
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Secret War Journal[12~21 December 2009]
Hello guys! Well, yeah ,I'm bloggging one day earlier than usual (Woots?)

There's a reason for that, but for now, let keep it a mystery. O.o

What happened after the Job Hunt...
Okay, so the post on the Job Hunt would had left you, "What?...Cliffhanger!"

Opps? I did not do that on purpose! Sorry!

I just got severely sidetracked. (and ran out of time halfway? hahas!)

Okay, before you start entertaining murderous thoughts, let us move on. (hee...)
After applying, I pretty much wasted the next three days waiting for calls(which sad to say, really impossible since my stepmother took the handphone away so yeah...)

So yeah, I guess it's fate that even if they did want to hire me, they can't. Haiz...


Well, just then, a ray of light shone on me(okay, I'm bullshitting but yeah, just for the sake of making it more significant. :)

My aunt got a job for me! Woots!

And so I got a job(yeah, the same one as last year's)

Well, since it's pretty much the same as last year, I will skip the redundant details, here's something new!

Obviously, I modified the flier so that you can't, you know, reproduce it. And I removed the vouchers too. But yeah, lemme do some advertising, would yer? :D

Since my post was so discriminatingly targetted for males.(hahas!) I think it's only fair that this advertisement only concerns the females. :p

So yeah, Manicure and Pedicure! LOL, frankly, I have no idea what's the difference between this two...

So,...yeah, can't do much in this segment, (moving on...)
Since I distribute two fliers at once, I get double the pay! Woots!
Time's up. Aww...

I'm still considering if I should take a job at Reuben's workplace though I'm not sure if Trevor's company has vacancy for me. (I prefer working for Trevor. :p)