Glimmers of Hope

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Secret War Journal[22 Septmember 2009] -- Second Post
Prelim 3 Results[Part 2]
Hmm, I have not got back for some papers yet so there's definitely a Part 3(which would be rather short, I think)

Moving on...
  1. Social Studies Paper: 36/50
  2. History Paper: 39/50
  • Prelim 3 Overall: 75/100 [A1]
This is amazing! I can't believe I can get A1 for Combined.Humanities despite the fact that I totally did not manage to start on a 7m Question in source-based.

The best part is...I got full marks the rest of the Source-based questions for Social Studies. (Wow!)

And yes! I'm getting L4/10 for Essay Questions again! Wohoo!

Clearly there's a god. :D
Note: Additional Mathematics Paper 1's marks have been amended [Refer to Post dated 18 September 2009]
Elementary Mathematics

  1. Paper 1: 60/80
  2. Paper 2: 85/100
  • Prelim 3 Overall: 80/100 [A1]
My third A1 for Prelim 3! Which effectively makes my results better than Prelim 2. Woots!


  1. Paper 1: 35/50
  2. Paper 2: 30/50
  • Prelim 3 Overall: 65/100 [B3]
Though Mr Quek had not gone through the paper with us, I believe the marks written here are pretty much fixed. Even if I did improve my marks, the grade would most likely still remain at B3.


  1. Paper 1: 30/40
  2. Paper 2 Section A: 35/50
  3. Paper 2 Section B: 21/30
  • Prelim 3 Overall: 71.7/100 [A2]
Massive improvement! Woots! A1, here we come! LOLs, despite saying that, lots of hardwork still need to be put in to get my A1. :p

English Language

  1. Paper 2: 25/50
Shocked. Wow, this is as bad as Chinese. :o

This boy is praying for good marks for Paper 1, pray for him too! :D

Yep, that's it for today. Goodnight! ;)