Day 2 of Os

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Secret War Journal[26~27 October 2009]
Three papers down, God-knows-how-many-more papers left!

English Language [26 Oct 2009]
Paper 1 Section One
I wanted to attempt Question Three which was about an occasion where someone helped and brought unexpected consequences on him.

Well, I'm always weak at such "consequences" questions, so I ended up attempting Question 4: Power.

Basically, I'm happy to say I used my senior's plot as an reference for this topic.

But I'm a bit worried that my modified plot may not answer the question directly and may go out of point.

Let's hope it won't come to that. :o

Paper 1 Section Two
This is the section where there is a controversy over the format of the Situational Writing.

Some say it is a formal letter (which is supported by me because I wrote formal letter)

Others say it is an informal letter...

Another camp says it is an open letter (which includes me because I wrote in Open Letter style)

Personally, I still believe that it is an Open Formal Letter(which means that there is no need to write writer's address and recipient's address) because how could an Invitation to a past Pupil be an informal letter?

Until someone could convince me how, I'm quite confident I wrote in the correct tone and format for the Question. =]
Paper 2
Summary was weird. I wrote exactly 150 words on my first draft. (HOLY COW!)

That's seriously rare. Though I doubt I got all the points (very unlikely)

This year's questions are filled with 'Quote the word' Style, which is good for me. :D
Did I mention I like such questions? >=D

Elementary Mathematics
Paper 1 [27 Oct 2009]
Generally, this paper was easy. Kind of tell you how difficult tomorrow's paper would be. :o

No confirmed errors from me so far. (which is good news)

However, I have doubts on some questions.

Which reminds me, if the question asks you to correct the answer to a reasonable degree of accuracy, how far to you round off to?
  1. 3 Significant Figures?
  2. 5 Significant Figures?
  3. 1 Decimal Places?
  4. 2 Decimal Places?
  5. 3 Decimal Places?
  6. Others?
I have no absolute idea. Just to play safe, I followed the cover page's instructions and correct to 3 Significant Figures. So could anyone with a clear reason why inform me the correct degree of accuracy?

That should be all. As usual, wish me luck! ;)