Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts

NCHS Prom 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010
Secret War Journal[19 November 2010][Long Post]
Okay, I know this is weird. No, JC1s in Singapore do not have Prom Night. That would be crazy to have Prom Night yearly, I think their parents would scream. Hahas!

No, it's not a Prom night by MJC nor am I the organising committee for a Prom Night. It is...
I guess the picture above spoilt things pretty much already. Hahas!

I guess you people must be wondering, "Didn't you already graduated from NCHS? How in the world were you allowed in?"

Well people, to answer you questions, I was there on official reasons as a NCYM exco. Together with the rest of the exco who were present that day, we were sort of advertising during their prom night about NCYM and hope they would join us next year. :)

Joining us tonight are

  • Leroy (Vice-Chair)
  • Yee Teng (Secretary)
  • Keller (2nd HR)
  • Leroy (Public Relations)
  • Yong Liang (Member)
  • School Staff
  • Secondary Four graduates
This year's theme seems to be similar to mine - Live Your Dreams. Hmmm....
    This year's venue would be at the Holiday Inn, Attrium and they would be having dinner served! This is a far cry from my Prom Night where we had a conference room and had a buffet-style dinner. Theirs is so much more high class. T.T

    Hahas, to be honest with you, I wasn't expecting myself to be attending their Prom Night with them, since I had CCA before the Prom Night which was virtually a clash of events so I was intending not to attend the event but lo and behold! My CCA ended earlier than expected so I was able to go home and attend their event.

    Furthermore, chances are that we are not allowed into the prom night since it's not our Prom Night. It should be like the last time the Alumni people did, having a booth at the entrance, asking people if they're interested to join.

    Well, this year is a bit different. Firstly, we hardly used the booth. We decided to change tactics for this year, something like an experiment. We would distribute the registration form to each and every one by entering the attrium first and placing them on the tables. This would help to increase the outreach of our target audience. :)

    After that, Keller was nominated to go up to the stage to advertise in front of the whole cohort. His speech is right after our Principal. :)

    (I bet Keller must swearing at us for 'nominating' him. Hahas!)

    Meanwhile, we were watching the emcees for the night rehearsing. :)

    Here's the seating plan:

    After Keller's speech, most of our work is done. With our junior's Prom Night, we were deciding where to have our dinner since we're not allowed to eat their food anyways. Hahas!

    We discussed for a good half an hour, I guess? Turns out we're allowed to attend their Prom Night. (Boy, look at their shocked faces). We even had a table (shared with the councillors, of course) hahas!

    This is roughly where we sit(not the table that the hand was pointing at, it was table 22):
    Yep, our table is all the way to the front, just beside our teachers, the VIPs. Hahas!

    Our junior's Prom Night had a lot of amazing food! Their appetizers had a lot of variety of food!
    That's the appetizer, crazy much? O.o
    I mean, Keller was saying he was full after the appetizer. Wow!

    After the appetizers came abalone soup! My Prom Night didn't have such high-class food, you know.
    (I think it was a 7 course meal, not sure)
    One bowl for each of us! Mmm!

    Then came chicken, sea bass, mushroom with oysters, etc. 
     Pork but I'm not sure of it's official name. Mmm!

    I was full when desserts arrived. Hahas!
    Of course, Prom Night isn't just about food, we went taking photos with our juniors and teachers. These are some of them. :)

    Infocomm Club unite!

    Hahas, they were shocked when we appeared because....well we graduated already. There was no reason for us to appear in their prom night right? XD

    NCYM Exco!
    From Left: Keller, Leroy, Me, Mdm Teo, Yee Teng

    Food! See Yong Liang there? Hahas!

    Okay, that should roughly all. I shouldn't say too much about their Prom Night, it's theirs, not mine anyway. :)

    After we finished what we came to do, we left after taking pictures and head home. Saw the Orchard Christmas Lights. Oh my god! I must say, as I'm sure many would, it is nicer than previous years. :D

    Do take a look at the Orchard Christmas lighting when you can. :)

    P.S: See Philbert, I did say I was going to gatecrash your Prom Night. Hahas, oops? :p Too bad, we never take photo together in the end. :p

    Colorgenics Profile

    Monday, December 6, 2010
    Secret War Journal[6 December 2010]
    Recently came across this personality test and out of curiosity, I went to try it out. Here's my result:

    You have always been on the move seeking affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Your ultimate goal has been the realisation of an intimate union in which there could be love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust. It has often been said that 'True love is just around the corner' and - if you haven't found it as yet - you possibly soon will.

    You are feeling very vulnerable at this time. Nothing seems to be going in the right direction - business wise, private-life wise, everything. You need some emotional security and an environment which could possibly provide fewer problems, but the way you are feeling you can't be bothered even to make the effort.

    You lack confidence and that is a great pity because deep down you are indeed a warm caring person. This lack of confidence is making you wary of being drawn into any open discussion or conflict and so you feel as if you should let matters lie and leave well alone. But there may be a pleasant surprise in store for you. You are beginning to grow and very soon - sooner than you believed possible - this warm loving new you will be available for all to see and to appreciate.

    You are an emotional, sincere and impressionable individual experiencing frustration and unnecessary stress. You are carried away by other people's enthusiasm and looking for that idealised relationship, be it in a business or personal situation, which you are able to share with a mutual depth of understanding. You have lowered your defences in the past and you have been hurt, so you are now extremely wary of being exploited. You are still ready to trust people on the condition that they are prepared to offer you proof of their sincerity.

    You are inclined to be too trusting and you feel that you need to be on your guard against the possibility that your endeavours and actions may be misunderstood. Too often you have been taken advantage of and you have been mentally abused. Now you are seeking a relationship which can provide peace of mind, where you can be yourself and not have the need to put on a false front.

    Hmm... well, you guys can also try it out on :)

    I'm working on the other posts. I just wanted to post this first since 1) I would forget the link. 2) I hardly need to type much for this. :)


    AFA X

    Monday, November 22, 2010
    Secret War Journal[14 November 2010][Long Post][Picture-Heavy]
    PhotobucketIt's that period of the year again!

    Anime, Cosplay, Jpop, Games, Vocaloids!


    Joining us this year are...
    1. Johnston
    2. Trevor
    3. Keller
    Zikry couldn't join us due to some unforeseen reasons. Therefore, this year, we have to come slightly earlier to buy the tickets which would be very long queue later in the afternoon.

    No matter, Johnston and I came first and helped to purchase tickets for everyone else. Waiting for the rest to arrive but at this moment, I want to comment that there is very almost no crowd right here right now. Wow! I think all of them went to watch the Haruhi movie in there. O.o

    Well, I'm not going to pay more for an animie movie which I didn't even watch. Hahas! I mean, I'm not even going to attend the AniSong concert later! T.T

    When they arrived after some epic moments of finding us while standing in front of us and using their handphone talking to us (LOL!), we produced the tickets and entered the exhibition!

    Okay, the previous post was the old narration-style so it's time to go photostory(not to mention that if I go write out in prose, this post could go on forever)! As I always say, "WIthout further ado" let the pictures do the talking!
    Okay, you probably wasn't expecting this picture. I mean, "Where's the AFA pictures! This is not one!" but yeah, I couldn't find any other place to place this. :P

    The "chop" to indicate we're allowed to enter the exhibitions.


    Look at Trevor's face. So lustful. Joking!

    Haruhi Figurines


    Hatsune Miku!!!!
    Black Rock Shooter


    Final Fantasy Cosplay. Not bad.

      Maid Cafe?! To think Trevor and keller thought there was only Butler Cafe this year. :o

    This is one car that is bound to cause car accidents.

    I mean, it definitely would distract male drivers, I think. Hahas! Opps?

    AFA X Official Car. O.o

    Gundam Car. Now this is one Cool car, until you scratch it, of course. XD


    Power Ranger? EPIC.

    Power Rangers to the Rescue! (Roll on the floor laughing, can't stand myself saying that. Hahas!)

    Unglam shot of red ranger. We're so evil. XD

    Dolls. Zi Ying has lots of this, I think.

    A nicer shot with nicer dolls. O.o
    Okay, maybe the previous shot was nicer. :p

    Domo! Group Picture!

    Toradora! Taiga! My favourite character there! Woots!

    Taiga and Me. How come she's taller than me!!! O.o Scary.

    Johnston and Taiga. Wonder where's Taiga's boyfriend. Never see him. O.o

    Animax Station is here, as usual. But the voiceover is..... let's just say I prefer the original japanese version. :p


    Princess or?

    White Princess?

    Emm...the princess is nicer. XD (Evil me...)

    More of princess

    Random Hatsune Miku cosplayer. Hey, where's your leek? XD

    Naruto with an epic touch.


    Pikachu epic win version. >=D

    Black Rock Shooter Cosplayer, look better in reality.

    Sorry for the eye issue.


    Christmas is here already?! Joking!

    You got to admit it's nice though. :)

    I should not saying evil. (Like Christmas? ROFL)

    Nice right? I hope. XD


    Now we have Halloween. XP

    Snow white?!


    And this year's winner for Cosplaying is..... Trevor for best cosplaying a commoner. Congrats!

    Gundam. Sweet!



    Hatsune Miku Project Dive now has arcade version. Wow!

    I wish I could play that game...

    Hatsune Miku Green hair version.

    Our good friend Wei Siang, who was working there, taught us how to do play a Japanese card game. ^^

    Wei Siang VS Keller. Who wins?

    Fun with playing cards! :)

    Epic Staff. Sakura.


    They were fooling with their skirts. Ok...

    The traditional epic face pose! XD

    This is actually a fail shot but it's so cool though people would had thought we were stalking people. Hahas!

    Last picture... Aww...

    Finally, to end it off, a compilation of all the pictures taken that day!

    Credits: Johnston and I for the pictures.