Day 5 of Os

Friday, October 30, 2009
Secret War Journal[28~30 October 2009]
10 More Papers!
6 Papers down! 10 Paper more!

Elementary Mathematics
Paper 2 [28 Oct 2009]
I'm super confident about this paper! Should be only roughly three(or four) questions wrong. [which means 3(or 4) marks!] :D

Suggested Answer: Click Here[By Miss Loi]

Additional Mathematics
Paper 1 [29 Oct 2009]
Suggested Answer: Click Here[By Miss Loi][PDF]

Argh! Paper 1 was screwed up!

I wager I lost around 10 marks(10! Ahh~!)

To think I can lose around 5+ marks on careless. *Slap face*

Moving on...
Paper 2 [30 Oct 2009]
Suggested Answer: Click Here[By Miss Loi][PDF]

Paper 2 was (MUCH) easier than Paper 1.

As usual, I think I lost around 1 mark to careless.

Instead of writing point of inflexion, I wrote 'Point of Reflexion". =.=

I think I read too much about Physics (It sounds like Refraction!)

Hahas, I'm laughing at my own stupidity(and I think you're too ;)

Sincerely hoping that I get A1, :p

Home Alone
From the last post to now, I had been living by myself.

My family had went on a holiday. Obviously, I can't join, I'm having examinations right now!

Watch me, I'm going on my own holidays after my examinations ends! Ha!

LOL, that sounded childish. :o

Anyway, it was a short holiday, and they came back today.

I can't say what happened during the holiday, about me or the rest of the family.

Firstly, I have my own private life(shh!) LOL...

Secondly, I did not ask about how the holidays went from my parents. I mean, why should I get myself more depressed than I have to. :p

It's late, unless things do not go as plan tomorrow, I should have time to blog! Hahas.

au revoir!