Packed Friday

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Secret War Journal[22 January 2010]
Note: Will post about Meridian Junior College Open House when I have more time.

Down the Memory Lane, Streets of Geylang
Woke up relatively earlier than usual today. Today is going to be going to be busy day.

Woken up by a nightmare. Imagine being woken up via the shock from the a Taser.


My younger sister was preparing to go to school while I was trying to wake up my brain. My brain is trying to adjust to this change of sleep pattern.

No time to laze around though, I have a busy schedule to keep to today. Best not lag behind in today's plans.
Words of Thanks and more...
And towards the Ajunied MRT Station did I go...

After getting my results, my father asked me to pay my respects to my mother and tell her my "O" Levels Results.

Quite right. My mother deserves to know my marks.

But I still believe that my mother helped me. I'm not sure in what way but I feel that I should thank her for my good results.

So I thanked her today.
On the way, I paid my respects to my grandfather as well.

I got my shoes dirty on the day after I washed them. Oh well...
God knows I wanted to cry but I shouldn't. On the bright side, I kept that one side of the promise made ages ago...

But one is yet to be fulfilled...Only time will tell, huh?
Moving on, I headed towards Johnston's House.

On the way, I passed by the temple I used to worship in. It really bring back many memories, memories that I thought I had forgotten.

How many friends had I forsaken during my difficult time? Perhaps this is one of my biggest regret in life.

Thank you, Johnston, Marcus, Jia Xing, Jackie and many Inner Circle Friends for staying with me despite all odds.
Thank you for tolerating me. Thank you for everything.

P.S: Wonder how's the Aunt who used to take care of me?
Reaching Johnston's House, Johnston called me.

Sweet Timing! :)

Went to Johnston's House, we played Halo 3.

First time playing Halo 3. Cheered me up considerably, hahas.

Actually, this is the first time I played Halo 3. I bit slow but I don't really mind.

The brutes in Halo 3 are now funnier. =]

Grunts are ever funny. :)

Marines are still moderately funny.

Did I mention I like Arbiter? :)

Played with Johnston until 12PM. Called Jaytii to double-confirm that we're not getting pranked.

Thai Food much?
Met up with Jaytii and went shopping for my new school bag.

After that, met with Mr Quek(he forgot that he was supposed to join us for lunch. :p) to have lunch at some Thai Food Restaurant.

Talked about quite a number of things.

Had Oriental Fried Rice w/ Chicken there. It's average.

Mr Quek treated me today but I felt bad. Remind me to return him money next time I see him. ;)

Out of time.
Mr Quek had to return to school, Mr Koh was looking for him. (Opps?)
Next stop, we went to buy my school bag and said goodbye to Jaytii as we headed back to my school for CCA Recall...

CCA Return
I'm bringing Johnston along. ;)

Thanks Johnston for keeping me company, I won't be able to have done it without you. ;)

Did planning together with him.

After the CCA ended, I think Mr Goh was impressed with him. Hahas, bet he regretted teaching at NCHS now.
(Too late! Hahas)

So, yeah, we are confident that the CCA will survive with our absence. Woots!

Do your best, people, get more awards for the Club! :)
Brought John to the MRT and bade goodbye.

Now to fetch my younger bro home...