Never give up

Friday, June 28, 2024
Secret War Journal[28 Jun 2024]


Monday, April 1, 2024
Secret War Journal[1 April 2024]

Tell me that you hate me
Yeah, I heard it all before
There is a life here for the taking
Is it mine or is it yours?
All I am is what you make me
You're on both sides of the war
It's not the devil that you're facing
It's just your shadow on the floor


Saturday, March 30, 2024
Secret War Journal[30 March 2024] 
Atop the hills, isolated from all. 

Some days I wonder. 

Was this really worthwhile?

Was this really what I wanted? Why do I feel so empty?

Why do I feel that I lost something on this path? Some says constants are just that, constant. But is it really true? 

I prayed for an answer but I have strayed too long and no longer worthy to hear the answer.

I'm on my own now.