Secret War Journal[17~25 Nov 2008]

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
17~25 November 2008
Right, by looking at the date range, you would be screaming "OMG..this post going to be long.."

Well, you may be right, or wrong. Let's see, shall we?

Okay, during this period, I got a part-time job from my aunt as a flier boy.

This kind of flier is the door-to-door kind one, which means that you have to give a flier in front of the resident's door. And that means you have to basically walk to all the house units in that area to give out fliers.

Yeah, more tiring than simple flier job like letterbox-spam or giving out fliers at a fixed position somewhere in a public area but this flier job is more rewarding in the sense that the pay is higher.

You see, 500 pieces $11 compared to other flier jobs 1000 pieces $10. The difference is so obvious right?

So where did I give out in my fliers? I went to give out at Punggol(Singapore).

It looked so small in the map(lol) but when you actually went door-to-door, you can actually almost walk til very tired. (to the extent you can drop dead :p)

I mean, the norm is 17 floors with 6 units each. walk til I almost want to sleep(opps?) HAHAs...

My uncle will always say we(me and cousin) give out very little fliers because we only do 500 when he does 1000. (opps?)

We lazy, welcome to the new generation of life. HAHAs.....

But hey I worked for so many days and earned quite a bit of amount of money. That I'm way happy!

Oh yeah, I not sure I have said this before but we took very long to finish even 5oo pieces in a day. Want to know why? You would probably understand after I explain....

First, after each block, we would meet at a nearby bench and just rest(or slack if you prefer) for several minutes. The longest we sat there and chat was around half-an-hour. During this period, we could have completed close to two blocks which would be around 200 pieces of fliers.

Secondly, whenever we went near any shopping plaza or supermarket, we would go shopping there for food and beverages. Hahas, would spend around ten minutes walking around inside the supermarket.

And so, we took so much more time to complete a simple less than two hours to distribute 500 pieces.

And now, a picture of the flier that I distributed for my part-time job:
Flier for Marvis

Right, this pretty much covered everything for what had happened during this period(the important ones, at least).

Now on to what had happened on the next day....