got work to do too. Thus, I spent the whole of my morning and some of my afternoon earning money! :D

Woots! You see, I can enjoy life as long as I'm the one who make the decesion. Hahas!

Homed soon after, I promised my dad that I would be home before he did. (Best not let him find out that I wasn't very sure that I can achieve that feat so...Shhh!!! ;)

It turned out to be a special day...
Good news, pal. Johnston just called. Hahas! (Rolling on the floor, laughing.)

Well, since we were all free, we pushed forward our planned outing planned on Saturday.

(Okay, that means my gut feeling that I was going to be busy was not about this outing but something else. Hmm...;)

What's the highlight about our outing, you would ask? Let's find out together, shall we? (Okay, some of you would probably cheat and sift through my calendar beforehand but...)

Let's keep things under wraps for a tad longer huh? ;)

Back to this place, huh?...
I'm heading towards Clarke Quay now, this would be the second time I'm coming here since 2005. I guess.

Still remember the reason why I first came here? It was part of work, my CCA: Infocoom Club [IDA] then.

How things had changed, finally I came here of my own accord, for entirely different reasons and I came here to learn.

Wow, so serious all of sudden. Hee!
Well, like I said, my memory sucks. Yeah, I remember bars and stuff but I totally forgot about the details of the MRT Station.

"Woah, how big is this MRT Station," I thought when I reached Clarke Quay.

Actually, it's not that big, as it turns out. It just gave a impression that its rather huge but thankfully it has only one exit so I won't be at the wrong place to meet. Hahas!

Well, while waiting for Johnston and his family to arrive, why not I share with you something?

Do you know I always mispronounce "Clarke Quay" until the previous time I came here? So silly, right?

I'm not sure how to spell out my mispronounced corruption of "Quay" but it's way off from the correct "Quay". Opps?
Oh! They arrived. ;)

Looks like I couldn't hold the suspense any longer. So!


We're going the Body Show in Singapore. There's one held in Singapore Science Centre but today we're heading to another exhibition which is held at Clarke Quay!

Today, we have Johnston's Mother, Emelia, and Johnston with us to take a look at the exhibition. :D

Come to think of it, I think that day was the first time I met them for this holiday. Haiz. So late right? Tells you how busy I had been, in a sense. *Face Down, shaking head*

Anyway...they came via Johnston's Father's Car so yeah, it was pretty redundant for me to wait at the MRT Station Gate. Silly me.(You know, I figured out that it would happen this way but I could not figure out from which way so...yeah I stayed put at the Station. :p

Well, not that that did any harm... :o
Guess it's time.

Thank you Johnston and Emelia for your Christmas Present though it was really necessary (Now I feel bad that I did not prepare present for you guys. Watch me, I will prepare next year! ;)

Lunchtime, we decided to eat at Burger King. Mmm!

As usual, BK Chicken for me! O.o

Yeah, it's like I only eat BK Chicken in there. (I had quite a horrible experience eating their turkey so no thanks. Hahs!)

Oh! Here's something funny about the Burger King near Clarke Quay Station. The signs on the glass door is placed incorrectly.
On one occasion, we finished our meals and were heading out.

The sign on the door wrote "Push". Emelia was leading so she pushed the door.

The glass door gave way to a certain extent before refusing to budge.

*Shock* (okay, that was a bit of exaggeration)

Thankfully, there was another exit. (which was the one we used to enter, in case you're wondering)

Johnston and I thought that the other door was just faulty, that's probably why it could not open fully but as we head towards the exhibition, we turned back and noticed a couple succeed in entering the Fast Food Restaurant through that door.

Once again, *Shock* (okay, I lied, we laughed)

Strange that the couple knew that the signs were inverted. Perhaps they patronise that place often or...I don't know.

Ta-Da! The exhibition!

BUT I have no photos to show you! So disappointing. Can I say something like, come check back another day when I get them? LOL!

Well, let's not be so cruel.

In there, you get to see real bodies and yeah, viewer's discretion advised in the sense that it could be slammed with a R21 rating if it wasn't in the name of Science. LOL...

Besides that, (rest assured, there's no revoking smell) not only do you get to know about the various organs about the Human Body and the way it works(the nerves, blah blah blah, you know, this kind of stuffs), they also touch on how the organs looked like when they are suffering from condition. That's the gross part, I guess.

Of course, there's some fun parts too. From the signing of the Guestbook to the various skeletons posing and the History of such studies.

Lastly, (hey there's a photo after all!) you also get to have the chance to have your body compostion thoroughly analysed by this weighing machine. (Well, sort of.)

Here's mine!

Wow! Wow! Wow!

I actually lost weight from the Holidays! Oh my god.

Well on the bright side, I finally know my height. *Nods Head*

And god! Look at my Impedance! F.Y.I, the average of a human body should be around 500.

I'm below average! (as is Johnston) *Grasp*

And Emelia got the record-holder in that exhibition, having a Impedance of 599!

Good Lord.
Heehee, I like the scene where the assistant exclaim, "God, you're ultra light" when she was getting my result slip from the Machine. :p
And yes, Biology has lots of difficult words.

The easiest would be Stirrup, White Blood Cell, Red Blood Cell, Tibia?, Biceps?, Triceps?


Okay, information overload. Will update when I have the pictures. :D
Thank you, Johnston's Mother, Johnston, and Emelia for making my Christmas this year so special! ;)
(Guess I owe you guys one. O.o)


P.S: I'm quite aware that message is a bit late, thank you. :) Anyway, the next post about Christmas should be posted around Sunday if I got time but I know definitely not tomorrow because I'm working tomorrow. ;)

Until then. =]