Secret Language of Birthday

Sunday, January 25, 2015
Secret War Journal[25 January 2015]

I was just being informed by Stephanie about this page and decided share with you all.

In Summary:

Traits of this day...



Respect those you meet on the way


Due to their physical and sensuous nature, June 17 people must guard against addictions of all sorts, whether to alcohol, unhealthy food, tobacco or anything else that brings pleasure (even relationships and sex). Those born on this day must cultivate willpower, which may be firm when commanding others or pursuing goals, but weak or non-existent when controlling personal desires. The problem is often that June 17 people don’t fully grasp how serious such addictions are for their physical and mental health, or they just don’t care. The stabilizing influences of a regular diet and moderate exercise go a long way in reducing such cravings, as many now believe addictions are not only a cause, but a result of chemical imbalances.

Personality of this day...

June 17 people take what they do seriously. No matter how relaxed or comfortable they may appear to others, they are intent on reaching their goals and being responsible family members and friends. They can give the impression of having their life pretty well figured out. Unfortunately, while the demands they place on themselves are high they are also likely to lay a heavy burden on those close to them. If they have outright followers or employees, they can be extremely moral, stern and demanding of obedience to their wishes.

June 17 people are facile in thought and action, and consequently somewhat impatient with those who work with them. Normally, those born on this day are not good teachers and lack the necessary patience and understanding to explain to the apprentice or student. It is even more difficult for June 17 people to stand idly by while a job is bungled. In the bat of an eye they have probably already done it by themselves.

Those born on this day can be extremely persuasive in their arguments. They are also adept at applying pressure, whether sensual or forceful, in getting others to do their bidding. Highly talented or successful June 17 people tend to be influential in their area of endeavor, even after they have retired from the fray.

Usually a strong physical as well as mental presence is characteristic of those born on this day; emotional and intuitive capacities can be somewhat lacking, however. June 17 people may be hard, perhaps nearly impossible to reach on a deep feeling level. Many born on this day are alternately mistrusting and impulsive. Because they can so easily exchange a mature, responsible attitude for a petulant, childish one (usually when they don’t get their way), they promote mistrust.

June 17 people make fine planners, designers, and travelers, as most have an innate sense of direction and understanding of spatial realities. In rare cases, they are so advanced in this area, their methods so unique, that they may sometimes seem to lack sense for not going the easy route. Usually their logic becomes clear to others after such methods have proven correct.

June 17 people have been known to stretch a story a bit, even to tell some mighty tall tales in order to get their way. In addition, some born on this day get a real kick out of deceiving others. This may be harmless play, but like any game must be kept light and under control. Those born on June 17 should avoid gambling: though they may be clever, highly adept players they are still vulnerable to loss and being drawn into unscrupulous activities. Indeed, less highly evolved June 17 people make excellent con-artists. Whatever their moral character, however, those born on this day seem to have no trouble attracting followers to their cause, whether public or private.

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