Resignation of Work

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Secret War Journal[6 February 2010]
Back to the past once more! Whee!...

Am not going to post Orientation@MJC yet, there's a lot of pictures to upload! So it would be rather photo-heavy, beware. Hahas!

Fast forward to the coming Saturday after the Oreintation...
Lazy Lunch
Met up with Darian and Johnston at Bugis MRT Station.

They were quite late because they were rushing from the Canoeing Tryouts that day.

But Johnston very sad, parents later don't allow him to go for Canoeing.

Oh well, on the bright side, he now has more time to focus on studies since Canoe-ing takes up a lot of time. (Transportation to a water body from school and 4 times a week = OMG)

Had MacDonald's once more. Do you realise I keep eating MacDonald's recently? No!.....

I want KFC! :p
All of a sudden, I have no idea why but we ended up testing each other on Chemistry Definitions that we had learnt so far.

That day, I hadn't even memorise a single one. So when I reached home later, I went to memorise them all. :p


Test me about Relative atomics mass and Relative Istopic mass! (and!...)

Have to thank Darian for this one, hahas. (Hey I was correct about the no.of particles in the mole definition as keyword!!!)

Sad Parting
Went to our workplace and submitted our Letter of Resignation. Finally met my instructor once more since she was not around when I worked for the last time.

She very funny. :)

She was like, "where you go?!"

Me: Not working le.
She: Why?
Me: School started
She: wonder you disappeared since last week? Cannot find you. You like missing. Your friend(who is Johnston)'s partner also looking for him.
Me: (hahas!)I was here last week! You were not working that day, I think.
She: When?
Me: Er...last Saturday
She: Oh, I on break. Anyway, study well ah. Bye Bye.
Me: Bye Bye.

Felt a bit sad, she's very funny, made me working there fun.
We also talked with a cashier, she tells us to remember to come back whenever free. Okays! Hahas.
Choose your path of departure
After this, Johnston went to meet up with Trevor to play bowling while Darian and I headed to our respective homes. :)