Pathetic Miracle

Friday, September 25, 2009
Secret War Journal[25 September 2009] -- Second Post
Hidden the first post for today for the time being.(It's a bit too sensitive and personal. Just some family issues.)


Prelim 3 Part 3
This should be the last part before I know the overall prelim grades.
English Language
  1. Paper 1 Section One - 18/30
  2. Paper 1 Section Two - 18/30
  3. Overall for Paper 1 - 36/60 [40%]
  4. Overall for Paper 2 - 25/50 [40%]
  5. Oral Marks for Prelim 3 - 24/40 [20%]
  6. Overall for Prelim 3 - 56/100 [C5]
Yeah(in a bored tone), I passed. Shucks.

Paper 2 was very badly done. This greatly pulled down my overall marks for English Language.

I wager my Paper 1 is rather average so I have no comments about this one. :o

It's a miracle because I thought I would get extreme borderline pass (or even fail). So yeah, I got C5 grade and not C6 grade. Woohoo!(lacks enthusiasm)

  1. English Language - C5
  2. Additional Mathematics - A1
  3. Elementary Mathematics - A1
  4. Combined.Humanities - A1
  5. Chemistry - A2
  6. Geography - B3
  • L1R5 - 13
Surprisingly, I have to resort to using Geography for my L1R5. Well, at least that proves that my Geography is improving. (I think)

Had a blast at self-study today.

It was a great balance between fun and study(something I missed from my Primary School days)

Celebrated Donavan's Birthday. Did Bukit Panjang Additional Mathematics Papers(because tomorrow have test :o)
Chatted with Keller.

Tricked Donavan with our "magic re-kindling candles"
*He kept on trying to extinguish the fire on the candles :D*

Semi-talked with Ms Tan.

If only school is like this everyday...