Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Secret War Journal[16 July 2011]

The finale has arrived!!!

Wohoo! The long wait is finally over! Just watched this with Jie Sheng, Wei Ting, and Dolly. Sure was fun! :)

I bet many of you would be wondering why am I even watching this when I seemed to have so much criticism for Part 1 last year. Well, All I can say is, the movie looked promising.

The movie didn't disappoint me, it was really a finale fitting for the series. Compared to Part 1, the pace is not as slow and there were more action, obviously since the last major fight is present in this last section of the story.

This movie is also notable for the increase in comic relief, mostly from the book itself but it was to see that the director included that in to relieve some tense moments in the movie and lighten up the mood in the cinema.
(Note: Pay close attention to Lord Voldemort! Hahas!)

Book fans may be disappointed to know that some of the plot was edited in the movie but there is hardly surprising. Most movie adapted from books often differ from the original plot by varying degree.

However, there were still some anti-climax moments, but as a whole, it is not that bad a movie. :)