Secret War Journal[10 May 2009]

Sunday, May 10, 2009
For some unknown reasons, I feeling more and more depressed. I hope it's just the prospect of incoming examinations but I feel that maybe I feeling kind of lonely, being not able to call my close friends to chat and stuffs. It will not be the right thing to call at this period of time no matter how bored I may be as everyone's having examinations now and I would only disturb them so I guess I have to bear with it. [Sigh]

Okay, we're not moving to happier stuffs yet so brace yourself...

Holiday, good or bad?

Not so good for my family. Last night, my younger brother started vomiting. My parents brought him to a hospital as clinics are not open during Public Holidays(yesterday being Vesak Day)
A fundamental flaw, if you ask me. But we must understand that doctors are humans too, they need rest so I guess it can't be helped.
Anyway, our wonderful dinner was cancelled and I had to make dinner for my younger sister. So that night we have some sort of home cooked TV Dinner. Hahas. By the way, we had porridge with sliced fish and lean meat. (And some vegetables though I seriously doubt my younger sister even ate it)
Well, the good thing is that my younger brother just have some gut infection so it's nothing serious. Poor him, he can't eat all the good food we have for holidays now.

Which reminds me. We had western food for lunch! Personally prepared by my father himself. :D
Second time eating his western meals. Mmm!

Revised big time today! I finished last year's Additional Mathematics Paper! I feel so accomplished! And guess what? Johnston called! I thought he finished his examinations. This is because my school started examinations late so I assumed that most of my friends have already taken all their papers. (Some of my friends really had taken all)

Anyway, Emelia had some 'doubts' as claimed by Johnston. The whole idea was funny. It's just another misidentification.
You see, Emelia has this friend who know someone in my school called "Leroy" who is a Prefect, member of NCC(BTW, the guy he/she was talking about was in NPCC, not NCC) and etc.

This "Leroy" is obviously not me. (DUH!?) The guy mentioned is Leroy Tan in my school so don't get the wrong guy again!
I mean so many people are mistaking me for the other Leroy and vice versa.

That's it for today. See ya!